Chapter 44

I'm Sorry I Love You (editing)


* Long chapter ahead. Embrace yourselves!


Chaerin entered the dorm passcode and almost collapsed. She hadn't slept at all for the past two days and she already had so much to do. She walked in quietly, assuming that Dara was still asleep due to their hectic recording sessions for the new album. Removing her shoes, she straddled to her room, quickly running to the plug point to see if her phone was still charging. To her relief, Dara had probably switched it off, as her phone lay on the desk, dead with the battery down.  Remind me to never buy an iPhone again. She scoffed. The battery life just and just life her phone, her battery was down as well, she needed some charging to do. Taking a quick bath she decided to cook something, but to her dismay, the fridge was empty, with only half empty soju bottles. She wore her HBA hoodie and decided to go to the studio and eat at the cafeteria.

As soon as she reached the studio, she was greeted by Minzy and Teddy who were working on a track together for her solo song. 

"Unnie! Where were you guys yesterday? I came by, but neither of you were home." Minzy asked, as she grabbed the jacket lying on the couch and fixed its collar. Chaerin was asking this question to herself, she hadn’t seen Dara in her room and her bed seemed like it hadn’t been slept on.

"I had some things to do . . . Somewhere." she said, it wasn't completely a lie anyway, "I don't know where Unnie is." she stretched her hands behind her head as she scoot forward and stared at Teddy's computer, "A new project?" she asked, slating a look at his side profile as he nodded and removed his headphones from his ears and swiveled his chair, giving Chaerin a scrutinizing look before raising his eyebrows, as if asking what happened. Chaerin gave a small shrug and smiled. She wouldn't tell him about the ‘plan’ yet.

"It'll all be fine Chae-ah." he gave an assuring smile and turned , focusing his attention on Minzy, as he asked her if she would consider changing the song pitch, since it seemed a little too low. They were completely engrossed in their talk to notice Chaerin quietly slip out of the studio and into the cafeteria. She ordered the usual; coffee and just a little snack to go along with it, that’s when she heard whisperings. She turned around and held the tray in her hand, looking for a place to sit. Just as soon as she did, she heard the murmurings start again, she acted oblivious to it, but soon it became louder with excitement and curiosity in the voices and she couldn’t help over overhear their conversation.

"She's really dating an SM artist?"

“Yeah! Kris of Exo. Weird!”

"They don't look good together, he's way too handsome for her."

"No! you're wrong. She's too cool for him."


She shook her head and decided to ignore them, besides, it wasn't even true. Suddenly, the crowd became so quiet that only the sound of the clock striking could be heard. She turned around and saw Yang Sajangnim entering as the trainees and the employees at the cafeteria  bowed quietly and sat down, staring at him as he made his way to Chaerin.

"Chaerin-ah . . ." she quickly stood up and bowed, greeting him as she offered him the seat across hers, "We need to discuss something." he sighed, giving a look around the cafeteria once, before returning his gaze on Chaerin, "Let's go to my office." she nodded and picked up her bag, following the elder as he headed towards the exit.



"Sit down."

Chaerin bit her lips nervously. She'd never felt so nervous around the president, she didn't even know why, but she did. Quietly she pulled out the chair and watched him the head of a toy robot then turn around and clicked his computer mouse.

"This." he said, angling the computer screen which had a news article with a picture of Chaerin and Kris exiting a restaurant, Chaerin squinted and leaned forward to look at it.

'YG entertainment's power girl group leader, CL seen with SM's hottest new boy group co-leader Kris. No official statements released by the companies yet, but judging from the picture, it is quite certain, the two leaders are close... Or maybe, too close?'

"So?" he clicked the close button and clasped his hand on the table, looking intently at Chaerin, who by now put her head down and stared at her nails. How on earth did they even have the picture?

"Is there something you'd like to tell me Chaerin-ah? You know we can't let it hanging like this." he removed his cap, ran his hand through his hair and put the cap back on, shaking his head as he closed his eyes. "We need to give an official statement. So, I need your word."

