A Stranger Is On My Couch!

A Gangster Lives In My House!

In the morning, IU slowly woke up as the light shined in her room. She rubbed her teary eyes and opened them slowly. She sat up, groaning since she was exhausted. It was Tuesday. Another beautiful day of school, IU thought, as she stretched her arms and then yawned sleepily. She got up, made her bed, and walked towards the window. She removed the curtains as the room began to brighten up even more. 

The ground was still wet from the heavy rain yesterday. She opened the window, leaving the rainy, wet scent flowing in her room. She inhaled deeply, breathing in the new, fresh morning air. Birds chirped to greet her, as the sun shined with a smile. IU smiled back, as she headed towards the bathroom. 

Gosh, I'm so tired! Why couldn't today be Saturday or something? IU wondered drowsily when she finally dressed for school. She glanced at her alarm clock, which read only 7:00 A.M. She had only 40 minutes left until school started. She walked down the stairs, her hands trailing on the stair railings. When she arrived at the kitchen, she made herself breakfast. As she walked around the quiet house, she found a lump on her couch. She shook her head.

"Omo… What a mess," IU said quietly, "Umma should've folded the blanket before she left. Oh well! Maybe she was too busy to clean up the house. I'll clean up the house after school." IU grabbed the end of the blanket and quickly removed it with a big whoosh! She widened her eyes, noticing a stranger on her couch. OMO OMO OMO! Who–What–This–AH!!! IU thought, covering . 

Suddenly, the boy on the couch opened his eyes slowly and smirked.

"Yeah, you should clean up the house after school. Especially this couch. I might've stained your couch with my blood," the boy said with a croak. IU's lips quivered, scared too death.

"Who… are you?" IU asked slowly. The boy smiled lightly, as he coughed.

"Yang Yoseob, a member from B2ST," Yoseob introduced himself with another smirk. IU widened her eyes. B2ST, the most dangerous gangster in my neighbor. I HAVE TO CALL THE POLICE!!! IU thought, her head about to blow off. IU reached for her phone, which was on the table nearby. Yoseob noticed this, as grabbed IU's wrist. IU widened her eyes, as Yoseob pulled her into a tight hug. 

IU yelped. Before she knew it, she was lying on the couch with Yoseob, who had his eyes closed softly. IU stiffened, feeling really uncomfortable.


"Don't…move," Yoseob whispered, as IU widened her eyes. No way… I'm being hugged by a member of the most dangerous gangster group in my neighborhood! IU thought, shocked. Suddenly, Yoseob panted hard. IU turned to face Yoseob, and reached for his forehead. Yoseob stared at IU weirdly, but weakly.

"What are you… doing?" Yoseob panted. IU yelped and quickly removed her head from his forehead.

"Um… Y-You have a fever…" IU quietly pointed out. 

"Whatever. Fevers are nothing," Yoseob murmured, hugging IU tighter. IU yelped, as Yoseob smiled. "You feel… warm." IU blushed furiously as she spotted her cell phone. Police! I have to call the police! IU remembered as she slowly reached for the phone. Suddenly, Yoseob grabbed IU's hand and held her closer. Darn it! I can't reach the phone!

"Who are you going to call when you have me?" Yoseob asked lightly.

"Ummm… I have school!" IU excused herself, as she pulled Yoseob away. Yoseob smirked, seeing IU's bright red face. IU covered her face with her hands, peeping at Yoseob between her fingers. Yoseob leaned against his hands, his elbow on the couch. He groaned, as he touched his ribs. Darn it… It hurts! Yoseob thought in pain, biting his lips. IU stared at Yoseob worryingly. 

"Are you okay?" IU asked with a soft tone. Yoseob smirked, as he his lips, trying to keep his cool.

"Never been better… urgh!" Yoseob groaned, as he quickly lied against the couch. He panted hard, gripping on his ribs. IU covered , unsure what to do.

"I should go–"

"NO!" Yoseob shouted, grabbing IU's wrist again and pulling her closer to him. IU yelped loudly, as her face became only centimeters away from Yoseob's lips. Yoseob opened his eyes ever so gently, and stared at IU's innocent stare.

"Don't leave," he said, "Just… stay." IU was unsure of what to do. She had school, and she couldn't miss any lessons just because the most dangerous gangster was in her house, injured. 

"Let me just call the police and–"

"NO!!!" Yoseob yelled, as he screamed in pain, gripping his ribs even tighter. IU looked at Yoseob with worried, kind eyes.

"But then–"

"If you call the police… argh!… You're dead when I get out," Yoseob said with a deadly glare. IU gulped, as she grabbed her phone. Suddenly, Yoseob took away IU's phone.

"You're… not going to take this to school," Yoseob panted, "Don't you dare tell anyone at school that I'm staying in your house. Promise?" 

"Uh, sure," IU said awkwardly, getting up to go to school. Yoseob pulled IU back down, as IU widened her eyes. She began to stiffen even more every time Yoseob pulled her close to her.

"Swear?" he asked.

"I don't swear," IU said, scrunching her eye brows. Yoseob glanced at IU for a moment, and then smiled as he locked his pinky with hers.

"You pinky swear, so there's no going back," Yoseob said. IU bit her lips. IU was the girl who never broke any promise. If she broke a promise, she felt so guilty, she would want to die for forgiveness. IU sadly nodded, as she grabbed her school bag.

"Wait!" Yoseob called. IU sighed and turned around to Yoseob. He's getting on my nerves, IU thought, irritated.

"Cross your heart!" Yoseob demanded.

"What?!" IU exclaimed.

"Cross. Your. Heart!" Yoseob demanded again, as IU crossed her chest. Yoseob smiled, as he did the same with his bloody, shaky hand.

"Good. Now be a good girl, and– ugh!!" Yoseob yelped, gripping on to his ribs. He quickly panted, as IU ran out the door. I have to tell someone, IU thought, I just have to!

But… I don't break promises, so I can't tell anyone. A promise is a promise, and I never will break any promise.

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9/17/13: Randomly featured (Thank you for all the "congratulation" messages!)


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@natsumi4ever: Wow, i didn't even know that she was given a set of rules until I reread the first chapter lol XD
Chapter 1: Omg hahaha, I love how her parents gives her all these rules and yet, of all things, they don't tell her to make sure the door is locked at all times XD
@airis1: I wouldn't say that it's amazing (cause it's so cliché), but I'm glad that you've enjoyed it. ^_^
airis1 #4
Chapter 32: wow...that so amazing...
@Aminaly: That's cool. :) Don't worry, I can understand where you're coming from. We all have biases here and there, and dont like it when our bias plays the evil role. ;)
Aminaly #6
Chapter 38: I'm sorry to say this, but i really doesn't like this story cause I am 2PM fan not b2st fan, but anyway it still good.
@Taehyunggie2645: Aha, thank you! ^_^ There's not much to the plot, though (it's a very cliché plotline). :P
Taehyunggie2645 #8
Chapter 41: Amazing story plot! HAHA IT WAS SO SWEET N FUNNYYYY!! Love it <3
@-Smart-Fit-: Thank you! Honestly, now looking back at this story, it was pretty funny to write, but it was quite cliché, too. >_<;; But I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :D
Chapter 41: I love it! It have great comedy!
And i love the story line too!!