Chapter 65

Two Different Worlds




[Current timeline: 111104]

Your P.O.V

It had been a week since Jung Soo went back to Seoul after going to New York and Saipan and I had to say that I still missed him.

Nah, we talked on the phone already. He basically called me the moment the plane he was on landed in Incheon International Airport. We also had managed to see each other (accidentally, though. I was dropping Ye Eun off in SM and when I looked for snacks in the café near the building, he was having late lunch with Kyuhyun and a bunch of staff I did not recognize. Carefully stealing glances, smiling slightly and getting uncaught while doing so were the only thing we both could do).

So, why did I say I still missed him? The answer laid on how Jung Soo had been acting since he got back from the vacation. True that he seemed fresher than before. He laughed when he told me all the funny stuff that happened when he was in those two countries. He said he wanted to take me to Saipan someday because the place was breathtakingly beautiful and peaceful. He felt so loved when he was in New York. It was amazing to be able to perform in Madison Square Garden. He seemed normal...on the surface.

Since last Friday, every time we talked, there had been so many moments where I needed to repeat what I said because he kept zoning out and failed to concentrate. Something was really bugging him but when I asked him what the matter was, he only nonchalantly said, “The matter? There was one? I am perfectly fine.” It did not sound convincing. Not at all. He was struggling with something inside his mind, and I had no courage to ask him further about it; who knew what he would do or say―I did not want him mad. He was hiding something from me, or even from himself. It seemed like he ignored a particular thing and used me to get that off of his mind. He tried too hard to hold back the commotion in his head that in return, it became obvious.

Donghae might know something but of course I would never have the guts to go to the guy and ask something from him. As much as he told me that we were friends and he would be more than happy if he could help me when something was up, it just did not feel right for me to do that... that would be like, me using him for the sake of my relationship with his leader. I had burdened Minho so much, I would never do the same to Donghae.

Speaking of Minho... I had not figured out yet how to tell Jung Soo about Mom acknowledging Minho as my boyfriend and inviting him to private birthday dinner. Jung Soo was on the verge of having emotional explosion and I was afraid that if he heard that, he would explode right away. I knew for sure that I did not piss him off and he was irritated by other things, I did not want to be the reason for him to easily go ape just like he usually did. But how to tell him about it, anyway?!

Sulking in my bed, I pulled out my phone and texted Minho, ‘Minho~ Tomorrow, 7 p.m. in Palsun Restaurant, The Shilla Seoul. Don’t forget, okay?’ Mom kept telling me to text the guy so he would not forget. I told her that he wouldn’t, still she forced me to do it. Phew. She was super excited for tomorrow.

‘What’s your mom’s favorite flower?’ was Minho’s reply to my message.

Ah, this sweet guy. ‘Rose. Bring the pink one because red rose is my dad’s part.’ Dad never forgot to give Mom roses on her birthday and other special occasions. Mom loved roses so much.

A moment later my phone rang. Minho Choi is calling. “Yeah?”

He was giggling like crazy. “I know this sounds weird because we’re friends but seriously, I am so nervous.” He said he was nervous, didn’t he? I slightly furrowed my eyebrows. I was worried about Jung Soo and here, Minho told me that he was nervous?! “I’ve never been in this kind of situation, okay?” Minho continued, not giggling anymore. He sounded kinda irritated in a cute way. “I’m so nervous!!!”

Yo, yo, chill. “Take a deep breath, okay?” I instructed him. “Wear your formal suit, look dashing, smile. My mom will instantly take you to the nearest church and tell the priest to marry us.” When I was done saying it, I realized that my tone was... unfamiliar. Rather than talking in joking manner, I was more like blaming him for this whole crappy misunderstanding.

Awkward silence grew between us and I was contemplating whether I should apologize to him or not.

“I’m really sorry.” Minho was the first one to speak. Ugh, I gave myself a mental groan. Good job, ______.

“Ugh, you shouldn’t be, Minho,” I said. “It wasn’t your fault that she misunderstood. I am sorry for troubling you. I should’ve been more persistent when I tried to tell her that you’re not my boyfriend. I gave up too quickly.”

