Light 6

A Tale Of Light And Darkness




Donghae woke up from one of the baddest sleeps he ever had in his whole life. He woke up much more tired then before, his shirt was soaked with cold sweat and his heart was racing like he had just finished one of the PE lessons in school.


He quickly showered and tried to wake himself up with the cold water. It wasn't really working. His mother looked at him with her questioning gaze as he sat in the kitchen some minutes later, looking at his food without eating anything. But Donghae just stayed quiet and his mother doesn't ask.


Donghae walked to school awfully slowly. He always had those nightmares when something was wrong with Hyukjae. He doesn't knew why but it was just like that. When Hyukjae had been fighting again or had been hurt he had those nightmares, when he had been in serious trouble at school again he had those nightmares... and now once again.


No matter what it was, Donghae doesn't really wanted to know. He was still very angry at Hyukjae for acting like a . Hyukjae was old enough - he could handle his problems all alone very well.


As he entered the school building Kyuhyun and Yunho were already waiting for him at the gate. They both looked at him with serious eyes. "What's up?" Donghae asked confused. Yunho and Kyuhyun changed some glazes before Kyuhyun began to talk.


"We know you'll deny it, but.. we both and Henry know that you like Hyukjae much more then a friend" Yunho began. "What do you mean?" Donghae wasn't sure what his friends wanted. "You love him." Kyuhyun plainly said and Donghae opened his mouth to deny, but he couldn't. Because it was true. And they knew it. There was no reason to lie.


"Fine." Donghae admit. "It's true... and?" "Please forget him." "What?" Donghae became angry. Why were they acting like this again. They knew that he was in love with Hyukjae and they knew how important Hyukjae was to him and they still said things like that? How could they.


"He..." "He what?" Donghae hissed. "There is this new girl here." Yunho began to explain. "And it seems like she is Hyukjaes girlfriend."


Donghaes world stopped. Hyuk- ... Hyukjae's girlfriend? So he had been right after all. Hyukjae had no time for him because he had a girlfriend to take care of. Why did Hyukjae never told him about that girl? Who was she?


"Who is she?" Donghae asked quietly. Kyuhyun sighed loud and long. "She came to school this morning, already attached to his arm like a koala bear. She's a new student here now. She's blonde with long hair and a lot of dark eyeliner." Kyuhyun explained as he tried to remember how she had looked like.


"That... doesn't need to mean that she is his girlfriend..." Donghae tried, but Yunho shook his head. "Jaejoong told me she is." Donghae looked at the ground. Jaejoong was... well. He was a friend of Heechul and Hyukjae and Jaejoong and Yunho often meet after school for dates. Donghae doesn't knew if they were together or not, maybe it was just some kind of fun-romance.


"I'm sorry..." Kyuhyun said softly and wanted to hug Donghae but Donghae just said a short and cold "It's okay" and went inside the school building. He had to see her. The girl which stole his Hyukjae. Donghae bit his lower lips. His Hyukjae? When had Hyukjae ever been his?


As he reached the classroom Hyukjae had his first lesson in he saw them. Hyukjae as handsome as ever sitting on his chair looking awesome. Donghae forgot for one moment why he came here in the first place as he was staring at Hyukjae.


Until that girl sat down on Hyukjaes lap, putting her arms around his neck, stealing a kiss of his lips. Donghae wanted to cry. She was beautiful, no doubt. She had long legs, a slim figure, long and blonde hair and a nice face. She was totally the type Hyukjae would fell for.


Even his vision blurred because of the tears in his eyes, he still could see how Hyukjaes dark eyes suddenly met his and how the world stopped. Donghae knew that he had to take it all in. Those wonderful eyes he loved to look at. Those eyes hiding so many emotions and dreams Hyukjae never spoke of. Those eyes taking in his whole everything every time he looked at them.


Neither of them looked away and it seemed like an eternity before Donghae found the strength to close his eyes, to turn his head and to run away.



(c) dolphinqueenKya

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Chapter 40: I love this story~ I just wanna read more of this.. And I hope that Jaejoong and Heechul would accept Hae soon.. It's sad that they don't wanna go near him :( And also, I can't imagine Lay being bad.. Or so I hope :/
Update soon, please c:
EunhyuradeLuffy #2
Chapter 40: Nice, thank u for update :D
Chapter 40: I just can't imagine Lay being a bad person o.o
I like your story ~
MyeolchiHyuk #4
Chapter 40: Heechul and his y mood really scary altho they did not mean it.. Heheh
Mmm this is nice. I will enjoy reading it!
Good!! I like this!!
MyeolchiHyuk #7
Chapter 39: that was hot..

EunhyuradeLuffy #8
Chapter 39: Nice t :D

Thanks for update (*^▽^*)
MyeolchiHyuk #9
Chapter 38: awwww... sweet eunhae..
EunhyuradeLuffy #10
Chapter 38: Just got lovey dovey u two Eunhae (*^▽^*)