I am a wolf.
Yes, a vicious killing monster that grows stronger and craves for human flesh at the sight of a full moon.
I am a wolf.
I have set my eyes on my next victim. Just awaiting the full moon before I can have a full meal. 
I don't know why we crave for human flesh every full moon, when we can live off of animals. They say that the humans can give us strength and I guess that's just about it.
Since I want to become stronger than I am today... I have been doing it, at least twice or thrice a year to keep myself strong and undeafeated.
Modesty aside, I am the strongest in our pack, and I am the third oldest, our alpha knows I can overcome his authority if I want to, so he cannot boss me around like the other members of our pack.
Our pack is small, we are around 4 to be exact... but we are feared by the nearby packs around us, since we are a strong one... no one dares to challenge us.
Since the full moon is set to appear in 6 days, I have found a perfect human for me. She has the spirit, the confidence and a very intriguing and mysterious aura around her that got me interested in her.
I found her walking in the shopping district, amidst the crowd of eager shoppers looking for a bargain, there was something about her that caught my attention. I was lured by her charisma, that scent of hers made my mouth water. I wanted to devour her right then and there, but since I dare not risk to expose our kind, I might as well wait for the right opportunity and ripen my meal.
I live simply... on the outside, during my "normal days", I am just a university student majoring in Fine Arts by day and a pizza delivery guy by night, see? I am normal... just ignore the wolf side of me especially when there is an upcoming full moon.
5 days before the full moon, I met with the pack as I tried to hide the fact that I have already had a catch for myself... I don't like to share... I am selfish that way... I worked hard for my meal so no free-loaders allowed.
"Oh man... I am really getting riled up inside... can't wait for the full moon already!" Seungho-hyung uttered wiping off the saliva that was dropping from his mouth
"What about you, Kris, have you found your meal already?" Mir asked while trying to aegyo his way towards me
"No... get off of me... no free loaders... my watch, my catch!" I said... my name is Kris by the way, and I am the member that rarely does anything but gets noticed easily... since they say I always throw a '-face' which I don't know and don't want to know what it means, I tend to catch a lot of attention especially from the opposite , aside from my towering height... well, that's just about it.
Since I can't stand hearing them lust towards an unknown prey, I decided to leave them and trail on my current victim.
I saw her walking home coming from her job as a dishwasher at this Chinese restaurant downtown.
I always see her alone, which makes it perfect... and she lives alone, her friends are always busy, so no problem with that, she wouldn't be missed if she's gone.
As she crossed the street walking passed an alley, I sense danger... isn't there always danger whenever a girl passes by a dark alley... I wonder why girls still walk through this dark alleys as if asking for danger to come to them.
And as soon as I finished my thought, I was right... there at the end of the dark alley stood 2 hooded guys with a knife on hand, trying to scare my victim, as if they stand a chance against me? Heh? She is mine... and she will be my meal come full moon.
When I looked towards the alley, in a flash, she was gone? I ran after them, taking in her scent to track her down. I followed it heading for the river banks. As I hurriedly went to the direction of her scent, leading to the dark part of the river banks just below the bridge, I saw the two guys, trying to force themselves into her.
I can hear her deafening screams, but since one of the guys had his hand on , nobody with natural hearing can hear her scream, if you have heightened hearing abilities then good for you... you can hear her scream... and good for me... I can hear her scream.
I ran towards the two, and as simple as grabbing one of them by the collar and throwing them aside, they were now off of my victim. 
There, now... my victim is safe for me to devour come full moon. I was about to leave when her hands stopped me, I can feel her shaking, I looked back and saw her head bowed down.
"Th-thank you." she uttered with shaky breath as she slowly lifted her head, her eyes staring at me, I can see tears b her eyes, I didn't want to get close to my victim, I didn't want to have any emotional attachment, because, how can you enjoy a meal if you pity them, right?
I shrugged her hand away, and walked away. I didn't hear any foot steps, I guess she is still standing there in that dark part of the river bank, below the bridge, and when I got a look... yes, she is still there... staring into nothing... I guess still shocked at what happened to her.
Aish... do I have to send her home then? I guess... I still have technically 4 days to keep her alive before I can take her!
"C'mon... it's dangerous out here" I said, as I grabbed a hold of her arm, I can still feel it shaking. It was as if she was out of it. 
It's like if I drag her out to the forest and devour her there, she would willingly go with me, she was lifeless and was still in shock.
When we got to her apartment building, I let go of her hand and left her there.
3 days before the full moon, it seems like my victim got over her trauma and was living her life as if nothing happened the other night. That's good, less worry for me.
That's what I thought... same night shift, same route going home, same dark alley... what is this girl thinking? Is she really looking for trouble?
Thankful though that she got through the dark alley without any commotion. What was surprising was when she reached the end of the alley, her shoulders fell and she looked defeated. 