“You know it’s not entirely about your mother,” Minho weakly said in regret. “How about Jung Soo hyung? Does he know it?” When I did not utter any single word, he automatically knew the answer. “You have to tell him...”

I knew I had to, but it did not mean I wanted to. Ugh.

“We both know it’s not as simple as it seems. Jung Soo hyung will misunderstand, and an angry Jung Soo hyung is scary.” He continued, “Don’t ever think of hiding it forever from him. If he hears it from other parties, you’ll be dead. Me too.”

I unconsciously bit my lip, thinking of Jung Soo’s possible reaction when he found out. I had to directly tell him. Even if his response was not good, I betted 20 bucks it would still much better than if he knew it from other people. “But I’m not sure how...” I could barely hear my voice. “You know him. Wrong wording, he’ll get mad. Wrong way, he’ll get mad. Wrong move, he’ll get mad,” I said in frustration.

“Nah,” Minho disagreed. “You’ll never know until you try. It’s not as hard as it looks. Jung Soo hyung is not as difficult as he seems.”

I mentally scowled hearing that. Minho is one innocent, naïve kid. Ready or not ready, with sweet words or hurtful ones, Jung Soo would still be mad at me. It was his nature. Mention random boys’ names, then he’ll go ape. “Mmm Minho, thank you for talking to me. I... see you tomorrow.”

“Take it easy, ______,” he said.

“Take it easy? Yeah right Minho, take it easy too when you meet my father and mother tomorrow!” Haha.

Minho hung up the call, complaining.

Ah, now it’s time to call Jung Soo... Hhh... Oh, my phone rang again. “Yo Minho, what is it again this time? Still nervous?”

“Oh, so you were on the phone with Minho? I’ve been trying to reach you, but got directed to voice mail several times.” Oh. It was Jung Soo. Must. Stay. Calm.

“I had important thing to discuss with him. In fact, I was going to call you to tell you about it,” I honestly said. “But you did it first. What are you calling me for?”

“Do I need reason to call my own girlfriend?” Have I told you how much I love his voice? Jung Soo’s voice was really sweet and every time he talked to me, especially on the phone, he seemed like trying so hard to sound y, naughty and alluring. Haha, baby why...

“Do you miss me, oppa?” I’ll make that voice stay sweet as long as I can.

His signature shy laugh could be heard clearly from the other line, and he struggled to reply calmly, “The longer you stay with me, the better you understand me. Smart baby.”

Wrong. The only thing I understood of him was that the man was hard to understand.

“Oppa, I need to tell you something.”

“What do you need to tell me?”Jung Soo coolly asked, totally unconscious to how nervous I currently was. “That you miss me too? If you do, let’s meet tomorrow, I’ll take you to a good place, and then we can have a good dinner. How does that sound?”

Huh? “That sounds...great.”

“Ah, I know right. So when should I pick you...”

“But oppa,” I stopped him from talking.

“But...?” Jung Soo sounded confused. Ugh, why should I hinder him from being happy and excited? Seriously, what kind of girlfriend am I?

“But I have something to do tomorrow. Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday and we are going to have dinner together in a restaurant. Me, Mom, Dad and...” I could not. I could not tell Jung Soo that Mom recognized Minho as my boyfriend, especially because she thought so after seeing me and Minho hugging in her beloved kitchen. That was something that we usually did though. Skinship... But I knew Jung Soo would not be happy about it.

“______-ah,” Jung Soo desperately called my name, uncomfortable with the quiet around us two. “What are you trying to say? It’s your mother’s birthday tomorrow?”

“It’s nothing serious, oppa...” I sort of believed that if I said that, it would give an illusion that the matter was truly unimportant. Insignificant. But I mentally chuckled as I felt the racing speed of my thumping heart. If it was not serious, I would have not been so nervous and telling it to him would have not been so difficult. “It’s just that... because of some surprising things that took place, my mother came to a misunderstanding and believed that Minho was my boyfriend. She invited him to join the dinner tomorrow.” I might sound calm and composed, but inside I panicked, wondering what his reaction would be.

