Chapter 37

I'm Sorry I Love You (editing)

"Chaerin? Where were you?" Xin asked as soon as he opened the door, Chaerin stared at her friend as she slowly slipped under his arm which was blocking the door.

"I was out." she said as she entered her dorm only to find Dara, Bom, Minzy, Youngbae, Soojin (Xin's girlfriend), Seungri and..... Jiyong. They all held their soju bottles as they huddled around the center table. Chaerin hugged Bom and Minzy, weakly high-fived Seungri on the way to her room as she whispered to him, "I'll go and clean up."

She stared at herself in the mirror, trying to forget about what had happened, not because she wanted to, but seeing Jiyong made everything blur. She couldn't understand what she wanted anymore, just the sight of him, made her want to scream. Splashing water on her face she breathed heavily.

"Act normal.... Chaerin, act normal!" she muttered to herself as she dabbed her towel on her face and picked up her HBA sweat shirt and spongebob jammies.


"Gizibe's here~" Seungri announced as she stepped out of her room and quietly sat herself between Youngbae and Bom, the latter, busy chatting with Tabi, who couldn't make it since he was in Japan, filming.

"Hey baby girl~" Youngbae sang as he playfully nudged Chaerin who punched him on his thigh, "Long time no see..."

"I know.... How're you my brother?" Chaerin wiggled her eyebrows and asked as she flung her arm around Bom's neck and rest her head on her shoulder.

"I'm, well-" he signed as he rubbed his neck and fixed his beanie, "You know me Chaerinnie." he clicked his tongue as he drank his coke.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help to you Oppa, I swear if I could do anything I'd-" Chaerin rambled. She felt useless, What will I do for you if I can't do anything for myself Oppa? she thought and sighed. The kind of feelings Youngbae has for Dara, she wished someone felt for her.

"Chaerinnie... It's okay. If we're meant to be, it'll just happen." Youngbae said as he swung his arm around Chaerin and gave her a tight hug, "Besides.... you worry about yourself okay? You better start thinking about who you like more..." Chaerin's eyes widened causing Youngbae to laugh, "I came with Dara noona today, at SBS.... Saw you leave with that SM kid." he smiled, Chaerin covered her face in embarrassment, "Ji doesn't know and won't know.... If you don't want him to."

"His name is Kris, Kris Wu." she said face turning pink as she was suddenly reminded of what happened earlier, "I-I think I..... like him Oppa."

"I know you do." Youngbae replied, "-I saw your face when you were with him." he cleared his throat and looked away when Xin walked past them, "But I also know how you feel about Ji" he continued, looking at Chaerin intently, "Whatever you choose to do, make sure you don't have anything to regret later."

"Oppa I-" before Chaerin could respond, the speakers blared Chaerin's song and everybody got up to dance screaming and imitating the dance moves. She gave Youngbae a light smile as she got pulled by Minzy to dance. 


The night went by quickly and everybody had dozed off on the couch, the carpet, since no one was in a condition to drive back, maybe only Youngbae, since he doesn't drink, but he too chose to stay over to take care of Dara, who was uncontrollably throwing up after a few intervals. Jiyong too had too much to drink, Chaerin had to pull him up and change his shirt, that he'd soaked with red wine.

"Hunchae?" he mumbled as Chaerin swung his arm around her neck and pulled him up, holding his waist.


"H-Hunc-" he burped, "-Chae...."

"Your shirt is ruined!" Chaerin said as she sat him on the bed, but Jiyong collapsed and crashed to the soft mattress. Chaerin sighed as she  made her way to Jiyong's side and slowly ed his shirt.

"Hunchae...." Jiyong mumbled again, his eyes closed as snuggled closer to Chaerin and hugged her thighs, "My head hurts." he complained.

"Then maybe you should start thinking before you drink so much." Chaerin said, throwing the soiled shirt into the laundry basket. She slowly shifted and reached for the tiny medicine box beside near her bed post, "Eat this." she said as she took his hand and placed it on his palm, "I'll go and get you water."


She got off the bed and glanced at Jiyong before exiting the room. The living room a total mess, she felt suffocated and irritated by the smell of alcohol in the air and the odour of so many different people( not necessarily bad odour), she almost got back to her room when a certain something caught her eye. Dara's bedroom door was slightly open, revealing the two of them talking as they laid on her bed, Dara caressing Youngbae's head as she slowly leaned over and kissed his cheeks.

Maybe you don't need my help Oppa..... She thought as she walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle and put it in the oven to warm it. Slowly she went back to her bedroom holding a water bottle and a glass, a smile still plastered on her face for the view she saw a few minutes ago.

"Oppa, get up! Eat your medicine." she said as she made her way to the bed. Jiyong groaned as he got up and ruffled his hair.

"I'm tired.. Ah?" he turned around and picked up the phone beside the  bed side drawer, "Chae-ah your phone." he said as he held it in his hand and accidentally opened the message, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to ope-" his eyes unwittingly glanced over the words, "Chaerin?"

