Chapter 35

I'm Sorry I Love You (editing)


"W-What're you doing here?" she asked as she stepped closer to him,

"Surprised?" his voice wasn't cold, but his expression said otherwise.

"Let's go up, it's freezing." Chaerin said as she grabbed his arm and looped hers around his, but let go immediately as soon as she saw it.

"Wha-" Jiyong followed her stare and let out a chuckle, "This?" he asked holding out the cigarette in his hand.

"You... Why-" she her teeth and shook her head in disbelief, without any futher word she stepped into the complex, Jiyong following her from behind. Both entered the elevator without exchanging any words, Jiyong quietly pressed the floor number and glanced at the quiet figure sniffling beside him.

"Noona's not home?"he asked as they stood in front of their door. Shaking her head she entered the passcode(Which she had changed).

"She's at Cheondung's if you want to meet her." Chaerin answered a bit to rude to her own liking, yet she made no effort to reframe the sentence. Jiyong watched her as she reoved her coat and swung it over the dining chair, scrutinizing her dress he laid back on the couch.

"Isn't that dress a little too short for winter-" he commented, but was cut off by Chaerin, who was glaring at him, "What?" he asked, a bit too irritated by her silence.

"What?" she repeated in mockery, "Seriously? You're gonna act like you don't know?" she said as she put her hands on her waist and stared at him.

"What're you talking about Chae?" Jiyong asked, confused. Wasn't he the one who should be asking her thhat question. She left without a word.

"Oh God!" Chaerin threw her hands up in the air, grabbing her clutch which was lying on the couch, "Why're you even here?" she muttered quietly as she headed to her room. Jiyong stood up instantly, hearing the words she hadn't exactly meant for him to hear. He sprinted to her room and pulled her wrist, carefully. Turning her around to face him.

"I called you-" he huffed, "which you would've known if you had checked your phone that is..." he said, releasing her hand, she turned around and walked into her walk in closet. He walked around in circles asking himself the same question, Why am I here? He walked around the room and smiled as he admired all the photos hanging on her wall, one in particular caught his eyes. He'd been to her room many times, but he had never noticed it before. It was a photo of the two of them stannding near a pojangmacha* in Myeongdong, in 2004, when she was still a JYP trainee. His flashback was cut short when he heard the door slide open, revealing a comfortably dressed Chaerin staring at him with arms crossed against her chest. He pointed a finger at the framed photo holding back his smile, "I didn't know you had this picture..." he trailed off. Chaerin sighed as she walked ahead and stood beside him staring at the photo.

"It was the day after we met, for the first time.... Junnie Oppa introduced us. We all went out for a tteokbokki." she said and let out a long sigh, titling her head towards him she made a face, "You stink!" she spat and turned around, "Go and use my mouthwash...." she said pointing to her bathroom as she stood near her bedroom door, ".... Only then you can stay." she said and left.

"Aish!" jiyong muttered as she closed the door, "this girl..." he mumbled as he walked to her bathroom and gargled. 



"I'm sorry..." Jiyong muttered as he sat himself beside Chaerin, who was watching BBC news. She tilted her head, furrowing her eyebrows as she passed the remote to Jiyong, "... For smoking. That's what you were mad about right?" he said as he grabbed the remote and shrugged.

"Well, I guess I'd have to get used to the smell now..." she said and Jiyong raised an eyebrow, "... I told you I'd smoke if you smoke. Didn't I?" she said and pulled her legs up to the couch stretching it, creating a distance between the two.

"NO!" Jiyong retorted, "Don't you even.... think about that." he said as he lifted her leg and placed it on his thighs, softly massaging it as he spoke, "I said I'm sorry alright. I got... carried away." he said, pouting a little.

"You smoke when you're stressed." Chaerin stated, then punched him lightly on his arm, "What're you stressed about?" she asked, hugging a cushion. She stared at him, but he made to response, as he busied himself massaging her feet, since he knew she always had problems whenever she wore heels, "yah!" she slapped his arm lightly trying to get his attention. 