Two... Five seconds passed and none of us made any sound, I was getting uneasy and suddenly his deafening, awkward laugh blasted through the phone. “Of course your mother would think that Minho was your boyfriend, instead of me, your real boyfriend! Like there was any other sensible scenario!” I hated the tone he was using right now. He seemed pressing himself. He put too much pressure on himself to ensure me that he was okay, and that he was just treating it as a light joke.


He thought I was stupid, didn’t he?

“I am sorry.”

“What?! No, no, don’t be! I have foreseen it going this way, anyway. Even if we took Minho out of the equation, nobody, including your mother, would ever believe that I was your boyfriend. I’ve been such a fool...”

This was not what I predicted. Jung Soo sounded kind of cheerful, but he was getting anguished inside, I could sense it. Not saying that it was worse than an angry Jung Soo though, but this was clearly not what I thought it would be.

“Look. It’s just a simple misunderstanding. Oppa, I will take care of it. Don’t worry about it. When the right timing comes, we’ll tell my parents who my real boyfriend is, okay?”

“Hahahaha, o-okay. Yeah, good idea, baby...”

“I know. I’m your smart baby, right? I love you, oppa.” But he would never get what I was saying, because he abruptly disconnected the phone call. Rude. But at least... he was not mad? I guess...


[Current timeline: 111105] Palsun Restaurant - The Shilla Seoul, 2nd floor. 06. 50 p.m.

My phone on the dining table was vibrating, and I knew that Minho had already arrived in the hotel. “Uum, Mom, he’s here. Let me get him,” I awkwardly spoke.

Mom immediately smiled, hugging a bouquet of fresh red roses Dad just gave to her. “Yes, go.”

Dad glanced at Mom, at me, and then at his expensive watch. “Well he’s not late.” He was pretty pissed off when he found out that Mom invited someone to our private dinner, but I thought the fact he uttered just now made him less annoyed than before. If there was someone who venerated the best quality possibly found in human’s characteristic such as punctuality, respect and politeness the most, it would have been my father. He worshipped any kind of goodness, basically.

I quickly went out the private room in the restaurant and headed to the first floor of this grand, luxurious hotel. When I noticed Minho sitting in one of the sofas in the mega splendid lobby, I had to literally glance to another direction and hide these currently red cheeks of mine. My guy best friend was extremely dashing and elegant tonight. He was wearing grey, expensive-looking suit and his hair was combed up suavely. Every single girl would instantly fall in love with this perfect creature the moment they saw him. Even I had to control the rate of my heartbeat now... Hhh, Minho.

“Ahem,” I purposely cleared my throat to draw his attention. It succeeded. The guy looked up from his phone and had his eyes fixed on me. At that exact moment, the feelings I had inside were about to explode and burst out into incoherent screams and incomprehensible action.

Damn, Minho is shining so bright.

“Hey.” The tall model stood up and grabbed a bouquet of beautiful pink roses and a small silver bag with ‘Cartier’ sophisticatedly printed on one side. He warmly smiled and hugged me with his free arm. “You’re so beautiful tonight.”

What’s with all these butterflies inside my stomach?!

I must have gone crazy. I should get my sanity back real soon. Breathe in, one, two, three, breathe out. “Thank you. You’re indeed much more beautiful than me, anyway, Mr. Choi.”

“Haha,” he laughed freely at my remarks. “You told me to look good, so I did.”

“Too good.” I pouted, locking my arm to his. “Come on, they’re waiting in the restaurant. What do you get for my mother, if I may know?”

Minho chuckled and lightly brushed his nose against mine. The electrifying sensation running through every inch of my body caused by that familiar action. “I ain’t telling you~”

“It’s just a present, why are you like this?!”

“Why are you getting tense so easily? I bought your mother a brooch. Safe gift, I know. I am not even sure she’ll like my pick.”

I rolled my eyes at his answer. “Duh Minho you have a great taste.”

When we were about to open the door and step inside the private room my parents were in, Minho took a deep breath, looking at me intensely. “Let’s clear the misunderstanding.”

“Saying is easy, Minho...,” I tiredly muttered. “Don’t do it now, not on her birthday. I am never a nice daughter, but keeping her ideal fantasy conserved in such a good day like this is the least I can do for the one who brought me to this earth.”

