Chapter 33

I'm Sorry I Love You (editing)


The drive to Jiyong's place was quick. Chaerin ran up to the door and entered the passcode she knew by heart and stormed in, not bothering to place her shoes neatly, unlike her. As she swivelled around the railing of the stairs, Jiyong's maid came face to face with her and greeted her.

"Oh! Chaerin-sshi ho-"

"Where's he?" she spat, regretting her rude-tone immediately, "I-Is he alright?" she asked, this time, much gentler. The maid nodded towards Jiyong's room and offered to make some tea which Chaerin refused, "It's late... You should go sleep. I'll take care of him." she offered instead. The maid raised an eyebrow but quickly nodded and prodded away, she never understood their relationship, but she wasn't one to question it either.

Chaerin opened the door to his room to find him sprawled on the bed with a pillow covering his face. She made no move as she leaned against the door frame and cleared . Jiyong groaned loudly and ordered her to leave him alone, mistaking her to be his maid.

"Oppa..." that was all she needed to say to get his attention. His head shot up too quickly, making him wince with pain. Chaerin hurried to his side and sat on his bed fixing the pillows behind him.

"Chae-ah w-what're you doi-"

"Just sit back. I'll bring some ice." she said interrupting him, but as she got up a Jiyong grabbed her wrist, "I'll be back....." she said as she peeled his hands away and headed for the kitchen.

After getting the ice pack she searched for, which seemed like hours, she headed back to the room, sat at the same place she sat before.

"Lift your shirt." she said stoically as she avoided eye contact with him, being this close to him was making her uncomfortable as it already was, eye contact, wouldn't have helped. When he didn't move, she made it her duty to do so, she secured her hands around the hem of his shirt and slowly pulled it up.

"Ahh!" Jiyong groaned, but she couldn't care less, it was stupid of him to be so reckless. That too, fight with someone as sculpted and big as Hyunjoong. But as frustrated and annoyed she was at Jiyong for being so foolish, she couldn't help but feel a little good. Quickly shaking that thought away she grabbed the ice pack. She knew better than being all giddy about the fact that Jiyong actually hit someone for her. He could have gotten badly injured and that made her furious.

"Chae -" he bit his lower lip trying to hide the pain as she dabbed the bag of ice on his ribs, applying pressure on it, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you'd do this!" she replied as a matter of factly and continued applying pressure on the spot, which made Jiyong to whimper as he rested his hand on Chaerin's shoulder and squeezed it.

"Sorry...." she muttered as she glanced at his face, his eyes were closed as he bit his lips.

"Hunchae..." he softly whispered, removing his hand from her shoulder, "... Are you angry at me?"

She didn't answer as she focused on her work. She soon reached for the spot on his arm, which was blue black, probably from the impact with the wall. He caught her hand in his, forcing her to look at him.

"Answer me please...." he pleaded, she'd never heard him begging before, sighing in defeat she looked up at him and met the pair of eyes that looked empty.



She nodded and turned away, she wasn't used to this feeling, the feeling that was brewing inside her, and having him so close, didn't help one bit. God Chaerin! FOCUS! she mentally creamed at herself.

"Then why do you look like it?"

"Because.." she exhaled, "That was stupid!" her hands flew up in irritation... mostly at herself, "You are stupid.... Do you know what could happened to you if the word got out, if he calls the police or... God!" he tried to grab her hand but she yanked it away, "You didn't have to do this!", realizing she was too loud, she bent down.

"Of course! It's my job, you are my best friend and I-" he stopped when Chaerin let out a sarcastic laugh, but her eyes said something else. 

"Stop..." she muttered, surprised at her own shaky voice, "If me being your friend requires you to do these things. If it's too much of a burden for you, then -" she closed her eyes holding in the tears that threatened to fall, "Just don't be my friend..." be something more.... She said in her mind, then let out a soft chuckle at her own thoughts. Before she knew, she was already in too deep, even if she tried, she wouldn't be able to get out of it. She liked him. But the mere thought of not having Jiyong around her anymore, broke her heart. But it's for the best. She reminded herself as she stood up, only to be grabbed by Jiyong, she tried to pull away, but he wouldn't budge.