AS if she was lost in thought, she crossed the street aimlessly, and really not taking a notice of the red light for pedestrians.
REally now... I am regretting that I had my eye on this meal of mine... it's hard keeping her alive before killing her... aish.
In the blink of an eye, I pushed her out of the way while I protected her head before it could hit the gutter of the street.
When I looked down on her, I was shocked that she was smiling... looking up at me, smiling... is this girl crazy?
"Thank you again!" the girl uttered with a smile plastered on her face, she refused to be brought to the hospital and clung to my side.
Bad idea saving her the other night. 
Since I was forced to take her home... I walked behind her with my head bowed down, not noticing that we already reached her apartment building
"Thank you... that's 2 already" the girl stated
"Let's not try for a third one" I said to her void of any emotion
"What's your name?" she asked me, now this question I was still debating on answering her, should I tell her the name of the person or monster that will eat her 3 days from now or not?
"What's your name?" I asked back stalling for time, since I was still debating the idea
"My name is Lee Chaerin, what is your name?" she smiled shyly at me, oh no... you are not having a crush on me! Don't you dare!
I just nodded and walked away, leaving her hanging, deciding on not telling her my name since it would be of no use to her once she's dead.
1 day before the full moon, I was with my pack. They are getting restless, for tomorrow night... is the night that we feast.
"So... are you ready for tomorrow night?" I asked one of us who was sitting beside me, Joon-hyung who was acting nonchalantly
"Yup... ready as I'll ever be" Joon stated with malice in his eyes, one could tell that he is imagining the kill right now.
"Hyung... mind to share?" MIr still hounding me for my catch
"Andwae! Stop it! Go find your own!" I stated strictly as I walked out of the warehouse.
Little did I know, those three were planning something behind my back.
I was off to watch over my prey, I saw her again walking on the same alley way, crossing the same street as if there was no traumatizing experience that happened to her in those places.
I saw her, that Lee Chaerin girl, stop walking then she looked around then heard her say
"I know you are there... so stop walking in the shadows and just walk with me." is she referring to me? Does she know I have been following her all along?
Oh well, might as well humor her. I appeared behind her which didn't shock her as she continued walking. 
"So... what is your name?" Lee Chaerin asked
"No need to know the name of your future killer Lee Chaerin" I replied trying to bring fear to her
"Just call me CL... Lee Chaerin is too long" she answered back, ignoring the fact that I told her that I am going to kill her
"Aren't you afraid? I actually told you that I will kill you and here you are still calm?" I asked trying to show her my serious and scary 'bith-face'
"If you really are going to kill me then you should've done that days before when I was being attacked and when I was nearly hit by a car... and since I am still alive... I shouldn't fear your baseless threats" CL, ugh... I hate her cockyness, you just wait and see... tomorrow night you are mine.
When we reached her apartment building, she stopped and spun around to look at me
"Thank you" CL uttered
"Don't thank me yet" I stated as I walked away leaving her standing clueless outside her apartment.
The day I will have my way with Lee Chaerin, when I decided to track my prey and search for her scent.
That's odd, usually her scent lingers near the Chinese restaurant, there was no scent, not even a faint one, it's as if she hasn't gone there for awhile, when she was just there yesterday? 
I then tried to track her to her apartment building, her scent stops at the gate and no more... not a faint scent inside the building. Gone.
Then the wind blew, I caught her flavor in the air, her scent tickling my nostrils as I followed it. It led to me to our hideout, our pack's warehouse. What is she doing in here? As I peeked through a hole, I saw 3 of my pack circling an unconscious Lee Chaerin, I can smell her blood from here... 
It brought out rage... I didn't know why. but I was shaking with anger... I was thinking that I was cheated off of my meal and the full moon is not out yet... the hell is happening here?
I can see Joon his lips, as if enjoying eating her already, I can see Lee Chaerin bleeding from the side, I wasn't scared since her heart is still beating... too fast to be exact, which means she is afraid and awake at the moment.
"H-help!" Lee Chaerin's weak voice escaped her lips
"No use for calling out for help now my succulent one!" Joon uttered her lips 
"Hyung... what if Kris-hyung finds out" I can hear Mir's worried tone
"Leave him be, by the time he realizes what happened he'll be dead already!" Joon uttered, I can hear a murderous tone in his voice, I know that he doesn't like me, but really to the point of killing me? Really now?
"Joon, it's almost time!" Sungho pointed towards the night sky as the full moon was about to appear
"Well, well, little missy... looks like you're about to become the main course!" Joon uttered as he scratched open Lee Chaerin's stomach, I don't know what happened, but there something inside me that was bursting to come out... I know I am transforming... but there was something different with me... 
I saw Joon, Mir and Sungho transform as well... I took that as a chance to get to Lee Chaerin's side and check on her. 