The glistening light in his eyes dimmed, his aura slightly darkened. “Okay. Not now.” Then he tried to smile again. “Don’t be so stiff, it’s not slaughter nor mutiny that we’re facing.” Yeah Minho, you sounded like saying that to yourself.


The atmosphere was unsurprisingly very warm. I meant, really warm. Not the fake one I was used to over the years. Family dinner was never this comfortable. Something, probably guilt, made me reluctant to say this, but I had to admit; Minho’s presence surely made a difference.

He was nervous in the beginning (so was I―but it did not really matter; I was awkward and clumsy most of the time) but he managed to take control of himself and showed his true self. The man bowed respectfully to my mother and father, and by the looks of it, I knew both my parents were falling for him already. Not like it was difficult to adore him, because with that ultimate politeness, that warm smile printed on his face and that genuine kindness and warmth, everyone would most definitely like him. Minho was not superficial beauty, his heart made him beautiful.

The way he presented himself was undeniably flawless and sincere. At this point I wondered how a person could be so perfect. He was truly funny, yet he knew when to be serious. The way he talked, the way he ate, it was not something that he programmed and trained for years, it was dainty and natural. I had never really paid attention on him before. I realized just now how charming my best friend actually was.

“My father used to be a soccer player, and when he retired, he decided to still involve in soccer and be a coach,” Minho explained. He spooned a sensible size of the dessert―mint chocolate ice cream, MY ULTIMATE FAVORITE―into his mouth. Somehow, he talking about the occupation of his father made it too real. It... The phony fact everyone knew; that we were dating.

Dad got excited over the young man’s explanation, and I knew why. “Your father is a soccer team coach?! Soccer is my favorite sport, Minho. Do you by any chance play it too?”’s basic issue.

Minho happily grinned, nodding his head. “Yes, Sir. I even play for the college’s team,” he proudly said. “If I were not an idol, I would have been a pro soccer player.”

“Haha,” Dad smiled contentedly. He glanced at Mom with sparks on his eyes. “Remember when you first met me in the national college soccer competition? Your college’s team met mine in the final. You came to support your school, and went back home falling in love with the guy who scored for his team’s victory―your supposed enemy.”

I did not like it when Dad was randomly being all mushy and sappy. But Mom did. She looked at Dad in the eyes and they seemed to share an ol’, good memory together. I awkwardly moved on my seat, and caught Minho looking at my parents in awe.

The dessert was almost finished and usually, after this I would be sent home with the chauffeur, while Mom and Dad continued their... ‘private time’ together. But now Minho was here, I guessed I would just go somewhere with him. The night was still early anyway.

Minho and I bade goodbye to my parents. I said I would meet them later at home.

“Once again, happy birthday, Ma’am. I wish you great years ahead,” Minho politely said.

“Aw, that’s so sweet of you,” Mom answered, smiling. “Thank you for joining the dinner. It was really great. Also, thank you for the present, even though it was not necessary for you to give me one. I appreciate your effort.”

I rubbed the back of my neck, getting somewhat uncomfortable with the mushiness. “Ah, so yeah. See ya, Mom, Dad.”

“Drive safely, Minho,” Dad said before we got out of the room.


“That was good,” Minho stated as he began driving his car. His eyes were sparkling, and his lips formed a pleased smile. “I enjoyed it much.”

“Mmm,” I murmured. “Are we going home?”

Minho shrugged his shoulders. “I did not know that you’d go home with me. Not like I minded. I am happy for being able to spend some more time with you, but I am afraid I can’t directly send you home.”

“Ah, why?” I curiously asked. “We’re going somewhere? You have this newly planned just now?”

“No, my brain does not work that quickly.” He gracefully chuckled. He's so beautiful it's intimidating. “I sort of promised Kibum to take a package he accidentally left in SM this morning.”

I nodded, getting what he said. “I see. It’s cool. Okay, let’s go to SM.” A tiny part of my heart was really happy to hear that. I wished I could bump into that certain person there... Knowing his packed schedule, I did not have high expectation on it. But wishing a little would not hurt me in any means.

“It won’t take long. After we’re done with it, how about going to Han River, getting some fresh air?” Minho offered.

“That sounds good!”

