
A Gangster Lives In My House!

Yoseob banged his head against the wall repeatedly, making loud sounds. The gangsters just stared at him, wondering when he would stop banging his head against the wall.

Think Yoseob, think! Yoseob told himself. There has to be someway to get back together with IU! Think! Argh!

"Yoseob, your rib is already injured. If you keep banging your head against the wall, you'll lose brain cells, which means that you won't be able to remember who IU is," Doojoon said. Yoseob immediately stopped banging his head when he heard IU's name.

That's right! I can't keep on complaining and thinking about a plan. I have to get into action and come up with a plan while trying to find a way to get back together with IU! Ha, Yoseob! You're a genius! Yoseob praised himself, grinning like a fool.

"I have the feeling that he's getting dumber than Hyunseung," Dongwoon whispered. Junghyung nodded in agreement, as Hyunseung pretended to not hear a word.

"Hey Yoseob, maybe we can think of a plan," Junghyung suggested. 

"Yeah, Junghyung has a point," agreed Kikwang.

"Oh, oh! Maybe we can go to IU's house and ask her to play and when she comes out, she can see you again!" Hyunseung exclaimed, clapping his hands. Everyone stared at Hyunseung for a moment. Then, they slowly nodded their heads.

"That could work! Good job, Hyunesung!" Doojoon praised, patting Hyunseung's head. 

"No, that won't work. She's grounded for life, so she's unable to get out of her house," Yoseob disagreed, shaking his head. 

Doojoon quickly slapped Hyunseung's head. "On second thought, maybe that was a dumb idea."

"Hey! You just said that it was a brilliant idea!" Hyunseung protested. Yoseob sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. 

Aish…What am I supposed to do?

"Umma, I left my book at school. Can I go get it?" 

"Nope. You're grounded, sweetie."

"Umma, really? I need to study! A huge test is coming up somewhere around next week!"

"Well then, you should've double checked your belongings, hm?" IU's mother said, flipping a page of her magazine. IU dropped and stared at .

Is she serious? Really, I can't even go back to school to get my book? IU thought in disbelief. She turned to her father, who was humbly reading a book with his glasses on.


"Your mother is right, Ji Eun-ah. You should've checked twice," her father agreed, as her mother smiled. IU dropped again and widened her eyes.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe you two! You guys are going overboard!" IU exclaimed.

"Well, if you have told us about a gangster in the house, maybe we wouldn't have given you such a harsh punishment," her father muttered.

"But he threatened me not to tell! I couldn't even tell Suzy or anyone! I would've been dead!" IU explained.

"Oh, honey, isn't how daughter over exaggerating a bit?" IU's mother asked, looking up at IU's father.

"You two are overboard with my punishment! Ugh, can I at least get a ride?" IU pleaded.

"No," her parents said loudly and clearly. IU frowned as she stormed up the stairs. She couldn't believe her parents. She obviously wanted to do well for the test next week, but her parents "obviously" wanted her to fail. She slammed the door close and blew her bang. She glared furiously at her homework and swiped it off her desk with her arm.

"Stupid homework, stupid punishment, stupid…" IU's eyes wandered to the teddybear and the withered rose, "Stupid…Yoseob."

IU wanted to cry. She wanted to lie on her bed, hug the soft teddybear, and hold the rose in her hand. She sighed and looked at her homework that was scattered on the ground. She knew she had to apologize to her parents for misbehaving. Suddenly, she had a brilliant idea. She dialed Suzy's number and waited patiently for her to answer.

"Hey Suzy? Yeah, can you do my a favor…"

IU slowly crept down the stairs, hoping that her parents had slept. It was midnight, and she tried her best to keep herself awake. She smiled when she found her parents sleeping on the couch. She passed by them with ease and quietly unlocked the door. She opened it and found Suzy waiting at the porch. She yawned and rubbed her sleepy eyes when she saw IU.

"Finally, about time," Suzy grumbled, as IU softly closed the door.

"Sorry," IU apologized, "I promise it'll be quick."

"Why did you even call me? It's pretty late and dark," Suzy pointed out.

"I forgot my book at school. You know how at night, there are ghosts at school," IU explained. Suzy widened her eyes.

"Mwoh? You're going to school? This late? Oh gosh, IU! Why couldn't you go earlier when it was the day time?" Suzy groaned. 

"My parents were being outrageous. They wouldn't let me out of the house when I asked them to drive me. Hmph," IU frowned, as the two started walking.

"Don't tell me that they reminded you about Yoseob again," Suzy said. IU kept quiet, as Suzy heaved a sleepy sigh. "Thought so. They're not going to let you off easily this time, are they?"

"Yoseob is such a nice guy! It's not fair for them to hate him without knowing him!" IU complained. 

"You have a point, but the gangsters are sure weird. Your parents wouldn't even let you stay with them even if they got to know him. He's…funny," Suzy mumbled. IU shot Suzy a cold glare.