When I got near her, I saw her pale state... that made me panic... my breath got caught and was distracted for a moment at the sight of an almost lifeless Lee Chaerin
"Lee Chaerin.. Lee Chaerin... Lee Chaerin... wake up!" I told her, I saw her trying to open her eyes, blinking non stop from the blood flowing from an open wound on her forehead.
"So nice of you to join us Kris... I wish you wouldn't have witnessed this and just wished that you would just go with the plan... but you had to be here at this moment, when we were about to devour her" Joon uttered in an eery tone
"BAck off... she's mine..." I told them, looking at them with my red glowing eyes, placing Lee Chaerin's body behind me, trying to protect my prey from these vicious wolves.
"Oh no... oh no... you don't... you see... the reason you are the strongest is because you don't have a 'BEAUTY' to protect.. no hesitations just out to kill... but now... Kris... you are not the strongest anymore..." Joon uttered, I was confused as to what he was saying... I am not strong anymore? 'Beauty'? What the heck is that?
"You are confused? Good! Cause... it's good you are confused, it means you know nothing! Get her!" Joon shouted as Mir and Sungho jumped over me and went straight of Lee Chaerin's arms trying to rip her apart while Joon attacked me
"Can you feel that? We are of the same strength now!" Joon whispered in my ears as he forced me to watch Lee Chaerin screaming for pain. Sungho bit her on her stomach trying to shake the life out of her, making her unconscious.
"AAAHHHHHHH!!!! HELP! HELP!" Lee Chaerin screamed out loud
I gathered all the strength I could and pushed Joon off of me as I lunged forward and grabbed a hold of Lee Chaerin and ran away as fast as I could. Away from the warehouse.
When I was sure that I lost them already, there was only one place I knew I could run to... with Lee Chaerin's uncounscious body, there really is one place I ought to run to.
The full moon was the main event in the deepest and darkest part of the forest, as 6 wolves stare at it while howling. (Luhan, Suho, Lay, Sehun, DO, Kai) 
"Someone's coming!" Luhan uttered looking at the direction where it was coming from
"A danger?" Suho asked, Luhan shook his head
"A wounded one!" Lay sensed as he closed his eyes
"He's near... I can smell him! and another scent? A human? Bleeding?" Sehun informed pointing to the West, as soon as he pointed out, there appeared Kris carrying an unconscious girl in his mouth
"What the?" DO uttered with wide eyes
"No... the girl is not dead... barely breathing but not dead." Lay stopped DO from lunging at the newcomer as he slowly went nearer to the two.
"Careful hyung!" Kai uttered under his breath, ready for any surprise attack.
"Kris... carefully lay down the girl... slowly... you might break her." Lay instructed as he went near Kris slowly, carefully assessing the situation.
"I come in peace... no fight... please help her Lay." Kris uttered as he carefully laid CL's unconscious state on the ground.
After Kris explained to the group what had happened, Lay finished treating CL's wounds.
"How is she?" Kris asked looking at CL's state
"She is fine now... she just needs rest, so your former pack... turned against you?" Lay stated as he placed himself beside Kris near the bonfire
"I think so... they planned to get rid of me... well actually, they planned to kill me... and they said something about her being the key to be able to beat me" Kris uttered in confusion
"She is your Beauty" DO uttered giving Kris his wide-eyed expression
"My Beauty? What does that mean?" Kris asked in confusion
"You are the Beast and she is your Beauty... she is your weakness..." Suho explained
"How can she be my weakness?" Kris asked
" Basing everything on your story hyung... she is your BEauty... she is the one your heart beats for... it means you have feelings for her hyung!" Sehun pointed out
"No... no... no... that can't be... I don't like her... I don't have feelings for her" Kris stated in denial
"Hyung, it's not normal to keep your prey safe from danger... I mean think about it... if she was mobbed the other day and was left for dead, you could get the corpse and just devour it by full moon... but you didn't... you saved her... then another one... you could've just let the car hit her and just get her from the hospital when the time comes to devour her... and yet you didn't... you saved her... hyung... she got you bad!" Kai added as an explanation making it clear to Kris that Lee Chaerin is not just his prey, she is something else.
"Thanks for putting it ever so bluntly Kai... I get the picture... so she means something to me... how can that be the death of me then?" Kris asked looking at Lee Chaerin's sleeping form
"Killing the Beauty of a Beast means attacking his heart, so it means, killing her means killing you... sure you might be alive and still breathing but you will be empty... soul less, an empty shell... a living dead to be exact." Luhan explained.
"Would you like to join us, we can protect you and your Beauty from your pack?" Suho asked
"I cannot ask you of that Suho... you know I cannot be under anyone... it's hard to handle me... but I'd be glad to receive your help though." Kris uttered
"I understand... we will help you nonetheless" Suho nodded.
CL then groaned as she was slowly regaining her consciousness. She slowly opened her eyes only to be welcomed by gigantic monsters that looked like the ones who were trying to eat her.