Arrived at SM, Minho chose to park his car in the basement. Despite the night getting late, the number of fans waiting outside the entertainment office building was still somehow significant, and for safety issue, I also thought that his decision to keep ourselves unseen was good. It did not take a very smart brain to know that certain careless actions could lead to unwanted reactions. Just like... what happened before in the past.

“There are no stans of mine threatening you anymore, right?” Like a mind reader, Minho just had to ask me about that.

I shook my head. “You’re asking me that now?”

“It’s not like I don’t care. I just know that the threats have stopped since long time ago. You... have gone back to normal since like forever,” Minho said.

I gave him a shy smile. “I know you cared. Thank you for doing something to stop it. Thank you for helping me.”

“Don’t thank me, it’s my responsibility. It won’t be right if I did not do anything about it.” He smiled and the two of us got off the car and used the elevator in the basement to directly go to the 3rd floor. “Um, did Kibum leave his stuff in the dance room...,” he murmured to himself.

When we reached our destination, I was not surprised to see the whole floor somehow deserted. It was the weekend, and it was getting late. 9.30 p.m... We met some people when Minho quickly took me to the dance room, but I did not recognize their faces and Minho just gave them his usual warm smiles, not bothering to say hi and involving in a conversation. We found that the package he was looking for was nowhere to be seen, at least not in the dance practice room. “I think it’s in the music room next door,” he said.

Casually draping his arm over my shoulders, he led me out of the room and proceeded to the next one. “If it’s not there then we’ll just leave, haha.”

“Aw, no! We have to at least find it, it won’t be that hard. How does the package look like? I can help, you know...”

“It’s his bag. The black one...,” Minho said as he turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. “Have you seen it befor... UH?”

The view welcoming us was definitely not what I would expect to see in my whole life. Right away, I became unconscious of my surroundings. At first I did not feel any pain, my body did not shake nor tremble even just a bit. But slowly, the throbbing ache occurred. My jaw fell. At this point I refused to believe my own sight, but I myself knew that it was happening for real.

The frustrating distrust, the agonizing treason.

I felt a warm touch in my hand; Minho was slipping his fingers between mine. But the warmth soon disappeared when I unwillingly faced the reality before my eyes. Two figures of the opposite . One was mine, one was barely a friend. They were not even aware of my presence.

“Hyung,” Minho hoarsely spoke, and my heart immediately broke. I could not bear to see this any longer, but when I tried to get away, Minho stubbornly held my hand. Two people hugging over there instantly broke their warm embrace upon hearing the uninvited interruption. I looked at the floor, not prepared to see the faces of betrayal. “Hyung, what are you doing?” Minho continued, voice rougher than ever. “Noona, what is going on here right now? Are you guys playing some kind of game?”

“______,” the woman’s voice seemed surprised. Not in a happy way.

A long three seconds passed without anyone making a sound, and I still fixed my stare on the ground. “Let’s leave, ______-ah.” Minho dragged me along with him. “I’m here, it’s gonna be okay.”

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SehunsWoman #1
Chapter 69: Don't leave us hanging :(
Chapter 69: I'm disappointedchonestly. You have a lot of loyal readers than you know, and you we waited for you. Don't leave us hanging.
Chapter 69: And even if you dont decide to finish the story .. please dont delete it :( i still want to read over it again from time to time.:) There arent that many good Leeteuk fanfics on here. This is one of the only amazing Leeteuk fanfics. I'd be heart broken if you deleted it.:)
Chapter 69: i think its really disappointed because i actually really love this story... i personally really like the way you wrote it and the fan-girl thing. XD

i hope you decide to finish the story. It dosent have to be anything amazing at least one more chapter explain what happens between the both of them.
Chapter 69: ah... I'm disappointed... this story is the one which make me like reading fanfic...
SujuWriter #6
Chapter 69: Fun while it lasted?! How sad it can last longer! I really want an ending to this story! You should definitely continue writing though. Maybe you could do an epilogue-y conclusion thing in a separate two-shot to finish the story and show off your improved writing
PLEASEE UPDATE SOON !!!!!!! this is my favorite story on aff and the only reason i logg on !!!
criesman1513 #8
Chapter 68: yikes... update please :D
pleaseeeeee update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:( why havent u updated ?! this ...