Last treat

Snow White and the Five Genies

When you were on your way to your house in Jeju, you stopped by at the entrance of the amusement park. You wished to go there again.

Your oppas saw your craving so they gave you a warm smile.

"Wanna try a thousand of rides again?" Minho asked, hoping you would reject since he almost vomited last time.

Key put his arm on you. "You like rides too, hime?"

"If so, then let's get in." Onew immediately said and entered.

"Yah, hyung." Minho tapped Key's shoulder. "Can I get my girl now?"

"Aish this selfish bastard~!" Key tightened his clutch on you, teasing Minho more. "Can't a friend have some fun with a friend?!'

"B-but hyung... the friend you're referring to is my girlfriend..."

"Yah, Baegseol? Where do you want to ride first?" Key cheerfully asked, ignoring Minho's statement.

Erin suddenly ran to you and clutched on your right arm. "Unnie, let's go together."

"Yah, Erin. Can't you see I'm with her?"

"Wae? we're all together here. You can't be selfish oppa~! She isn't even yours." Erin pouted and pulled you from him.

"This brat~! Yah Jonghyun!" Key grabbed Jonghyun's collar. "Look at your girlfriend, she's crazy right?"

Jonghyun chuckled and pat Key's shoulder. "Girls should hang-out, it's natural you know."

"Aish, how can you be so tolerant?!"

"Yah~ aren't you all going?" Onew annoyingly asked.

"Hyung do something here~!" Key wailed.

"As far as I know, Baegseol's the one who yearns to ride. So if you'll just fight over there, don't include her." He replied and grabbed you away from them.

"Why hadn't I thought of that strategy earlier?"  Minho frowned and followed them.

"Oh~ let's ride there first!" You excitedly pointed out. "B-but I guess it'll be more exciting if we go in that boat-like ride." You giggled and looked around, intensely choosing on where to start.

"How about there, it's fun, right?" 

"Here she goes again. You know we can ride that all right?" Minho chuckled and put an arm on you.

Onew pulled you away as he uttered, "Let's go over there." 

"Yah hyung~!" Minho called, a bit pissed off since he couldn't get near you.

You first rode the baby rollercoaster that had three seats. Minho was about to sit on the other side, when Key pushed him out and sat instead.


"Better find your seat if you don't want to be left behind." Key teasingly said and winked at him.


You were too happy that you didn't even notice how they fought. Onew kept your distance from them and noticed how you acted like a child in that place.


"Yah Baegseol, where do you want to ride next?" He asked, after taking ten heavy rides.

"I wanna ride in the giant roller coaster again~!" You shrieked as the gang almost fainted.

"Oppa..." Erin called Jonghyun. "Can't I rest for a while? Baegseol unnie is just so hyper. I can't chase her anymore."

Jonghyun sighed and chuckled. "Me either. I feel like vomitting by now." He said and tapped his stomach.

"Yah, we surrender here. You two keep on fighting." Jonghyun informed Key and Minho.

"Hyung, I'm sure you're pretty exhausted too.... so"

"Not a word Minho." Key cut his statement and just followed you.

"Aish~! he's persistent." Minho whispered and continued to follow you despite of his dizzy head.


"Oppa~!" You called as Onew stopped walking. 

You saw an ice cream stand and ran to it. "Give me vanilla please?" You sweetly smiled as Onew ordered too.

"I want a double dutch." He gave the payment as you excitingly your ice cream.

"Yah, can't you even utter the word 'thank you'?" Onew asked when you went ahead without him.

"Eh? Oh-- I forgot to pay!" You were about to pay when Onew stopped you. "I already did, you're just too excited not to notice."

You blushed and just uttered a sweet "Thank you oppa~!"

He slightly pat your head as the two of you sat on a bench.

Minho ran past Key as he hastily found a seat beside you. 

You were too busy your ice cream that you didn't even notice his presence.

"Yah, can't you even say 'Hi' to your oppa?" Minho was seeking your voice.

You gasped as your eyes met him. "Oppa~! hello." You giggled and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Onew asked as they both stood too.

"I've got to pee, okay?" You gave your ice cream to Minho and gleefully ran toward the toilet, which was quite far from them.

"Don't you guys have plan to follow her?" Key asked.

"We're surely gonna follow her, not inside the toilet of course. Besides, she's old enough to handle herself, right?" Onew smirked and went ahead.

"Aish after dragging her the whole time~! He'll just...!" Key babbled but Minho didn't dare to pay attention and just followed.


You were about to enter when you suddenly heard a familiar voice behind you. You looked back and slightly tilted your head, trying to remember the guy's face but failed to.

"Baegseol ssi?" The guy asked with a glimpse of smile on his face.

"Can't you remember me?"

"Ah... your face's quite familiar; I just don't know where I met you." She answered with her usual tone of speaking two years ago.

"At least you know you've met me before." 

"But who are you?"

He held your wrist and uttered, "Can you come with me for a minute? I'll show you something."

You just nodded and followed him. You didn't even know why you weren't able to refuse. You weren't hypnotized, but charmed by him. He looked too kind for you not to trust him without even noticing that you were already far from the park.


"Yah, hyung. Isn't she taking so long?" Key annoyingly asked while waiting outside the girl's toilet.

"You're right. But if you're that impatient go and check her inside." Onew chuckled.

"Aish~! I won't be able to get out of there without receiving heavy slaps."

"Key's right hyung. There's no way she would take thirty minutes inside unless something has happened." Minho worriedly said as they saw Jonghyun and Erin running towards them.

"Yah, have you seen Baegseol?" Jonghyun asked while panting.

"Wae? we've been waiting here for too long. She said she'll just be here." Key replied.

"I'll check her." Erin immediately ran inside and opened every door inside, with or without a person.

"Just what I thought, it's unnie that we saw a while ago."

"A man's holding her. And it seems that she knows him." Jonghyun added.

"Why didn't you stop her?!" Minho asked in panic.

"We couldn't. I mean, we weren't even sure." Erin replied.

"We can't find her if we fight. Let's move!" Onew cut them as they separated their ways.

"Geez... you can't leave us yet Baegseol ah... at least not now. Not until I'm gone."  He thought and clenched his fist, anxiously roamed around to find you.




OKAY, so I wasn't supposed to publish this yet, but since my UNNIE [chas_ssmentrok] seems to be down, I hope this could help :\

Thanks for your support, you :"> 

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witchyina #1
Chapter 41. I saw you thanked me for my support. I cant even remember when did i supported u harhar. when did u wrote this story ba?
witchyina #2
hey d ba sila ngkita ni erin ever nung nandon pa cia sa palace?
witchyina #3
anak ng Quenn si Erin?.. well sabi mo kasi magcomment ng magcomment ^^ kaya tatadtarin kita
witchyina #4
taemin gave up his life for the princess. how nice naman ^^<br />
kakatuwa si onew " i knew this would happen. she's dead" ~nambibigla harhar
witchyina #5
porket kasama nia ang shinee at sia lang ang pinapansin ng shinee na agad >.<
witchyina #6
ilang taon na ba si butler? nasa chapter 4 palang kc ako. eh. :)
chas_ssmentrok #7
Final: <br />
Woah haru end na &&<br />
chas_ssmentrok #8
Chpt 47:<br />
Woah bumalik let si yoonho xD
chas_ssmentrok #9
Chpt 46:<br />
Wahhhhhhh!! Grbeh nanay nya ba tlga un?!?! 0_o
chas_ssmentrok #10
Chpt 45:<br />
Wahhhh @___________@