"So what? You have a problem with him? I'm sure he had no problem with you. I mean, you were fan-girling all over him when you came to my house to meet Yoseob," IU snapped.

"Woah, someone's getting jealous," Suzy murmured, giggling.

"Ya!" IU shouted, as she looked up. She grinned when she saw the school building. "Hey Suzy, we're here!"

Suzy immediately froze. "What? That fast? Oh, c'mon IU, you can borrow my book. Why do you have to go get your book? How about if there's a ghost in the building that will curse and haunt you?"

"Hold up…Someone is at the gates," IU whispered, cautious of the six people wearing caps and hoods to hide their face.

"Hey…Aren't they gangsters?" Suzy whispered back. IU's face immediately brightened up. 

Yoseob! He must be here to see me, thinking that I was going to come here in the morning! IU thought, grinning.

"Yoseob oppa!" IU called, running up to the gang. 

"Y-Ya, IU! Hold up! How do you know if it's B2ST?" Suzy called, chasing after her friend. IU didn't hear her friend as she ran up to the shortest one, thinking that it was Yoseob since he was the shortest among all the B2ST members. Quickly, she hugged the gangster tightly.

"Yoseob oppa, I really missed you!" IU exclaimed, as Suzy finally arrived in front of the gang. Suddenly, one of the tall members grabbed Suzy's arm. Suzy shot a glare at the guy.

"Ya, let go…uh, whoever you are," Suzy said awkwardly, unsure who the gangster was. The guy who was hugged by IU turned around. IU grinned and stared at the gangster's face. Suddenly, she frowned.

"Yoseob oppa, are you okay–"

Before IU said anything else, she felt something sharp poking her neck. Her eyes widened in fear, as Suzy stopped struggling.


"That plan is dumb!"

"No, your plan is dumber!"

"Enough!" Yoseob shouted, slamming his fist against the wall. He glared at everyone, and stormed away. "You guys are hopeless! I'm going to go see her parents right now and talk to her."

"But Yoseob, it's five in the morning," Hyunseung said. "Who's awake in the morning?"

"Uh, us, dumbo," Doojoon said, pointing at everyone. Yoseob ignored everyone and stomped his way to IU's house.

I just have to convince IU's parents to see that I'm really a nice guy, Yoseob thought, and a gangster…and a dumb guy…and a guy-who-threatened-their-daughter-to-not-tell-anyone…and–

Before Yoesob knew it, he was in front of IU's door. He his nervous lips and knocked on the door. No one answered the door. Yoseob frowned, and looked up at the caged window. He cleared his throat and cupped his hands around his mouth.

"IU!!!! OPEN THE DOOR!!" Yoseob shouted. Suddenly, the door swung open. IU's father furiously glared at Yoseob, his eyes red and burning in flames.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY DAUGHTER?!" IU's father shouted. Yoseob widened his eyes while he was grabbed by the collar/

"E-Excuse me?" Yoseob stuttered cluelessly. IU's mother came out, sobbing and crying, holding a piece of paper in her hand. She stared at Yoseob hopelessly, sobbing endlessly.

"M-My daughter! W-What did you d-do with my d-daughter?" IU's mother cried. 

"What?" Yoseob blinked. IU's father snatched away the paper from IU's mother's hand and shoved it in front of Yoseob.

"You heard us! My daughter! You were the one who signed this, correct?" IU's father snapped harshly. Yoseob squinted his eyes, carefully reading what the letter had said. The only sentence he could make up was, 'We have your daughter.'

Right when he read that sentence, he knew exactly what had happened: IU was kidnapped.

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9/17/13: Randomly featured (Thank you for all the "congratulation" messages!)


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@natsumi4ever: Wow, i didn't even know that she was given a set of rules until I reread the first chapter lol XD
Chapter 1: Omg hahaha, I love how her parents gives her all these rules and yet, of all things, they don't tell her to make sure the door is locked at all times XD
@airis1: I wouldn't say that it's amazing (cause it's so cliché), but I'm glad that you've enjoyed it. ^_^
airis1 #4
Chapter 32: wow...that so amazing...
@Aminaly: That's cool. :) Don't worry, I can understand where you're coming from. We all have biases here and there, and dont like it when our bias plays the evil role. ;)
Aminaly #6
Chapter 38: I'm sorry to say this, but i really doesn't like this story cause I am 2PM fan not b2st fan, but anyway it still good.
@Taehyunggie2645: Aha, thank you! ^_^ There's not much to the plot, though (it's a very cliché plotline). :P
Taehyunggie2645 #8
Chapter 41: Amazing story plot! HAHA IT WAS SO SWEET N FUNNYYYY!! Love it <3
@-Smart-Fit-: Thank you! Honestly, now looking back at this story, it was pretty funny to write, but it was quite cliché, too. >_<;; But I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :D
Chapter 41: I love it! It have great comedy!
And i love the story line too!!