Chapter 40

I'm Sorry I Love You (editing)
Chaerin walked to the YG building, waving to the fans that had formed outside the gate. Putting her car keys back into her bag she greeted the security guard and pressed the button for the elevator.
"!" she groaned as she entered the elevator. She left her phone at home and that too with the charger plugged in. Pulling her bag zipper a little too harshly she stretched her hand to press the button for the 4th floor, but instead, a hand reached out and pressed it before her.
"Oh!" she exclaimed, "Oppa? I didn't even hear you!" she smiled at Teddy who grinned at her and shrugged.
"You were too busy cursing to even hear my hello"
"I wasn't- well! I forgot my phone." she said, making a face, "Wait-" she held out a finger, "Am I too early? Or are you late?" she asked, quickly answering herself instead of waiting for his reply, "No, I'm on time and you always reach earlier than us. Why are you here?" she said, checking her watch.
"I went to see Jiyong off." be replied, stretching his arms behind his back, "God! I need to start working out, sitting in studio all day is going to break my back." he groaned.
"Where's he going anyway?" she asked, trying to sound casual, like she didn't care.... But....... she did.
"Ah!" Teddy snapped his fingers when the elevator door opened, "He came to ask me to redo a track he made last week."
"Why wouldn't he do it himself?" Chaerin asked, confused. Since Jiyong rarely asks anyone to do something he'd already started, even if it was Teddy, the most wanted producer in South Korea.
"He can't. He's leaving tonight" Teddy quickly replied as he took out his ringing phone from his pocket and held out a finger to Chaerin, "Just a moment okay? You head in, It'll take just a moment-" he said and turned around heading back to the elevator. Shaking her head, Chaerin pushed the door open to Teddy's studio and found Youngbae with a huge headphone bobbing his head. Without making much noise, Chaerin threw her bag on the leather couch and bent down beside Youngbae to look at the computer screen.
"Oh hey~" Youngbae greeted excitedly as he removed the headphone from his ears and nodded at her, "Where's Hyung?" Showing a telephone sign with her hand she shrugged,
"Ringa Linga?" she titled her head, reading the title of the track he was listening to, "What's that?"
"Oh! Ji just handed me this demo track, it needs to be redon-" he trailed off then suddenly slapped his thighs, "Oh shoot! I forgot to ask him what happened.." he scrunched his nose, "You'll have to tell me." he shrugged.
"I don't know...." Chaerin sulked at she sat down of the chair, crossing her arms and covering her eyes with her arm.
"Don't know?" Youngbae sighed, "How's that even possible Chae? D-Did he do something? If he did, I'll break his..... His.... " he trailed off, not knowing what part of him to break, only because he couldn't, even when he's an most of the times, Jiyong has a good heart, that thinks about other people before himself... And besides, Youngbae liked to talk things out, instead of being all aggressive and violent about it.
"You tried~" Chaerin chuckled when he couldn't complete his sentence, knowing the bond between these two friends was stronger than any kind of friendship she'd seen before. She deeply admired Youngbae's love for the said one, "And that wont be necessary because...." she shrugged, "He didn't do anything. That's why I was pissed."
"So what you mean is....." Youngbae started, "You want him to do........ something? What? Fill in the gaps Chae, I rarely get any sleep these days and my mind doesn't function the way I want it to!" he complained, fixing his beanie and dragging his chair away from the computer to sit right in front of her, "So.... Tell me." he demanded.
After a few seconds of thinking, she took a deep breath and almost started when the door opened and Teddy came barging in, balancing 3 cups of Twosome studio coffees in his hands and a KFC paper bag hanging from his mouth. Placing the cups on the desk he groaned, "This..... Is my way of working out!" he said aloud when Chaerin glared at him with a judgemental look, "Don't look at me like that Chaerin, I'm old! I can't even climb stairs anymore!"
"Which is exactly why you need to start working out Hyung!" Youngbae chimed in, taking a cup and passing it to Chaerin, "We can talk later if you want." he whispered lowly, but the old man Teddy heard it, his eyes shining with curiosity,
"Talk? Later?" he tilted his head, taking out the zinger box from the paper bag, "Talk now. Don't mind me!" Sighing and shaking her head, Chaerin cleared and decided to continue. Besides, Teddy always gave the best advices.
"I'm confused Oppa. I don't know what to do." she confessed, placing her chin on her palm, "I like Kris. I like spending time with him, he's sweet and caring and understanding. There isn't enough words for me to express what an amazing man he is-"
"Kris?" Teddy craned his neck, "Who's-" seeing Youngbae face palming him he chuckled a little and made a gesture with his hand, "Continue continue..."
"But......" Youngbae spoke instead, "You like Ji too." he stated quietly, "Have you made up your mind about your actual feelings about him Chae? Because, if you haven't, its time to. You can't go on giving false hopes to that kid- I mean... Kris."
"I'm not trying to give him false hopes Oppa, I.. like him! Okay?" she explained, seeing Youngbae snort she glared at him, "I do, alright!"
"Okay. Okay....." he held up his hand, trying to calm her down, "You like him. I get it. You like both of them." soon after he said it, Chaerin hung her head down in shame. Shaking her head mumbling incoherently at herself.
"I'm a horrible person!" she whispered harshly, hitting herself on the head, "I'm a horrible, horrible-horrib-" Youngbae caught her wrist and sighed.
"You're not a horrible person Chae. It's only normal to like more than one person. The human heart is capable to loving as many people as it wants alright. You're not at fault." taking a deep breath he continued, "See, but what I can see from here is... You're trying to deny your real feelings for Ji, you're running away from it, trying to cover up the gaps by telling yourself that you like Kris... And maybe you do, but you know. At the end you're only fooling yourself!"
"Yes! I was fooling myself by falling for him... When all he keeps telling me is I mean nothing more than just a friend to him! How am I supposed to tell him my feelings when he's not even giving me a chance!" she yelled, frustrated.
"He said that?" Youngbae's mouth hung open in surprise. "He keeps repeating it every single time I come close to telling him that he may mean more than just a friend to me." now shooting eye daggers at Youngbae, "Now tell me! How am I supposed keep looking at him like that when he doesn't even look at me that way. Like you said, I'm just fooling myself aren't I? Don't I deserve to be happy?" Youngbae nodded and she continued, "Even if he feels the same way, why can't he just tell me? Why is he running away from it? Why does he not let me say it to him?" she attacked him with questions he could no longer answer, glancing at Teddy with a help-me look, the latter stood up and sat on the desk.
"If you want to know the answers, you should ask him Chaerinnie. See, we can only give you advices, but the action that needs to be taken.... Has to be taken by you." placing his hand on her shoulders, "I agree he is at fault too..... But if you want answers. You should seek for it, not wait for him to do that, because knowing Jiyong... He is probably doing that because he thinks he's making you happy." "Won't it be better to know Chae? Keep all egos aside and go, ask him. Let him know how you feel, than stay here wondering what could have happened." Youngbae added, as Teddy nodded in agreement,
"If he doesn't... Than you can move on happily, start with a clean slate, with no regrets." The room fell into pin-drop-silence, only the sound of the clock ticking and their breaths filled the room.
"W-What time is h-he leaving tonight?" Chaerin muttered as she tucked her hair behind her ear and stood up, picking up her bag on the couch.
"Flight's at 10." Youngbae replied. She nodded and turned around leaving the two males to give each other a smile.
"Moment of truth!" Teddy blurted as soon as the door closed shut.
"Let's just hope Jiyong wont act stupid!" Youngbae said as he sat down on the chair and put on his headphone.
"Fingers crossed!"