"Well....." he sighed as he stopped massaging the foot but started playing with her toes, "... I was worried, about the concert, my album proceedings, the thing that happened between me and..." he looked up when he saw her snort, ".. your ex boyfriend." he said it as if it disgusted him, earning a kick he smiled, then continued, "I don't know.. there's been a lot going on my mind, people expect so much from me and I'm scared I won't reach their expectations Chae... They trust me so much... Hyunsuk Hyung, my parents... especially my mother." he said, his voice almost cracked at the thought of his mother. Oh how he missed her! 

"You could've talked to me...." Chaerin said as she scooted closer nudging him as he chuckled.

"Well..." he said, the smile fading, "I tried to... That's why I kept calling you. But I guess you were too busy~" he glanced at Chaerin, who apologetically smiled at him, biting her lower lip nervously. He had to admit, he kind of liked how she felt guilty, she looked TOO cute, it wouldn't hurt to just play a little more. He thought shamelessly as he pouted a little and covered his face with his hands, sighing dramatically, "..... you didn't even bother to inform me, or even leave a note, saying that you were leaving me... to go for a date... with that giant kid, who looks like his mother fed him too much milk."

"Oh my God Oppa! You're so mean!" she slapped his thigh, "- And... it wasn't a date! It was merely a congratulatory dinner treat okay?" she said as she grabbed the remote from his side and switched the channels, stopping at the repeated broadcast of today's performances, co-incidentally, It was Exo's performance.

"And now you're watching him. Again!" Jiyong complained as he snatched the remote from her hand and switched it to another channel.

"Oh please!" she scoffed, as she watched him change the channels over and over until he couldn't find anything worth watching, he stopped at the same channel they were before and upped the volume.

"They're not even singing live." he complained like a little child, " always sing live." he smirked, enjoying the annoyed expression on Chaerin's face.

"It isn't illegal to lip sync.... besides-" she said, shoving him to the side, "Their choreography is sick alright!" she said proudly, bobbing her head to the beat, "Ah Sarangheyo~" she sang then giggled.




The performance ended, then she clapped, hooting only to annoy Jiyong, who sat silently as he bit his nails.

"Ew!" Chaerin shrieked, slapping his hand away, "Stop biting your nails, they're ugly as it is." she spat as she stretched out to reach for the remote and lowered the volume.

"You want something to eat?" she asked as she stood up and poked his temple. He shook his head and stood up, checking the time on his watch.

"I should head home." he said and instantly her face fell, noticing it he rested his hand on her shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze, "You have a schedule tomorrow... Go rest. You'll need it." he said bending his head a little to match to her eye level, "Okay?" he asked. Chaerin nodded silently and shrugged, suddenly, she felt him lean closer...... and closer........ until his lips landed on... her forehead. Oh Go! Chaerin! Clam yourself you Pabo! she scolded herself, this unusual feeling she had for Jiyong had got to stop, she knew too well that he'd never look at her the way she... started to look at him. 

"Goodnight..." he muttered as he pulled away. Chaerin nodded then turned away, an attempt to hide the redness of her cheeks, "goodnight" she replied as she made her way to the kitchen, "You know your way out." she said over her shoulder as she opened the fridge and pulled out a strawberry milk. She sighed as she heard the door close.

"He's your friend Chaerin... He's just you friend..." she mumbled to herself, drinking the drink in one go, pretending it to be beer.

"We're just friends...." 



"Good job everybody, Good job!" Chaerin said as she bowed to all the stage crew members and high fived her back up dancers, hugging the little ones. Her eyes scanned around the hall as she walked towards her waiting room, expecting Kris to be waiting for her. But no one was there, He's probably busy.... she thought as she removed her earpiece and handed it to the PD, who instructed her to get ready for the ending stage. 

After doing a re-touch of her make up, she headed towards the ending stage where the results were to be announced. Her heart pounded as she walked onto the stage, she breathed a sigh of relief as she held the hand of her young back-up dancer. She'd never been this nervous for any result as much as she did now, probably because it was her solo song, the fact that she was competeing against one of the best kown female artist in Korea:Lee Hyori... but No! It wasn't that.... It was the fact that her members weren't standing beside her. She felt empty and incomplete..She knew her members were cheering for her somewhere and were probably as nervous as she was. But not having them physically beside her made her feel ill to the pit of her stomach, as a group they could hug each other and enjoy the win together, or they'd console each other and give each other encouraging words if they lost; share their happinesses and sorrows. Right now, she was alone.... and she hated this feeling.



