Now they know too

This is Love

[Jaejoong's POV]

We finished eating dinner at eight o'clock and decided to just stay at the restaurant and talk for a while. For some reason, ____ hasn't mentioned about her pregnancy. Of course I knew that she was nervous and maybe she'd think that her and my parents will not like the idea, but no matter what the problem is, they'll find out sooner or later.

''You should definitely go buy the bride dress right now, dear.'' My omma said and then took a sip from her wine.

____ nodded with a smile. ''Actually, Sunny (SunJung) and I were planning to go next week. Would you like to come?''

''Oh, that would be really nice.'' Omma smiled.

____'s mom then turned to look at me. ''And how have ____ been behaving since the two of you moved in together, Jaejoong?''

''She's been a great lady, as always.'' I smiled.

''I can't wait for a year to be over!'' Her mother then sighed. I knew what she was talking about. Our parents did know that we planned on being married for a year before having children, but what they didn't know was that our plans have changed. ''You two do promise to have kids, right?'' She said looking at me.

____ heard what her mother said and immediately turned around to face her. ''Omma!'' She shouted embarrassed. ''We promise!? What was that? What if we don't want to have kids?''

It's a little too late for that...

''Well, you've always been talking about marrying the right guy and having your own family, haven't you? Why wouldn't you want kids?'' Her mother shrugged.

____ slightly shook her head and turned to look at me apologetically as though she did something wrong. What's up with that? Does that have to do with pregnancy hormones? I don't think it happens this quick... It doesn't matter, I know I'm wrong anyways.

''We do want kids, Mrs. Ho.'' I nodded. ''Actually...'' I said looking at ____. It had to be now.

All four of them turned to look at us. Then only at ____.

''Just a couple of days ago... I found out that I was pregnant.''

''It took you about two hours to tell us that, dear.'' My mom said.

Both ____ and I were shocked. What?

''You knew?'' I asked surprised.

''Of course I knew, and not just me, but her mom too. We're women too, son.''

''Why did it take you so long to tell us, ____?''

''I - What? You knew!? I was afraid of your reactions. Why is everyone so calm about it? Am I the only one who's afraid of it?''

''First of all, ____, you should calm down.'' Her father said and placed his hand on her back. ''We're here to support you. Even though, being honest, I would have liked for you and Jaejoong to wait for a year as planned.'' He said and turned to look at me.

I smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of my head.

''We would like to be informed too. So, whenever you go to the doctor for check-ups, don't doubt on giving us a call.'' My appa said.

____ was still taking deep breaths.

When her father let go of her, I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer. ''Everything seems to be just fine again.''

''Which is pretty weird, don't you think? Like way too perfect?'' You said concerned about the situation.

''Why can't you just relax and be happy about it? What did you want? Your parents yelling at you?'' I asked confused.

''No...but maybe more drama about it?''

''You just love drama, don't you?'' I said with a smile.


~ Next day ~

''Hyung, you wanted to see us?'' Yoochun asked as he stepped into my office, followed by Yunho, Changmin and Junsu.

I nodded and stood up from my chair. I walked around my desk and sat down on it while each one of my dongsaengs took a seat on my couch.

''I've got good news.'' I said.

''You got promoted?'' Junsu asked with a grin.

I shook my head. ''That was two months ago, Junsu. How can I get promoted again?''

''I was just trying to guess.'' Junsu shook his head with a sigh.

''Anyways, it's actually about ____.'' I said. All of them stayed quiet. ''You can guess now...''

''She already found the dress she wanted?'' Yunho asked.

''What? No! Why would you even try to guess that, huh?'' I asked confused. Were they really this bad at guessing?

Yunho shrugged. ''Last week she texted me saying that she couldn't find the perfect dress. And without the 'perfect' dress, then it wouldn't be her dreamed wedding.''

''She's pregnant, isn't she?'' Changmin then asked before I could say anything back to what Yunho just said.

Everyone turned to look at Changmin surprised and then back at me.

I nodded and smiled. ''That's right. ____ and I are having a child.''

''How? When? No, no, no, don't tell me how.'' Junsu said and shook his head.

I rolled my eyes. ''She found out just a few days ago.''

''Congratulations, hyung!''

''Gamsahabnida guys.'' I smiled back.

