Chapter 41

I'm Sorry I Love You (editing)




Chaerin stared at her steering wheel as she parked her car right outside Jiyong's house. She left out a shaky breath as she made up her mind. I’m going to tell him everything. It’s now or never, she reminded herself as she got out of the car and walked to the door. Holding her breath she pressed the door bell. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, she couldn’t focus anymore. Just exactly what was she going to say? She pressed her eyes with the heel of her palms and let out a sigh when the door flung open. Standing on the other side was Jiyong’s maid, smiling at her.

“Miss Lee…. What brings you here?” she said as she adjusted the apron on her waist.

“Is… Is he here?” she stuttered, "I n-need to talk to him." her nervousness was getting the better of her. She never felt so nervous, not even during her first debut stage.

“He left half an hour ago…” She replied rather sadly, but lit up instantly, “You can still make it to the airport.” She added.

“I….” Chaerin swallowed, is this a sign? She wondered, just when she decided to tell him her feelings. He wasn’t there. Was the universe telling her something? She couldn’t make up her mind, nodding her head she thanked her and left, her fist clenching as she grabbed the car keys in her hand tighter. As she made her way to her car she shook her head and chuckled at herself. I came all the way; I shouldn’t go back without doing what I actually came here for. Turning the key in the ignition, she drove away, entering a new destination in her GPS.

“Gimpo Airport”



She quickly put on her sunglasses and pulled her hair open so people wouldn’t recognize her. Noticing the crowd around the gate she tried formulating a plan to enter without going noticed. She knew she wouldn’t be able to enter inside without the ticket, so she made her way to the ticket booking station and took out her purse.

“I would like to book a flight.” She said as she leaned on the counter, hiding her face with the passport in her hand.

“I can help you with that. Where are you traveling to?” the lady in the counter replied, She doesn't recognize me. Chaerin sighed a sigh of relief.

“Uh… Japan. Tokyo.”

“What date will you be traveling?” the lady asked as she typed onto her computer keyboard.

“Now!” she blurted all too quickly.

“Now?” the lady looked surprised as she glanced around Chaerin taking notcie that she didn’t have any luggage with her, “There isn’t a plane leaving until 1am this morning.” She replied as she double clicker her mouse.

“I’ll take that.” Chaerin said as she handed her credit card and her passport. She didn’t actually plan to go to Japan, all she was trying to do was to get into the airport, since he was already probably inside the waiting hall and she wouldn’t be allowed in without a ticket.

“There you go.” The lady said, handing her her booking ticket. “Have a safe flight Miss.”

“Thank you.”





Chaerin went through the security check and quickly made her way to the waiting hall, scanning everywhere with her eyes. She couldn’t spot him. Making her way to the counter, she took a deep breath as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

“Flight to Tokyo, departure time 11. Status?” she checked her watch as she spoke. It was already 9.

“Passengers have already boarded miss.” The man behind the counter replied, “Were you supposed to be in there?” he asked, pointing towards the right, Chaerin shook her head, “I’m sorry.” he replied, What? Why would he apologize to me? She dipped her head slightly and turned around, feeling the world on her shoulders. What was she supposed to do now? If only she had her phone with her…… 

"Phone!” she jumped, running to the nearest phone booth she could find, panting and huffing as she dropped a quarter into the slot. Punching the number she was all too familiar with.


>>The number you’re trying to call has been switched off-<<


She hung up the phone, feeling defeated. She did everything she could do… Feeling exhausted and unsuccessful, she sat herself on the seat and buried her face with her hands. She felt uneasy because of the blocks she was facing…. Was the world not allowing her to do what she came to do? Many questions lingered on her mind as she got up and stared at the ticket in her hand.

“Maybe…..” she mumbled to herself, “Maybe…..” She already had a ticket with her so… Why not just go? She made it all the way here…

“I guess I’m going to Japan.”




Chaerin made sure she informed Dara as soon as she landed Narita airport. It was almost 4 in the morning. The conversation wasn’t pretty as Dara was asleep when she called and demanded to know why she suddenly left, that too without informing anyone, not even their manager. Chaerin pleaded to not let their manager oppa know about this because she was going to make it back in a day. Unable to hide it from her, she told Dara about planning to tell Jiyong about her feelings, she said she knew she was being ridiculous, but Dara rubbed it off saying it was the most romantic thing anyone could do, giving her best wishes she hung up the phone.