"Hm?" she hummed as she poured water into the glass and sipped it, "I made the water a bit warm, here-" she handed the pills on her right hand, the other holding a glass. She looked at the expression on Jiyong's face and frowned, "What's the matter?"

"Your message." he said as he tossed the phone to Chaerin with a stoic expression and grabbed the glass harshly, almost spilling the water on the bed.  Chaerin sat herself on the edge of the bed as she picked up the phone and read the message.


From Kris

I can't stop thinking about the kiss.
Call me crazy.....
But..... I miss you already.


She looked up to find Jiyong with a smile that didn't match his dark eyes, "So... It seems like he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss.... What about you Chaerin? Care to enlighten me?"


"T-That is none of your business!" Chaerin spat as she threw her phone on her bed and nervously picked the invisible lint off her sweatshirt, "how're you feeling?" she asked as she plopped herself down and let out a long-tired breath.

"How am I feeling?" he repeated, "Hm..." pushing his fist under his chin he wondered theatrically, "I'm hurt that you didn't even care to tell me about your latest interest-"

"I meant your head. How's your head feeling?" Chaerin clarified, cleary annoyed at Jiyong's annoying responses.

"Ah!" he sprang up flashing his famous eye smile, that even male idols like Lee Joon swooned, "I'm good. Thanks to you." he messed up his hair only to fix it again. Checking his watch he cleared his throat, unsure if he should jump into conclusions or rather, clarify his doubts. After a long deafening silence, he chose the latter.

"Hunchae?" he started, pulling her calf as she slid over the silk blanket, closer to him.

"Hm?" she hummed as she busied herself braiding her hair to one side, casually leaning her knee against his thighs, "What?" she asked as she finished braiding and held a hand up to fix Jiyong's stray hair, jabbing his eye.

"So....?" he continued, shifting uncomfortably he let out a dry chuckle, "You're not going to tell me huh?" his dark orbs searching hers as she bent her head down.

"There's nothing to tell."

"Don't give me that excuse Chae..." he laid down on his side, his elbow supporting the weight of his head, "Do you... Like him?"

"Seriously. I don't want to discuss this with you." she said in the kindest way possible, of course she knew he'd be persistent, but she wasn't going to let him conquer. No way in hell! Or so she thought.

"Hey!" he whispered when she glanced away, loud enough for her to hear, "That's not fair." he pouted. To be very honest, he wasn't sure why he wanted to know, did he really want to know? He wasn't sure himself. Jealous. Was he jealous? No way! He scoffed at himself, mentally hitting himself with a baseball bat. Douche! You're her best friend. You of all people deserve to know what's going on in her life. And No! You're not doing this because she means something more than a friend....... Nothing more. Friends care for each other. Friends.......


His thoughts dispersed as he heard a soft murmur, he whipped his head up to find the corners of her lips slightly curved, her bangs covering the side of her face, the light illuminating her thick eye lashes as she softly whispered again, nibbling her lower lip.

"I.... I like him"


"I like Kris...." she mumbled, "Y-Yeah!... I like him."

Ouch! Everything that he'd been trying to convince himself, all the lies he'd been feeding into his systems, all came tumbling down hearing this one sentence. Kwon Jiyong..... She's more than just a friend you nincompoop!


And..... Surprise!


She likes someone else.



Not you.





Author's note: Okay. Guys I'm so sorry for updating so late. I couldn't keep my promise. :'(
But here's a new chappie.. ( I'm not at all happy with it though. *sigh*)



Let's love Skydragon forever, :)

My new story Then came you. Ignore it if you want though.. :)


With Love~




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Guys! I'm so sorry for not updating. I've been preoccupied with my college work, sorry! I will try and update Asap.


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lee215 #1
Chapter 51: Umm, have some chapters been deleted or temporarily removed for editing? Or have you deliberately left out how they finally get together but show us by jumping ahead 2 years later? Feeling robbed :(
HeoMinHee #2
Chapter 40: I swear,i felt lost for a moment,when I read my nickname in your author corner,I'm just stop in this chapter,but I'm going to finish this story tonight probably XD
Chapter 36: "But i ship chaerin with almost every hot idol, but GD? I only ship with CL. LOL"
Chapter 22: Oh my God. Its already complicated with dara likes jiyong and jiyong think chae likes yongbae more. Than Kiko come to the frame. And now kris? OMGGGGGGG. >,<
I know i know i havent finish this story but i just cant help to comment.
Chapter 40: I love your story! ! So skydragon Shipper! ! ^^ I like Kris too I am a huge fan of exo. Kisses!
4mB2st #6
Chapter 52: To be hones, I really have no idea why you're thanking me... I mean, there's nothing to thank for. You should thank yourself for being such an awesomely impressive writer!
I'll support you till the end and your thanks means so much to me <3
4mB2st #7
Chapter 40: I should actually thank you for writing this story... It's awesome! No, scratch that, you're awesome!
davryhov #8
That ok I think u might not to say thank you it because
your story is so lovely sad and happy thank for ur lovely story I hope u will make the news one good luck
Chapter 1: I actually wish your chapters are longer. lol :) I enjoy long chapters more than the short ones.
Cristi112 #10
updated soon