[End of Jaejoong's POV]


You went to SunJung's house since she asked for you to help her bake a cake, and that would give you a chance to tell her in person, face to face, that you were pregnant.

''Chocolate flavor...YUM!'' SunJung smiled.

You leaned against the table and smiled too. ''You're planning something special for Yunho, aren't you?''

SunJung laughed. ''Oh, you know me too well. When are we going to go buy that dress of yours?''

''Next week.'' You smiled.

''____, we're three weeks from your wedding. Shouldn't we go now?''

You shook your head. ''I can't for these days. I've got a doctor's appointment this Friday.'' You said.

''What? Wae?'' SunJung stopped baking and turned to look at you.

''Because of the simple reason that I'm...pregnant.'' You said.

''What!? You!? When!? Am I the last one to know about it?'' She asked.

You shrugged. ''I don't know. I just found out a few days ago, and this may sound weird but...can you believe that I'm glad that you're acting this way?''

SunJung raised an eyebrow. ''Are you crazy? What's wrong with you? How can you be glad? You're crazy!!''

''Unni, come with me to the doctor's appointment, pleeeease!''

SunJung sighed. ''Okay, okay. Now, back to the dress...what are you going to do if your belly does not fit in?''

''Like you said, in three weeks I'll be married. I don't think my belly will get any bigger.'' You said looking down at it.


~ At Minho's ~

''So, you're leaving her alone, right?'' Onew asked. ''I mean, she's pregnant, Minho. You can't continue trying to make her fall for you.''

''Yeah, you've got to stop it!'' Taemin agreed.

''Look, I know she's pregnant. I'll just be by her side as a friend, okay? Are you guys fine with that?'' Minho asked sarcastically and then turned around.

''We mean it, Minho. Stop it.'' Key said.

''You guys just don't know this girl or even understand what I'm going through right now. ____ is like perfect. I've never felt this way for any other girl!'' Minho confessed.

''Well, this girl, ____, is already taken. So go find another one!'' Jonghyun ordered.

''I'm sure it's just a crush, hyung. You'll get over it.'' Taemin said.

''No, this is not just a simple crush....'' Minho shook his head. ''Look, I'm tired, okay?''

Good chappie? Hope so!

@Sameaknaaa: I'll try to write a nice chappie between ____/you and Minho, okie? ^^

@Cupcakes10000: Yup, with each chappie it's getting more complicated. Lol.

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Chapter 40: I totally loved this story,eventhough it's been(I don't know when you finished it) much later than when this ended I just decided to look for your stories (since I LOVED "Right in front if you") well I love Jaejoong,I guess that's why too haha but hell yeah your stories (the plot and the way you write) is just so awsome and makes me feels like I'm living it,I guess because of the way you write it :) anyway thanks for the story (I know it's late lol) I'll upvote anyway ; ) ♡♡♡
redblossom07 #2
Chapter 39: omfg! i burst out of laughing when Yuna wants to play cars than dolls bwuahahahahahahahahaha!

nice story btw ^^
shinsookyo #3
daebak <3
koreankendi #4
Waaaah!!! Great fic!!! :D <br />
Yey for the really nice ending!!!
KPOPlover05 #5
It’s done already? T.T Why I haven’t seen this such a great fanfic? <br />
OH Hell Yeah~ My problem really is when I’m reading done/complete fanfic, I’ve got so many predictions and most of them indeed happened. Like Minho to be with SuYeon,. <br />
Jae and ______ son (HyunSu) and Minho and SuYeon’s child. HAHA! That was epic, They’re so young to have kissed.<br />
Happy Ending **Confetti** <br />
Btw, could you make Minho and SuYeon fic? PLEASE ! *Am I asking or demanding? XDD* <br />
SaffyMaffy #6
Aww sad that it end :( your story is awesome and i like it! :D I love happy ending! ^^
awww its done allready >.< but i want more!
heechulgirl4ever #8
yeay, she still eneded with Jae hihi great story :)
akuhaya #9
thanks for the happy ending<br />
You're a good writter,,i'll wait for your other story :)
Xcassie4lifeX #10
i reaally liked the ending! it was cute n funny, im happy for minho, and ofcourse Jaee~ :D great job with the story (Y) i will definitly read ur other stories ;)