"Let go!" she growled.


"Just let go -"

"Stay Hunchae... Please-" he whispered lowly, but it was audible enough for her. She cursed herself as she sat down, "Thank you." he whispered.

"What do you want?" she asked rather annoyed, yet he smiled slyly making her heart beat so loud, she was certain he could hear it too.

"You" Chaerin's head jerked up confused and flushed, but her face fell when he cntinued, "- I want you to trust me." What had she expected? 

"It's almost dawn...." she said quietly.

"Did you hear me?"

She hummed then pushed him on his shoulder gently,"Move." No matter how hard she tries to push  him away or stay angry at him, she always failed and instead finds herself falling in deeper and deeper. Knowing her efforts was all useless she stopped trying to find reasons to be angry at him and instead, she pulled the blankets over him and laid down on the other side of the bed. Bemused, Jiyong carefully watched her crawl beside him. Good thing, his bed is big. Chaerin thought to herself as she pushed her knees to her chest and tried to stay at the corner, as it is, her heart was making summersaults. Amidst her thoughts, she felt a warm blanket cover her silhouette. She titled her head to find Jiyong right beside her, peeking from her shoulder.

"Would you do me a favor?" he asked as he swept his bangs to the side, she raised an eyebrow.



"Alright!" she said rather annoyingly, "Wha -" he s his arm towards her waist and pulled her to his side, jamming her back to his chest, "Oppa...."

"I want to hug you."

"That's jus-" Chaerin tried to peel herself away but failed to do so. How come he's so strong, even after being injured? She mumbled to herself inaudibly.

"No dirty business. I promise" there was a sense of playfulness in his tone, but he meant it. He'd never ever think of something like this while he's with her. Or....  maybe he did, but he'd never do those things to her. Besides, he might get kicked at his shin. The simple thought of that made him wince.

"Fine." she said rather gawkily and sighed, "Let's sleep now.." with that she turned her head and placed it on the pillow, sighing and complaing a few times before she fell asleep immidiately. Jiyong, as tired as he was, he couldn't let go of the chance of watching her sleep, The baddest Female huh? He stifled a chuckle. More like the cutest female.

Pushing away the thought, he grazed his hand over her hair and over the mark under her eye. His heart ached at the mere thought of the incident and how he wished he'd been there for her. But it didn't matter for now. He was with her now. Smiling to himself he murmured,

"I could get used to this." he laid himself down and s his other arm under her head, suddenly, she stirred and he froze. She had turned around to face him, her face nuzzling against his bare chest. He let out a long breath, which he hadn't realized he was holding. Taking in the moment, he put his arm around her waist and buried himself in her hair, taking in her scent.

".... Yep!" he chuckled, "I'm used to this." he corrected himself and in a flick of a second fell asleep.




Chaerin woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing. Sighing and complaining she sat up and rubbed her eyes, suddenly it all came back to her when she saw Jiyong sleeping peacefully beside her. She slapped her hands to her face, Omg! She groaned, her heart was beating so fast, she was sure if she didn't distract herself, she'd have a cardiac arrest. She climbed out of the bed and reached for her phone as fast as she could so he couldn't wake up, not bothering to look at the caller ID she answered.


"Uh- Hey!" a deep husky voice replied, Chaerin knew this voice, but she had to check, so she pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at the screen Kris.

"Kris...." she didn't realize, but a smile had taken over her lips.

"Yeah! Um... Did I disturb you?" he said, Yeah. I was sleeping..... With Jiyong Oppa. She thought but quickly glanced at the huge clock, it was already 11:15am. Groaning mentally she picked up her bag and walked towards the door, the phone still against her ears.

"N-No... What's up?"

"I was wondering..." he began, "If you could meet me? I mean..." he chuckled nervously, "I wanted to congratulate you on the success of your single."

"You can do that over the phone -" she said calmly as she closed the door behind her as quietly as possible, galncing at the sleeping figure one last time.

