Suzy's and Yoseob's Encounter

A Gangster Lives In My House!

Yoseob heard the bell ring. He peaked through the bushes secretly, making sure that no one was in sight. No one was there. All the students were in class. Alright, coast's clear! Yoseob smirked, jumping out of the bush. He dusted off some leaves that were on his clothes. He was already inside the school ground. He looked around, noticing that a guard stood next to the gates, sleeping. He looked side to side and quickly scurried off inside the building. 

He opened the door quickly and went inside. The door slammed behind him. Yoseob jumped and bit his lower lips, afraid that someone had heard him. He waited for someone to come. No one came. He sighed in relief. He was simply wearing blue, worn out jeans, and a white shirt underneath his black sweater. He checked the sweater's pocket to see if IU's lunch was still in there. He smiled. The lunch was still in his pocket.

Quickly, Yoseob glanced around the hall. I wonder where IU's jail cell is… Yoseob wondered, secretly peeking through the clear window on the door.

IU yawned tiredly. Her mind was always slow and tired during the mornings until break. Suzy giggled at IU and secretly passed her a note. IU raised an eyebrow and read it.

Tired, eh?

IU giggled and scribbled on the back with her blue pen. She silently passed it to Suzy when the teacher turned around to write something on the black board.

Duh! Aren't you tired?

Suzy bursted into little, quiet giggles. The teacher turned around and frowned. The teacher glanced down at her seating chart and looked back at Suzy.

"Bae Suzy?" the teacher called. Suzy yelped in shock and straightened her back, facing the teacher. She crumbled up the note, hiding it in her fist.

"Er, yes ma'am?" Suzy replied uneasily. IU stopped smiling and bit her tongue. Uh oh, IU thought.

"What's so funny, Miss Bae?" the teacher questioned, frowning. 

"Nothing ma'am," Suzy answered, shaking her head. Taecyeon smirked. So this girl can lie, too, hm? Taecyeon thought. Suzy heard Taecyeon smirking and gave him a deadly glare.

"I'll let you go off with a warning, Miss Bae. Please pay attention to class," the teacher warned. Suzy nodded quickly as the teacher continued off with her teachings. Suzy sighed in relief as IU bit her lips. She secretly passed Suzy another note. Suzy raised an eyebrow and opened up the folded note.

Mian :(

Suzy chuckled and mouthed, "It's okay." IU smiled and faced the board. However, just before she did that, she caught something from the corner of the eye. She widened her eyes and looked at the door. Tilting her head, she bit her lower lips awkwardly. I'm sure that was Yoseob, IU thought. She shrugged carelessly and focused on the lesson. Aish…I should stop thinking of Yoseob. Focus, IU, focus!

"Target found!" Yoseob whispered, putting up a grin. He was sure he spotted IU, and so he decided to wait outside, next to the door. No one seemed like they were going out of class, anyways. He leaned against the wall, starring at the lunch IU made herself. To make such a thing by herself…It's either she loves cooking herself or her parents can't cook.

Yoseob looked up at the ceiling, realizing something. Where are her parents, anyways? Yoseob wondered. He realized that he didn't even know anything about IU's parent. He sighed.

"I'll ask her when I give her the lunch box," Yoseob mumbled, tapping his food impatiently. 

Suzy gasped. She crossed her legs, biting her tongue. She quickly raised her hand high up in the air. The teacher turned around and stared at Suzy.

"Yes, Miss Bae?" the teacher asked.

"C-Can I…use the restroom?" Suzy asked shyly, embarrassed. The teacher glanced at the clock and frowned.

"You should've used the restroom before you came to class. I'll excuse you only this time. Hurry up!" the teacher scolded. Suzy nodded and quickly got up, running out of the room. Restroom, restroom, restroom–

When Suzy closed the classroom door, she widened her eyes. She couldn't believe the person who was leaning against the wall, closing his eyes. She held her breath, slowly approaching the boy. 

"Um…Who are you?" Suzy quietly asked. Yoseob yawned and rubbed his eyes. He glanced at Suzy, who was smiling ecstatically. Yoseob widened his eyes. Oh shoot! I got caught!

"You're Yang Yoseob from the gang called B2ST, right?" Suzy asked, her voice getting softy. 

"Er, yeah, I am. But–"

"Oh my gosh!" Suzy squealed, "I'm here, standing in front of my biggest crush!" Yoseob strangely raised an eyebrow.


"I am a huge fan of your gang! I love you the most, because you seemed to get caught on the news the most," Suzy trailed on. 

"Is that supposed to be a compliment–"

"Wait till IU hears what I saw right now! Can I have your autograph?" Suzy asked, her eyes shimmering with joy. Yoseob widened his eyes.

"Wait, you know IU?" Yoseob asked. Suddenly, Suzy's face fell. He knows IU? How? Suzy wondered. She slowly nodded her head, as Yoseob handed Suzy IU's lunch box.

"Tell IU that she forgot this at home. Oh, and tell her to come back ASAP," Yoseob ordered. Suzy was just about to say something until Yoseob ran off. 

"W-Wait!" Suzy called, but Yoseob was gone with a blink of an eye. She sighed and slightly pouted. She stared at IU's small lunch box, and then remembered what she had to do. Suzy ran to her destination, tightly holding the lunch box between her hands.

"Restroom, restroom, restroom…" Suzy chanted quietly.

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9/17/13: Randomly featured (Thank you for all the "congratulation" messages!)


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@natsumi4ever: Wow, i didn't even know that she was given a set of rules until I reread the first chapter lol XD
Chapter 1: Omg hahaha, I love how her parents gives her all these rules and yet, of all things, they don't tell her to make sure the door is locked at all times XD
@airis1: I wouldn't say that it's amazing (cause it's so cliché), but I'm glad that you've enjoyed it. ^_^
airis1 #4
Chapter 32: wow...that so amazing...
@Aminaly: That's cool. :) Don't worry, I can understand where you're coming from. We all have biases here and there, and dont like it when our bias plays the evil role. ;)
Aminaly #6
Chapter 38: I'm sorry to say this, but i really doesn't like this story cause I am 2PM fan not b2st fan, but anyway it still good.
@Taehyunggie2645: Aha, thank you! ^_^ There's not much to the plot, though (it's a very cliché plotline). :P
Taehyunggie2645 #8
Chapter 41: Amazing story plot! HAHA IT WAS SO SWEET N FUNNYYYY!! Love it <3
@-Smart-Fit-: Thank you! Honestly, now looking back at this story, it was pretty funny to write, but it was quite cliché, too. >_<;; But I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :D
Chapter 41: I love it! It have great comedy!
And i love the story line too!!