"Aren't I banned from dating?" Chaerin asked instead and rubbed her knee as she spoke. "I don’t break rules and you know that sir.”

"Even if you did Chaerin-ah, I will not say anything. You're not a child anymore. You can do what you want, but . . Just consult me before doing so, or let me know if something is going on, so I can at least handle the media and give official statements."

"I'd never do anything behind your back sir. I-" she pressed her hand to her temple and lowered her head.

“It’s not about your doing something behind my back Chaerin-ah, I only want you happy, but also careful.” He leaned back on his chair. “You’re wise and I’ll trust you with your decisions. But just, don’t forget to let me know about it. Okay?”

She nodded but sat silently, she couldn’t actually say anything right now. She was just as confused as the others and she knew she had to do something about it soon or things would get out of proportion and implode.

" . . . Just give me time."

He hesitated at first,  clueless to what she needed time for. Anyway, he agreed and told her to think, before doing anything, though he never really had any trouble in trusting Chaerin. She always did the right thing.

"Thank you."




Chaerin walked back to Teddy's studio to go and watch Minzy while she was recording, who to her dismay was already done.

"Where's Oppa?" she asked to the maknae who shook her head and shrugged, packing her MCM bag pack. Leaning her back on the couch, she pulled her phone out and dialled Kris's number.

'Please leave a message after th-'

She tried again, without giving up hope. She didn't want any confusion to brew between them anymore. Dialling the number once more.

"Oh, Hey!" the raspy deep voice answered with a hint of breathlessness in his tone. "What's up?"

"Where are you?"

"Wh-What? Why?" he cleared his throat and spoke again. "-Practicing."

"We need to talk."

"Sure, Let me just leave the room and we can-"

"No!" she quickly interrupted, "I'll come over." What? She quickly slapped herself mentally for replying without thinking twice. . . Though it kind of made sense. The companies had to give an official statement soon anyway and she was partly responsible for what ever happened between them and what might happen. So it made sense why she was the one to go over and not him.

"It's okay I'll come over after practic-"

"No Kris." she said, shaking her head, imagining a sweaty Kris entering the YG building. That. She thought would make news. Besides, it was always him, who was there for her when she needed company and would never hesitate to in the future without asking for a favor in return, something she appreciated so much about him. "Let me. This time."

There was no reply for a few seconds and she heard him breathing loudly before he coughed and apologized.

“You’ll be coming to SM?” he almost sounded amused, like he expected to to tell him it was just a joke, but to his surprise, she replied she was absolutely sure.

"S-Sure then. U-uh tell me when you're here okay?"

"Okay." Chaerin answered nibbling her lower lip.

"See you later then?"

"See you later."


Chaerin threw her phone on the couch beside her groaning. She needed to clear things out as soon as possible, save Kris from all the misery she was bound to give him. An idea suddenly struck to her as she excitedly grabbed Minzy's arm.

"Unnie!" Minzy put a hand on her chest to calm herself, chuckling. "You scared me!"

"Minji-ah, I need your help."

"Yeah! Sure, what is it?" Minzy smiled, plucking the lint off Chaerin's sweatshirt.

"You have friends in SM right?" she asked, embarrassed at herself, but knowing she didn't have any other choice. It wouldn't hurt to try right?

"Y-Yeah" Minzy swallowed, unable think of any reason her Unnie would want to know her friends. And that too, the ones at SM. What is going on?

"Take me there with you"

"What?" Minzy's voice raised in surprise. She did NOT expect this. Out of all people, why would she want to go to SM. "Why?"

"See I need to meet someone and if I go alone. It would become weird because you know.. I'm- but," she waved her hand dismissing herself. "that's besides the point. Minji-ah. Please...."

"O-Okay" the maknae replied, still in awe that Chaerin just begged to her. That was a first. "Who do you want to meet anyway?" she asked, certain that Chaerin was on friendly terms with anyone from Girl's generation, Super junior or Shinee like she was.