"AAAAHHHHHHHH! Get away from me! Help, anybody! Somebody help!" CL shouted as she tried to struggle to stand
"Shhh.... Lee Chaerin, calm down... calm down... it's me" Kris uttered trying to go near CL
"Get away from me! You monster! Don't eat me!!!" CL could only see ferocious wolves in front of her, snarling at her.
"Uh... hyung... you might want to transform back before approaching her... she still sees you as a wolf." Sehun reminded him as they slowly transformed ito human form.
"Oh right! Lee Chaerin... stay calm... I am not going to hurt you... slowly... I am the guy that has been following you remember? I am this guy?" Kris slowly transformed in front of CL as she stared at Kris' transformation with big eyes, as big as DO's.
"See? It's just me! No need to be afraid, Lee Chaerin." Kris uttered now standing in front of CL's weak frame
"You told me you're going to kill me... why shouldn't I be afraid of you?" CL asked while she tried to act bravely despite the fact that her knees were shaking from fear of an attack
"Well as Lee Chaerin pointed out early on... if I wanted to kill you, I could've killed you back then, but I didn't... and I had the chance to kill you awhile ago... and yet I did the opposite thing... I rescued you from my crazy pack before you became their dinner." Kris pointed out which earned a wince from CL
"Thank you for putting it ever so nicely... so, now what? You are going to kill me now?" CL uttered in a mocking tone.
"No... he couldn't and wouldn't do that... right hyung?" DO stated with a hint of teasing in his tone
"Watch it DO... Lee Chaerin doesn't need to know that!" Kris gave DO a warning look
"ALright stop! Stop calling me Lee Chaerin... I told you to call me CL didn't I?" CL shouted starting to get irritated hearing Lee Chaerin this Lee Chaerin that.
"No need to fear him... on the other hand... he should fear you now!" Kai jested earning a glare from Kris
"So... your name is Kris?" CL asked looking at Kris straight in the eyes
Kris nodded as he tried to turn his gaze away and directed it towards the bonfire.
I get a feeling all at once
In one bite, I will put you in my mouth like cheese
I'll smell your scent, enjoy your color
And eat you more elegantly than drinking wine
Kris saw CL amidst the crowd, her scent, her flavor... it's as if it was inviting him to devour her.
But I have lost strength in my toe nail
My appetite is disappearing
Am I sick? Do I have an illness?
Yeah, he's in big trouble
Snap out of it
How could your heart be stolen by a human?
She is just one bite
Unknown to Kris, CL has brought out his protective side, saving her from nearly being killed and hit by a car.
Hey, just bite her, then shake her
So she'll lose her conscious
Hey, do it with a style you've never used
Get rid of her before that full moon sets
Yes wolf, I'm a wolf
I love you, I'm a wolf and you're a beauty
Can't reject this strong feeling
Fall for it, I have let go of myself
I like simple things
The things hidden inside of me
Have opened its eyes.
Kris trying to convince himself that he is a WOLF who devours humans... but something has changed... his instincts towards Lee Chaerin
Look at her, she's fallen into fear
She can't understand the situation before her eyes
"Will that dirty wolf guy eat me in the end?"
That's not it, I have fallen in love
So, beautiful, you are mine
Don't be scared of me
I'm a special wolf
A wolf who loves you
Who is blinded by you
I can't quit you
I'm in big trouble
That yellow moon teases me
Telling me I can't have you
"You're just a wild beast!"
If you're gonna say then just go away
If I need to, I'll change myself
I can't even let her go.
Kris has finally let go of his wild side to protect Lee Chaerin...
end of first chapter... how is it?
do you like it?
this is my first attempt in writing a fanfiction...
hope you give it lots of love..
hope to hear from dear readers soon...
thank you
^^ lostschoolboy ^^
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01062014 i am done with my xoxo-short stories waaaaahhhhhh it has been a long journey... do look forward to 2ne1-short stories...


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lovemedd #1
Chapter 84: Welcome back!
Chapter 63: you really like mermaid stories.
taodara is such a rare pairing.
it's like a ing miracle finding
one even half as good as yours.
thank you for your hard work!
Chapter 59: wahhhh! i love black pearl!! love d.o, dara and tao together!! xd
Chapter 7: Wolf with wings is so funny haahaha DO KYUNGSOO.
golddennangela #5
Chapter 34: Author-nim I want a kris and dara moment please...
Chapter 46: Bomkai is so cute, can't stop smiling read this one =)
Chapter 26: Suho x Bom? not bad ^^ Sounds very cute =)
Chapter 45: omo omo!!~~I love this!!~BomKai!!~~♡♡♡
Biszkopcik123 #9
Chapter 83: Please if you can do a fanfic about Chaerin and Xiumin I can't find it enywhere. pretty please! >.<