A Secret Meeting

A Gangster Lives In My House!

"Are you fine?"

"Yes, I am."

"Alright. If you need the nurses, please press this button," the doctor informed. IU forced a smile and nodded. The doctor walked away and closed the door, living the room pitch black. The only light there was in the room was the moonlight shining through the window. IU sighed as she stared up at the blank ceilings. It would be nice if I had some kind of company, IU thought. I'm not very sleepy.

"Psh. I don't like it how the doc is near you and taking care of you."

IU jumped in shock and turned to the direction she heard the voice from. "W-Who's there?"

"IU, you forgot my voice already? Well, you should at least easily remember it. After all, who would this amazing voice belong to?" the voice asked, stepping out  of the shadows. IU widened her eyes as the moonlight beamed on the person's face.

"Y-Y-Yoseob?!" IU stuttered.

Yoseob's lips formed a playful smile. "Ah, so you do remember me!"

"W-What are you doing here? How did you even get here?" IU asked, sitting up. For some reason, she was extremely glad to see Yoseob. Why am I so happy all of the sudden? He's a gangster for crying out loud! IU thought, trying to calm herself.

"It was hard, but I managed to visit you," Yoseob said. "I just went in disguise. I was gonna go through the window, but I didn't know which room you were in."

"Well then, how did you find me in this room?" IU asked, as Yoseob pulled a chair and sat next to IU.

"Um…I turned right, checked the rooms, and then went up this box that I think moved or something and it opened automatically. Do you know what the box is called? It has many different numbers and when you press it, it glows! I clicked on every single button, and I had to ride in the box for a long time," Yoseob explained. IU giggled and smiled warmly at Yoseob. Silly Seob, IU thought.

"Yoseob, that 'box called an elevator," IU said. Yoseob shaped his mouth into an 'O' and nodded his head. Ooh, an elevator! I better tell the guys about this, Yoseob thought.

"Anyways, what brought you here?" IU questioned. Yoseob smirked and slowly grabbed IU's warm hands.

"IU, why else would I come here for? I wanted to see you," Yoseob said, smiling childishly. IU widened her eyes and look down. She knew that her cheeks were burning up. Her cheeks turned to a soft shade of red, which made Yoseob smirk. "IU, when are you coming back home? I'm bored without you."

IU slowly looked up and heaved a sigh. "I'm not sure. I'm persuading the doctors to discharge me out of this hospital early. They said I might not be going back home until next week or so."

"Next week?!" Yoseob screeched, getting up. "I can't wait for another week! You have to promise me something, then."

"Mwoh?" IU asked, giggling. Yoseob cupped IU's face and stared directly into her eyes. IU's face was now bright red by then. Thank goodness that it's night and dark, IU thought, gulping her saliva slowly.

"You have to promise me that you will get better by tomorrow," Yoseob said with serious eyes. IU scoffed.

"Yoseob, you think I can heal that fast–"

"Please? Pwetty Pwease?" Yoseob pleaded, his eyes shining brightly. IU was speechless when she saw Yoseob's adorable eyes. Is he really a gangster? I can't imagine him as a gangster now, seeing this side of Yoseob. Is he really a gangster? I don't think he's a gangster…I think he's a kindergardener instead, IU thought.

"A-Arraso," IU agreed, without knowing what she said. Once IU answered him, Yoseob smiled and dropped his hands to the side.

"Yay! Oh, and did anyone come visit you yet?" Yoseob asked. IU slowly shook her head. Yoseob smiled even brighter.

"Oh, that's great! I wanted to be the first person to visit you. Er, let's see…I stole this from a flower shop, and I found a teddy bear at a nearby toy shop," Yoseob said, handing IU a single pink rose and a brown teddy bear. "If you don't like it, I can return it for ya."

IU slowly accepted the items and stared at them. She smiled warmly at the rose and stared at the adorable teddy bear. I can't believe he stole these for me, IU thought.

"I did want to give you a red rose, but then I was only able to snatch a pink one. Pink is close enough to red, right?" Yoseob explained, scratching his head awkwardly. IU looked up and flashed the gangster a bright smile.

"Gomawo! I really appreciate these gifts!" IU thanked. Yoseob stared at IU for a moment. It was as if he just realized how innocent this girl was. His heart fastened its pace when he saw IU's brilliant smile. He smiled softly at her secretly. I need to protect IU from 2PM, Yoseob thought. Otherwise, I might never be able see that bright smile again.

"But…" IU started. Yoseob snapped out of his thoughts and tilted his head a bit.

"Wae? Is something wrong?" Yoseob asked, frowning. IU slowly nodded her head and heaved a sigh. She frowned at Yoseob, who looked confused.

"Stealing is bad, Yang Yoseob! Don't steal anything," IU scolded. Yoseob stared at IU for a couple of seconds. Then, he chuckled and opened the door. IU widened her eyes.

"W-Wait! Yoseob, where are you going?" IU exclaimed. Is he really going to leave me alone like this? 

"Home. I'll be waiting, IU, so get better!" Yoseob said, taking a step. He suddenly stopped and stood still for a moment. Right then, he turned around and quickly walked towards IU. He brushed away IU's bang, and then slowly pecked her forehead. IU was stunned. She widened her eyes as Yoseob parted his lips. He smirked.

"Get better, arraso?" Yoseob said seriously. He turned and walked away, making sure not to get caught by the nurses or doctors. He quickly closed the door, leaving IU alone in the room. IU slowly reached to touch her forehead. A smile crept on her face. Well, that was unexpected! IU giggled.

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9/17/13: Randomly featured (Thank you for all the "congratulation" messages!)


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@natsumi4ever: Wow, i didn't even know that she was given a set of rules until I reread the first chapter lol XD
Chapter 1: Omg hahaha, I love how her parents gives her all these rules and yet, of all things, they don't tell her to make sure the door is locked at all times XD
@airis1: I wouldn't say that it's amazing (cause it's so cliché), but I'm glad that you've enjoyed it. ^_^
airis1 #4
Chapter 32: wow...that so amazing...
@Aminaly: That's cool. :) Don't worry, I can understand where you're coming from. We all have biases here and there, and dont like it when our bias plays the evil role. ;)
Aminaly #6
Chapter 38: I'm sorry to say this, but i really doesn't like this story cause I am 2PM fan not b2st fan, but anyway it still good.
@Taehyunggie2645: Aha, thank you! ^_^ There's not much to the plot, though (it's a very cliché plotline). :P
Taehyunggie2645 #8
Chapter 41: Amazing story plot! HAHA IT WAS SO SWEET N FUNNYYYY!! Love it <3
@-Smart-Fit-: Thank you! Honestly, now looking back at this story, it was pretty funny to write, but it was quite cliché, too. >_<;; But I'm glad you enjoyed the story! :D
Chapter 41: I love it! It have great comedy!
And i love the story line too!!