Troubled Thoughts

A Gangster Lives In My House!

"Hm…" IU hummed quietly, tapping her pencil on her desk. The math teacher turned around to write something on the board. Some students whispered to each other and passed notes, while others frantically scribbled the notes off on their paper. Wooyoung was one of those students who focused on friends and classmates instead of the lessons. He bothered IU by whispering to her and poking her arm with his pencil. It annoyed IU a lot, but she pretended to ignore what Wooyoung was doing. However, right now, she was somehow worried.

Is Yoseob okay? Did he eat? I wonder if I left him enough food on the side table. What if he got hungry again? Maybe he needs more water or something? Aish, I'm really worried! IU thought. She stopped herself for a second. Wait a minute, why am I even worried? Sure, he's a guest, but he's also a gangster. I'm sure he can take care of himself just fine.

But he has a broken rib, IU thought again, So he won't be able to move, I guess. Or will he? I told him not to move. What if he's a ert and looks through my clothes? Eek! IU, what are you thinking?! He's a gangster, not ar! Aish… I'm so worried!

"Pst! IU! Pst!" Wooyoung whispered. IU chewed on her bottom lips unknowingly, bothered by her thoughts. Was she supposed to be worried about Yoseob or not? 

"Therefore…" the teacher continued, turning around. The chattery students straightened their backs and stared at the board, pretending that they had listened to the teacher the whole time. "Who would like to answer this question?" 

The class went quiet. Nobody liked answering questions on the board. Especially math problems. Everyone in this classroom disliked to answer math problems except some of the nerdy students and the students who actually paid attention. The teacher sighed and skimmed around the room, looking for daydreamers. Her eyes landed on IU, who was staring at her notebook.

"Lee Ji Eun, will you please answer this problem?" the teacher asked loudly, her voice echoing in the classroom. IU's eyes were still glued on the paper. She was still thinking about Yoseob. Am I falling for him? IU wondered, Possibly, since I read books about these situations. Or maybe not? Hopefully not, since I don't want to fall in love with a gangster.

"Even Wooyoung would be better to fall in love with," IU mumbled aloud. The class started hooting, Suzy widened her eyes, and Wooyoung flushed. What did she just say? Wooyoung thought, Did I here her right? Probably, since I sit right next to her. 

The teacher sighed deeply. The class chattered about IU and Wooyoung, while Suzy tried to push away whatever IU was thinking.

"Ya, IU, are you okay?" Suzy whispered, shaking IU's arm. IU snapped out of her thoughts as she straightened her back.

"Huh? What? Hm? What's happening? Is class over?" IU said loudly. She covered and blushed as everyone laughed at her. She was embarrassed. Aigoo~ Why does this have to happen to me? IU thought, covering her face with her hands. 

"Oi! That's enough everyone!" the teacher exclaimed, tapping her ruler on the table. The class died down as IU sighed quietly. The teacher stared at IU with sympathy.

"IU, is there something wrong? Are you not feeling well?" the teacher asked. IU forced a smile.

"A-Aniyo. It's just…" IU bit her lips. How was she supposed to say that she was worried about a gangster at her house? It would make no sense and she'd be killed by Yoseob when she come home. She sighed deeply and said, "Actually, I'm not feeling very well right now. May I be excused to the nurse's office?"

The teacher nodded slowly, noticing that her student was troubled. She wrote a quick note that allowed IU to stay at the nurse office since she wasn't feeling well. IU gladly accepted the note and headed towards the nurse's office. On her way, she noticed how quiet the hallway were. I wish I could just scream, IU thought, sighing deeply.

"Oh, did class ended for you or something?" a very familiar voice asked. IU jumped and froze as she turned her head around to her left. She couldn't believe what she was seeing right then.

"Y-Y-Yoesob?!" IU screeched.

"I wanted to greet you earlier, but there were too many people," Yoseob sighed.

"W-What are you doing here?" IU whispered. Yoseob shrugged. He was using crutches to get around, IU thought, So I shouldn't be worried if he needed to get anything.

"I got bored. C'mon, let's go somewhere," Yoseob said with a smile. IU widened her eyes.

"E-Eh?" she stuttered.

"I'm bored just waiting here. It's been a really long time. No one is watching, so let's go to the arcade or something," Yoseob said, yawning quietly. IU shook her head furiously.

"N-No! I still have school! I'm just going to the nurse's office!" IU exclaimed. Yoseob stared at IU for a second and then frowned.

"The what office?" Yoseob asked. The nurse's office–Oh wait, I forgot, he's a gangster, IU thought, sighing deeply.

"The nurse's office is a place where if you are injured or sick, you stay there for a while until you feel better or if you want to go home," IU explained slowly. Yoseob shaped his mouth into a 'o' and nodded.

"Oh, I see!" Yoseob said, "So are you sick? Are you coming home?" Yoseob's eyes twinkled with excitement as IU bit her lips nervously. What do I do? IU wondered.

"Er, I'm not coming home yet–"

"Then when?" Yoseob interrupted. IU sighed and glanced at her watch.

"Not for a while. I didn't even have lunch yet," IU explained. Yoseob pouted sadly, upset that he wouldn't be able to spend some time with IU. She spends half her day at school and homework. She needs a little bit of fun! Yoseob thought. He wanted to grab IU's wrist and pull her out of the school, but something was telling him not to do such a thing. Silence filled in their conversation until IU spoke.

"Well, I'll be going now. Go back home! I promise I'll return straight back home after I'm done with school," IU promised. Yoseob smiled and nodded enthusiastically as he ran out of the school. IU watched him disappear and sighed deeply. He's a real trouble maker, IU thought, puffing her cheeks.

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9/17/13: Randomly featured (Thank you for all the "congratulation" messages!)


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@natsumi4ever: Wow, i didn't even know that she was given a set of rules until I reread the first chapter lol XD
Chapter 1: Omg hahaha, I love how her parents gives her all these rules and yet, of all things, they don't tell her to make sure the door is locked at all times XD
@airis1: I wouldn't say that it's amazing (cause it's so cliché), but I'm glad that you've enjoyed it. ^_^
airis1 #4
Chapter 32: wow...that so amazing...
@Aminaly: That's cool. :) Don't worry, I can understand where you're coming from. We all have biases here and there, and dont like it when our bias plays the evil role. ;)
Aminaly #6
Chapter 38: I'm sorry to say this, but i really doesn't like this story cause I am 2PM fan not b2st fan, but anyway it still good.
@Taehyunggie2645: Aha, thank you! ^_^ There's not much to the plot, though (it's a very cliché plotline). :P
Taehyunggie2645 #8
Chapter 41: Amazing story plot! HAHA IT WAS SO SWEET N FUNNYYYY!! Love it <3
@-Smart-Fit-: Thank you! Honestly, now looking back at this story, it was pretty funny to write, but it was quite cliché, too. >_<;; But I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :D
Chapter 41: I love it! It have great comedy!
And i love the story line too!!