Author's note: I'm back early aren't I? I was just too excited hahah. Writing this chapter was quite easy for me because it happened to me before too. You know, blaming the other one for everything that's going wrong. It's very easy to do that, but we should also try to think in the other person's perspective, why they're doing what they're doing.

PS-There maybe many typos and errors because I wrote it on my phone and directly posted it while I was at a dinner at my uncle's and since my USB wasn't working. I copied the whole stuff, and send it to my sister's FB as a message and then, copied and pasted it here. OTL! Haha Thanks for the upvotes babies~ Sorry for whining about it last time.

And.... if anyone want's to make posters for this story.. You can. :)


With Love


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Guys! I'm so sorry for not updating. I've been preoccupied with my college work, sorry! I will try and update Asap.


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lee215 #1
Chapter 51: Umm, have some chapters been deleted or temporarily removed for editing? Or have you deliberately left out how they finally get together but show us by jumping ahead 2 years later? Feeling robbed :(
HeoMinHee #2
Chapter 40: I swear,i felt lost for a moment,when I read my nickname in your author corner,I'm just stop in this chapter,but I'm going to finish this story tonight probably XD
Chapter 36: "But i ship chaerin with almost every hot idol, but GD? I only ship with CL. LOL"
Chapter 22: Oh my God. Its already complicated with dara likes jiyong and jiyong think chae likes yongbae more. Than Kiko come to the frame. And now kris? OMGGGGGGG. >,<
I know i know i havent finish this story but i just cant help to comment.
Chapter 40: I love your story! ! So skydragon Shipper! ! ^^ I like Kris too I am a huge fan of exo. Kisses!
4mB2st #6
Chapter 52: To be hones, I really have no idea why you're thanking me... I mean, there's nothing to thank for. You should thank yourself for being such an awesomely impressive writer!
I'll support you till the end and your thanks means so much to me <3
4mB2st #7
Chapter 40: I should actually thank you for writing this story... It's awesome! No, scratch that, you're awesome!
davryhov #8
That ok I think u might not to say thank you it because
your story is so lovely sad and happy thank for ur lovely story I hope u will make the news one good luck
Chapter 1: I actually wish your chapters are longer. lol :) I enjoy long chapters more than the short ones.
Cristi112 #10
updated soon