"Kris? Exo Kris?" she couldn't hold her surprised expression. How in the world did they- Oh! She thought, how could she forget that they MCed together. Shrugging away the questions that came to her mind she picked up her bag and gave her Unnie a look.

"Come on then." she pulled the leader's arm, "Let's go."



"Minki!" Luna came running from the lobby as both Minzy and Chaerin walked in. The elder one had pestered the younger one to create an Alibi for their sudden-unannounced visit to the SM building.

"Luna Unnie!" the two embraced each other, making Chaerin stare at them in slight disbelief. They're so close. She thought as she raised her hand and waved a little when they pulled apart and the shorter girl greeted her.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too." she replied. "Could you.... Maybe umm." she said nervously, which amused Luna, since she'd never seen The baddest female so flustered ever before. Which was cute. Very cute.

"Their practice room is at the 4th floor, the first room on the left." Luna supplied, seeing Chaerin gaping at her she chuckled and swung her arm around Minzy and shrugged "Amber~"

"Ah~" Chaerin nodded, she remembered Kris telling her about Amber being his best friend, someone he could confront about anything. "I see...." she gave a look towards Minzy.

"I'll be with Minki though. Don't worry!" as if reading her mind Luna replied and dragged the younger one away, towards the elevator.

"Just give me a call when you're done..... Talking okay?" Minzy said aloud just as the elevator door closed.


Chaerin waited for the other elevator to reach level Zero as she lowered her head in embarrassment. Just as soon as the door flung open, she sprinted inside, not caring about the person who accidently bumped on her shoulder as she made her way in.

"Chaerin-sshi" the high pitched voice said just as Chaerin pressed the 4th floor button. She lifted her gaze to see the girl.






Author's note:
Boring chapter, I know, I know. I was so disappointed at myself, I wanted to just stop writing.
I'm having a major writer's block and I don't know when it'll go away.
You are welcome to unsubcribe. I wouldn't blame you. 
This story will soon come to an end. And I might revise the whole story and edit it. So, if an update post comes, it might not be a new post but just due to my re-editing. (Just a warning)

CL is the face of Maybelline :) My favorite BB Cream product company. LOL
Have a blessed day/night.

With love~




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Guys! I'm so sorry for not updating. I've been preoccupied with my college work, sorry! I will try and update Asap.


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lee215 #1
Chapter 51: Umm, have some chapters been deleted or temporarily removed for editing? Or have you deliberately left out how they finally get together but show us by jumping ahead 2 years later? Feeling robbed :(
HeoMinHee #2
Chapter 40: I swear,i felt lost for a moment,when I read my nickname in your author corner,I'm just stop in this chapter,but I'm going to finish this story tonight probably XD
Chapter 36: "But i ship chaerin with almost every hot idol, but GD? I only ship with CL. LOL"
Chapter 22: Oh my God. Its already complicated with dara likes jiyong and jiyong think chae likes yongbae more. Than Kiko come to the frame. And now kris? OMGGGGGGG. >,<
I know i know i havent finish this story but i just cant help to comment.
Chapter 40: I love your story! ! So skydragon Shipper! ! ^^ I like Kris too I am a huge fan of exo. Kisses!
4mB2st #6
Chapter 52: To be hones, I really have no idea why you're thanking me... I mean, there's nothing to thank for. You should thank yourself for being such an awesomely impressive writer!
I'll support you till the end and your thanks means so much to me <3
4mB2st #7
Chapter 40: I should actually thank you for writing this story... It's awesome! No, scratch that, you're awesome!
davryhov #8
That ok I think u might not to say thank you it because
your story is so lovely sad and happy thank for ur lovely story I hope u will make the news one good luck
Chapter 1: I actually wish your chapters are longer. lol :) I enjoy long chapters more than the short ones.
Cristi112 #10
updated soon