Chaerin quickly took a cab asking the driver to drop her off at Cerulean Tokyo Tower at Shibuya, the hotel where 2NE1 usually stayed whenever they had a trip to Japan. After an hour ride from the airport, Chaerin quickly made her way to the hotel reception and removed her sunglasses, now that she was no longer in danger of being photographed or caught by the press.

“Miss how may I help- CL-san!” the receptionist smiled widely, “How may I help you?”

Chaerin returned the smile, inwardly happy that the receptionist recognized her because it would have been difficult to book a room without any advance report.

“I need a room for 1 night.” She replied in Japanese, hoping she didn’t sound too rusty, since it had been a while since she spoke in that language.

“You’re here for work?” the receptionist asked as she typed something into her computer. Chaerin shook her head and the lady nodded, handing her a card-key, “The usual suite.”



Chaerin slowly walked to the elevator with the card key in her hand, dabbing her eyes with a tissue, she stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for 42nd floor. Suddenly she heard a lady shout, asking her to hold the door, which she did.

“Oh? CL!!” the woman screamed, jolting Chaerin out of her thoughts.

“Kiko?" she gasped, "Wh-What’re you doing here?” she asked as her face matched her voice, shocked.

“I’m here to see Jiyong. What about you? Here for work?” she asked as she pressed the 42nd button.

“Y-Yes!” she muttered. Great! Same floor too. She thought sarcastically as her mood dropped and she suddenly felt stupid for coming all the way here. Obviously he called Kiko, or else why would she be here? Shaking her head and laughing at herself she leaned on the hand rail of the elevator and sighed. Her hands felt itchy and she wanted to punch something…… someone.

“I’m glad you found someone Chaerin…” kiko said as she too, leaned her back on the mirrored wall.

“What do you mean?” Chaerin spat, she couldn’t hide her disgust. He told her about Kris and I?

“He seems like a nice guy, handsome too. Very handsome.” She wiggled her eyebrows playfully, still not getting all the death glares Chaerin was shooting at her.

“How did you know?” Chaerin titled her head, putting on a confused look even though she was 100 percent sure Jiyong had told it to her, who else would?

“I read it…” she replied, shrugging, “It was on the news. ‘2NE1 leader CL and EXO-M leader Kris Dating’” she said gesturing with her hand movements.

“Oh God!” Chaerin groaned, “This is the best day of my life!” she said sarcastically and flashed a fake smile. The day couldn’t get any worse.




Author's note:
I know I know... Not what you were expecting. But what Do I do? haha. Sorry for letting you down.. :'(
They will meet the next chapter. I Promise.

And... I've estimated that this story will end around the 60th chapter.(can't tell for sure)

Non-related stuff:
I wish YG would debut the Girl group soon. I've fallen in love with Lalice(chose her as my bias already). 
He's delaying way too much. Or at leas at he could debut the other girls(except Jennie) cause they all seem too talented to be hidden.

PLEASE VOTE FOR G DRAGON CL and 2NE1 for Golden Disk Award and Seoul Music awards. Please!!!



With love






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Guys! I'm so sorry for not updating. I've been preoccupied with my college work, sorry! I will try and update Asap.


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lee215 #1
Chapter 51: Umm, have some chapters been deleted or temporarily removed for editing? Or have you deliberately left out how they finally get together but show us by jumping ahead 2 years later? Feeling robbed :(
HeoMinHee #2
Chapter 40: I swear,i felt lost for a moment,when I read my nickname in your author corner,I'm just stop in this chapter,but I'm going to finish this story tonight probably XD
Chapter 36: "But i ship chaerin with almost every hot idol, but GD? I only ship with CL. LOL"
Chapter 22: Oh my God. Its already complicated with dara likes jiyong and jiyong think chae likes yongbae more. Than Kiko come to the frame. And now kris? OMGGGGGGG. >,<
I know i know i havent finish this story but i just cant help to comment.
Chapter 40: I love your story! ! So skydragon Shipper! ! ^^ I like Kris too I am a huge fan of exo. Kisses!
4mB2st #6
Chapter 52: To be hones, I really have no idea why you're thanking me... I mean, there's nothing to thank for. You should thank yourself for being such an awesomely impressive writer!
I'll support you till the end and your thanks means so much to me <3
4mB2st #7
Chapter 40: I should actually thank you for writing this story... It's awesome! No, scratch that, you're awesome!
davryhov #8
That ok I think u might not to say thank you it because
your story is so lovely sad and happy thank for ur lovely story I hope u will make the news one good luck
Chapter 1: I actually wish your chapters are longer. lol :) I enjoy long chapters more than the short ones.
Cristi112 #10
updated soon