"CL-sshi chuka hamnida!" everyone clapped as Kwanghee handed her her first ever trophy. Chaerin blinked a few times trying to let the feeling in. I WON? she couldn't believe it. She bowed to everyone and took the mic as she said her winning speech, which she wasn't even prepared for, since she wasn't expecting it....... at all. 

She laughed as she watched the audience groove to her song and her back up dancers entering the stage. From the corner of her eye, she saw Kris standing at the corner with a poker face on, her eyebrows knit together as she saw him look away. Suddenly, the crowd started shouting and she turned around to find Dara waving the flag as she came to the stage. Unnie...... her eyes almost watered as she saw the tiny figure dancing happily as the other srtists were jamming to her song at the back, she bowed as Suho and Chanyeol congraulated her.
She couldn't express her thanks since she was never really good at it. She was beyond happy. But..... something bothered her.


The look on Kris' face told her something was off.


What'd I do again?






Author's note: Oh Lord! This chapter right? Ungh. I'm so mad at myself.
I wanted to update earlier, but then I was occupied with packing-shacking.
I said I wanted to start another story right?... I will.
aaaaaand many of you suggested Kris, but... I already have a Kris fic(which is on Hiatus btw) and he's here too. 
So.... Except Kris, whom would you choose? (Just so you know, my biases are Baekhyun, Kai, Sehun, Lay...)
LOL xP I'm hopeless I know. And I HATE the fact that they all like Noonas.. Cause I'm younger than all of them.
Buuuuut.... My ultimate biases will ALWAYS be GD & CL. Hahah
( Don't hate me for saying this.. But I ship CL with almost every hot idol, but GD? I only ship him with CL) Lol
I'm very biased. kekeke.

Out of topic: I'm doing my bachelor's degree in Literature... But I think i might drop out and apply to study KOREAN as a DC,
I talked to my sister about it and she was like, "Yeah! It'll be good for you. Since you love your KOREAN friends so much. You'll do great!" Lol, Sarcastic much.

Sorry for such a lame- long A/N. 
(You can ask me any question, about the story.. or about me... or anything. I'll reply as much as I can :] )


With Love~




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Guys! I'm so sorry for not updating. I've been preoccupied with my college work, sorry! I will try and update Asap.


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lee215 #1
Chapter 51: Umm, have some chapters been deleted or temporarily removed for editing? Or have you deliberately left out how they finally get together but show us by jumping ahead 2 years later? Feeling robbed :(
HeoMinHee #2
Chapter 40: I swear,i felt lost for a moment,when I read my nickname in your author corner,I'm just stop in this chapter,but I'm going to finish this story tonight probably XD
Chapter 36: "But i ship chaerin with almost every hot idol, but GD? I only ship with CL. LOL"
Chapter 22: Oh my God. Its already complicated with dara likes jiyong and jiyong think chae likes yongbae more. Than Kiko come to the frame. And now kris? OMGGGGGGG. >,<
I know i know i havent finish this story but i just cant help to comment.
Chapter 40: I love your story! ! So skydragon Shipper! ! ^^ I like Kris too I am a huge fan of exo. Kisses!
4mB2st #6
Chapter 52: To be hones, I really have no idea why you're thanking me... I mean, there's nothing to thank for. You should thank yourself for being such an awesomely impressive writer!
I'll support you till the end and your thanks means so much to me <3
4mB2st #7
Chapter 40: I should actually thank you for writing this story... It's awesome! No, scratch that, you're awesome!
davryhov #8
That ok I think u might not to say thank you it because
your story is so lovely sad and happy thank for ur lovely story I hope u will make the news one good luck
Chapter 1: I actually wish your chapters are longer. lol :) I enjoy long chapters more than the short ones.
Cristi112 #10
updated soon