Chapter 14

I'm Sorry I Love You (editing)



I walked into the club filled with smoke, I was barely able to see, since the light was dim and the lasers blinded me. I chose to sit at the bar to kill my time. I took out my phone to look at the time. 11:37pm. someone tapped me on shoulder and I turned around to face a smiling face glowing under the luminous light.

"Hey!" she waved her hand at me and propped herself on the empty seat beside me. I wasn't sure how to react. She said something, but her voice was lost in the crowded place with the songs booming. I crooked my neck and motioned her to repeat.

"It's nice to see you!" she yelled, then quickly sipped the drink in her hand.

"Let’s go somewhere else...” she said as she leaned towards me and whispered into my ear. She took my hand and led me out.


                               --- ---- --- --- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- - -- - - ------


It was a blur what happened later since I woke up with a severe head ache, probably I had more drinks than I should have had. As I looked around I realized.... I was in a hotel room. I slowly sat up, adjusting my eyes to the bright light coming from window, I squinted and ran my hand along the bed to search for my phone, when my hand bumped into someone. I turned around and found a female silhouette covered with a mere blanket. What happened last night?

She turned around and stretched. Kiko.

"Hey.... You're up early." she whispered blocking the light with her hand as she slowly sat up, making her bare chest visible to me, she made no effort to try to hide herself. I turned away making her frown.

"What's wrong?" she asked slowly crawling beside me, she rubbed my arm leaning against my back.

"Put something on!" I spat shrugging her off my back, though it wasn't my intention to sound rude. I felt her pull away slowly.

"It's not like you haven't seen it before....." she retorted, pulling the covers to cover herself.

I ignored her comment and stood up and dressed myself.

"Why're you in such a hurry?" she asked, a hint of sadness in her tone, which I decided to ignore. As always. I recalled me always leaving abruptly like this before, and not contact her later on. I felt a pang of guilt as I thought about it. And thought.... maybe, I was being an with a big 'A'.

"Dress yourself..... We're going out." I felt like she deserved to be treated better, No! ....... More like I'm trying to mend my old ways by trying to treat her better.


Everybody deserves to be treated well.



A Double update. Yaay! Ain't I awesome? hehe...
Anyways, GD's New album is sooooo effing dope!  I just can't..... TT__TT
Btw, Listen to the track 'Who You'... after the "I love you baby" part he says "Napuen gizibe".. Ahh! my feelsssssssss.... Shoot me now O.o
And Bom being so obvious " GD Loves Naupen gizibes" ahhaha
I love how 2ne1 girls ship Skydragon. :)





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Guys! I'm so sorry for not updating. I've been preoccupied with my college work, sorry! I will try and update Asap.


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lee215 #1
Chapter 51: Umm, have some chapters been deleted or temporarily removed for editing? Or have you deliberately left out how they finally get together but show us by jumping ahead 2 years later? Feeling robbed :(
HeoMinHee #2
Chapter 40: I swear,i felt lost for a moment,when I read my nickname in your author corner,I'm just stop in this chapter,but I'm going to finish this story tonight probably XD
Chapter 36: "But i ship chaerin with almost every hot idol, but GD? I only ship with CL. LOL"
Chapter 22: Oh my God. Its already complicated with dara likes jiyong and jiyong think chae likes yongbae more. Than Kiko come to the frame. And now kris? OMGGGGGGG. >,<
I know i know i havent finish this story but i just cant help to comment.
Chapter 40: I love your story! ! So skydragon Shipper! ! ^^ I like Kris too I am a huge fan of exo. Kisses!
4mB2st #6
Chapter 52: To be hones, I really have no idea why you're thanking me... I mean, there's nothing to thank for. You should thank yourself for being such an awesomely impressive writer!
I'll support you till the end and your thanks means so much to me <3
4mB2st #7
Chapter 40: I should actually thank you for writing this story... It's awesome! No, scratch that, you're awesome!
davryhov #8
That ok I think u might not to say thank you it because
your story is so lovely sad and happy thank for ur lovely story I hope u will make the news one good luck
Chapter 1: I actually wish your chapters are longer. lol :) I enjoy long chapters more than the short ones.
Cristi112 #10
updated soon