fake curse

Snow White and the Five Genies

One man dragged you and pushed you in front of Minho.

Your knees bent down as you placed your palm on the floor to support you. 

Minho rolled his eyes and thought that you shouldn't be there.

"We're just having our revenge to your boyfriend, but it seems that you follow him all the way here. What a luck." They chuckled.

The leader lifted up the knife and swung it in his hands.

"Here goes the knife again..." You frighteningly said in your mind.

You glanced at Minho and saw his head stained with blood. He was meagerly unconscious.

"W-wait ahjussi..." You bravely interrupted and stood up.

"I know, he was cruel that time. But I guess what you're doing now is a little-- you know, beyond wild?"

They just responded with a loud, annoying laugh as if they didn't really care.

"Yah ahjussi! Don't just laugh at me. I actually know why you are doing this! You need an entertainer, aren't you?"

"Entertainer? Wae can you entertain us?"

"Yeah! I've got a precious, beautiful voice that only few can hear. They say that when I sing, those who can't hear my voice are IDIOTS, and would lead them to bad luck."

"And what kind of fiction is that again?!"

"Aiiissh! You know my umma? I was still a child back then when I first sang." You stated, though in fact you hadn't seen her before.

"She could hear my voice at first, but didn't hear the middle part of the song. She saw my lips moving and obviously I was singing since I could hear my voice, but the fact that she couldn't scare her the most. She thought that she had a hearing defect, which wasn't true even when we asked the doctor."

"So your umma is an idiot?" They chortled again.

"No, just half-idiot 'cause she heard me singing the first part, remember? Then after a day, I saw her lying on the floor, dead. Everyone doesn't know the reason behind it. They don't know the cause of her death until now." You solemnly said.

"And when I performed on the stage when I was at the age of ten, only ten out of one hundred people applauded at my song because they were the only ones who could hear it and apparently, they were the 'genius' people. Then after my performance, a tragedy occured in that place. The building was burnt. Though fortunately, some people were still saved."

"Then next victim is my appa... ugh, how I wished that I didn't bother to sing in front of him. But he was the one who insisted! I didn't know he was half-idiot like my Mum!" You cried as real tears came from your eyes, though you were laughing inside.

"I sang his favorite song, but again at the chorus part, his ears became dumb. Eottokkajhyii ahjussi?! Is it my fault huh?! Now I'm an orphan who's lost and want parents to take care of me! So it's just like, 'I klled my parents'!!!!" You sobbed, as the three men felt so sorry for you.

"So... how can you get rid of that curse?" One man curiously asked.

"I have a hypothesis actually. Everytime I play with my maid, I used to sing though she couldn't hear me. She always tells me that I look stupid for opening my mouth and pretend that I'm singing while composing my hand. But she didn't have any unfortunate events that occur while serving me. Now I thought, if people would follow my requests, then they can probably escape from my curse."

"And how will we know if you're just bluffing?!"

"Yah ahjussi! Do I still look like bluffing for you huh?! If only I've known it sooner then I wouldn't lost the people I love." You cried again with loud sobs.

"Tss, she's obviously lying." Minho whispered in his mind.

"Okay, let's give it a try. I'm pretty sure we're not idiots who wouldn't hear your voice."

You then cleared your throat and began to sing. The fact that your voice was fascinating was true, but the curse on you was absolutely a lie. At the chorus part of the song, you cut your voice while continued pretending.

"Does that mean that I'm an idiot too?" Minho chuckled.

The three gulped and looked at each other. They checked their ears properly as they confusedly glanced at Minho.

"Yah... can you hear her singing?" The leader asked as Minho nodded.

"Wae? don't tell me you can't?"

"O-of course I can! Haha, beautiful isn't it? The lyrics are full of love huh."

"Love? She isn't talking about love. It's about a lonely girl who wanders off the street."

You almost wanted to laugh as you saw their faces, but you might be screwed up so you acted till you finished the song.

"Ahjussi, isn't my voice so great?" You widely grinned.

"Ah yeah!" They laughed and frighteningly glanced at each other.

"Yah, agassi... since your voice is just so golden, w-we'd like to grant a wish of yours." 

"Really? Can it be two wishes?" You asked gleefully.

"Y-yeah, of course!"

"First, of course you let us pass, and second... you come and visit us in our home sometime!"

"S-sure! Haha..." 

You helped Minho up and amiably smiled at the three.

"Kumawo ahjussi... our house is just three blocks away from here." 

They just nodded and waved at you as you waved back.

"Those big men are really idiots... fortunately I'm such a wise girl." You winked.

Minho didn't respond and get away from you when you were already far from them.

"Yah, you have to clutch on me if you don't want to fall!" You said and grabbed his arm but Minho unexpectedly took it away.

"You've done well. Now leave me." He said and walked ahead.

"Eh? Where are you going?"

Minho didn't respond as you felt that he was mad.

"Yah Minho opp~"

"Go and don't follow me!" 

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witchyina #1
Chapter 41. I saw you thanked me for my support. I cant even remember when did i supported u harhar. when did u wrote this story ba?
witchyina #2
hey d ba sila ngkita ni erin ever nung nandon pa cia sa palace?
witchyina #3
anak ng Quenn si Erin?.. well sabi mo kasi magcomment ng magcomment ^^ kaya tatadtarin kita
witchyina #4
taemin gave up his life for the princess. how nice naman ^^<br />
kakatuwa si onew " i knew this would happen. she's dead" ~nambibigla harhar
witchyina #5
porket kasama nia ang shinee at sia lang ang pinapansin ng shinee na agad >.<
witchyina #6
ilang taon na ba si butler? nasa chapter 4 palang kc ako. eh. :)
chas_ssmentrok #7
Final: <br />
Woah haru end na &&<br />
chas_ssmentrok #8
Chpt 47:<br />
Woah bumalik let si yoonho xD
chas_ssmentrok #9
Chpt 46:<br />
Wahhhhhhh!! Grbeh nanay nya ba tlga un?!?! 0_o
chas_ssmentrok #10
Chpt 45:<br />
Wahhhh @___________@