"No!" he said immidiately, "I want to do it in person and besides... we haven't met for so long. So?"


"Really?" he gasped and Chaerin laughed, she was already at Jiyong's living room.

"Ne... When should we meet then?"  she asked, as she struggled to wear her shoes, balancing on one foot.

"I'll pick you up around 7?" he suggested.

"Sounds good. I'll -" before she could finish she heard a rattling sound behind her, she turned around to face Jiyong's maid looking at her apologetically.

"S-Sorry I-I wasn't spying on y-you." she stuttered, Chaerin nodded and smiled, turning her attention back to her conversation.

"What was I saying?" she asked as she reached for her coat on the hanger, after Kris prompted, she giggled, "Yeah!... I can't wait see you soon too."

The maid watched Chaerin leave with a little hint of pink on her face after she'd said the last line to whoever it was on the phone and the tone suggested, it was indeed a guy. Though she didn't want to jump into conclusions, but she noticed her wearing exactly the same attire she was wearing last night and not that she didn't spend her night her before, but the fact that she did spend her night here, with Jiyong (not that she was implying anything), she was leaving him... to meet someone else.

And that...... she thought.

Wasn't fair.

But then, Again? Who was she to have a say in this? She shook her head as she picked up utensils she had dropped.

"Jiyong-nim." she mumbled, "You might lose her if you don't confess to her soon...."




Author's note:

OTL! I have another exam tomorrow... and here I am.
BTW! I watched MAMA live, but then, it lagged so much, I gave up and decided I'd watch it later.
But I caught all the performances, GOD! Bigbang OWNED the night. Haha
Did you see the yellow sea? haha... CVIPS are the best. SERIOUSLY! 
CL's looked sick though... I mean the literal sick SICK! SHe didn't sound alright.
In her Thankyou speech she said "Teddy Hyung!" LOL Haha.
And so many hidden Skydragon moments... Buahaha! 
(The forever Whispering Chaerin to GD, the camera turning to GD whenever it was CL's turn,
The proud smile on GD when CL performed with Icona pop)
Anyways.. Their Pre-recording(Inkigayo) already ended. Can't wait to watch it. :)

PS- GD confirmed he is indeed..... GBOB!


Okay. My author notes are so boring and long... Sorry.
have fun. 
God bless ya'll

And congrats to my babies... EXO ( you deserved it.... Though I believe if GD had released earlier, he would have won. Lol)
He won too many awards anyway. :D

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Guys! I'm so sorry for not updating. I've been preoccupied with my college work, sorry! I will try and update Asap.


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lee215 #1
Chapter 51: Umm, have some chapters been deleted or temporarily removed for editing? Or have you deliberately left out how they finally get together but show us by jumping ahead 2 years later? Feeling robbed :(
HeoMinHee #2
Chapter 40: I swear,i felt lost for a moment,when I read my nickname in your author corner,I'm just stop in this chapter,but I'm going to finish this story tonight probably XD
Chapter 36: "But i ship chaerin with almost every hot idol, but GD? I only ship with CL. LOL"
Chapter 22: Oh my God. Its already complicated with dara likes jiyong and jiyong think chae likes yongbae more. Than Kiko come to the frame. And now kris? OMGGGGGGG. >,<
I know i know i havent finish this story but i just cant help to comment.
Chapter 40: I love your story! ! So skydragon Shipper! ! ^^ I like Kris too I am a huge fan of exo. Kisses!
4mB2st #6
Chapter 52: To be hones, I really have no idea why you're thanking me... I mean, there's nothing to thank for. You should thank yourself for being such an awesomely impressive writer!
I'll support you till the end and your thanks means so much to me <3
4mB2st #7
Chapter 40: I should actually thank you for writing this story... It's awesome! No, scratch that, you're awesome!
davryhov #8
That ok I think u might not to say thank you it because
your story is so lovely sad and happy thank for ur lovely story I hope u will make the news one good luck
Chapter 1: I actually wish your chapters are longer. lol :) I enjoy long chapters more than the short ones.
Cristi112 #10
updated soon