Chapter 58

Two Different Worlds


[Current timeline: still 111006]

“I can’t believe that Jung Soo kept me oblivious to this issue!” I screamed in frustration, still shocked and rather angry. “Why did he not tell me anything about it?”

Minho drove as he glanced at me several times, not sure that I was doing okay. “I don’t know. Ask him.” WELL THAT IS JUST OBVIOUS.

Seriously, why was Jung Soo not bringing up even a tiny bit of this? When he found out that he would co-host Star King, he spazzed with me literally the whole night. It was just few nights ago. Why did he not also tell me about We Got Married? Ugh, I scowled as I mentally mentioned the name of that show. We God Married My ! Kyuhyun looked so happy when I bade him goodbye back then, so satisfied for he could make shocked. We Got Married, I hated you! I hated you and Cho Kyuhyun! And also Park Jung Soo, for hiding the reality from me!

“Did Kyuhyun say something else?” Minho asked out of the blue. “Because if he did and it was harsh, I would talk to him.”

Who cares about that now?!“No, he didn’t. He was pretty decent today,” I quickly lied. “Minho, why is Jung Soo like this?”

The guy I was talking to shrugged his shoulders. “There are many theories that can explain that. Maybe he did not find it important to tell you. Maybe he forgot to tell you. Maybe he did not want to tell you... Whatever our presumptions are, rather than guessing it, you better directly ask him.” Typical Minho.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest, annoyed. “I want to know your opinion about it.”

Minho chuckled once. “If I were Jung Soo hyung, I would probably think that you would go ape when I told you that. Thus, I decided not to let you know. Hahaha.”

“I have the rights to go ape! I’m his girlfriend, remember?!”

“Well, it’s not like you can control what he should and should not do, right?” Minho coolly said. “You’re just his girlfriend.”

UGH. “You don’t understand! You don’t get what I am feeling. I know how the show goes, I know it’s scripted but Victoria unnie is even dating that Thai guy from 2PM because of it!”

Minho was quiet for a moment and I almost thought that he was deep in thoughts while suddenly he burst into laugh. “SO THAT IS IT?! Omona, ______-ah! Haha. You’re not thinking that his virtual wife will steal him from you, are you?!”

Yes! Yes Minho, I am! I am not angry because of the show itself. But because Jung Soo has the possibility to somehow like the fake wife and because he does not even bother to tell me that he is joining the show. That just .

“I hate what’s happening now.”

“Yah,” Minho called me. “Don’t be like that. Stop being so childish. Jung Soo hyung knows what he’s doing. He’s not an amateur. It’s not even a real show. It’s a freaking variety show. I am not just saying this to comfort you or what, but it is all true. He is an entertainer, this is what he does. Erase the stupid thoughts on your mind; don’t worry over something that is not meant to be worried. Chill, everything is fine.”

Usually, I relaxed after getting some advices from Minho, but right now, the anxiety was still here. Not only anxiety, but also anger, jealousy and disbelief. Deep inside, I felt betrayed. Jung Soo should have told me the truth. No, Jung Soo should have not joined We Got Married...

Suddenly Minho’s phone rang abruptly. Using the bluetooth earphone, he received the call. “Yeoboseyo? Ah, Kibum-ah. What? But I’m with ______-ah now. What? No! Okay, okay, got it. See ya.”

“Kibum? Key?”

Minho nodded his head. In disappointment he said to me, “Do you mind if we pick him up right now? He’s with his friend and it’s not so far from here...”

“Ah, I don’t mind. It’s fine. Besides, I wanna meet him,” I replied. Kibum was a really nice and quirky person (even though sometimes he acted like a diva but well yeah...) meeting him would be a good distraction to keep my mind busy.

Minho and I picked up Kibum in a studio and I moved to the back seat so that he could sit in the front one. Too bad for me, because when Kibum came and got inside the car, another companion suddenly opened the door right next to me and out of all Kibum’s wide circle of friends... why must it be this guy who appeared here?!

He looked kinda surprised to see me here. “______-ah!” Woohyun flashed his grin.

“Oh, hi...,” I replied nonchalantly. Why did I have to be in such a bad mood in most of my encounters with him?

Awkwardness rose in the air and Kibum chose to explain while Minho started driving off quietly. “I was going out with Woohyun, Nicole and Jaejin. But the others left earlier so it is just us now.”

“Kibum-ah, we should have just taken a taxi. We distracted the couple’s date, you know...,” Woohyun said, seeming regretful. Slow, awkward person.

Minho chuckled. “Haha, no...”

Kibum turned around to face us and he skeptically asked his buddy, “Woohyun, you do not think that they are a thing, do you?”

Woohyun scratched his head and confusedly blinked his eyes. “They are not...?” Pointing at me and Minho back and forth, he continued, “Minho I thought you said you two are in a special relationship?!”

Key facepalmed. “Minho and _______ are best friends, you my foolish pal.”

“Aaaah~” Woohyun thought. The guy gave me a big smile and winking his eye, he said, “So you’re single, aren’t you, ______-ah?” EEEW.

“WTF. These two look cute together already,” Kibum mumbled, talking about me and Woohyun. EEEEEEEWWW. “Haha but no, ______ and I look even cuter.” That’s better, Key.

I could hear Minho snorting. “Stop fantasizing, Kibum-ssi.”

“Oh shut up, Minho. Don’t ruin my moment.” Kibum looked at me in the eyes and said, “Tomorrow after school, let’s meet up in a coffee shop or somewhere.”

“Neh?” I stupidly asked. Kim Kibum of SHINee does not ask people to hang out with him. People ask him to hang out with them.

“Can I come too?” Woohyun and Minho asked in unison. The latter cleared his throat, continuing, “I can’t leave my best friend’s future in your hand, Key. You’ll turn her into someone I won’t recognize.”

“Duh, Minho, Woohyun. I am not inviting you, okay? It’s only for ______-ah. So, would you like to hang around carelessly with me tomorrow?” Kibum asked once again.

I rolled my eyes lazily. “Are you really asking for permission, Kibum? Like, really? Of course I would love to! Text me the detail.”

“Yeay!” Kibum squealed happily, leaving the other two guys pouting.


[Current timeline: 111007]

Kibum is a traitor. How could he possibly have a heart to do this to me?!

“Hi.” The guy in front of me awkwardly, shyly smiled. He waved his hand and even though he was wearing a hoodie, I knew his real identity.

Ah, jinjja. I rushed to Tom n Toms right after school ended, hoping to meet Kibum and hang out with the easy going guy. That would be an amazing thing even just to think about. I meant like, come on... Jung Soo had not contacted me yet since yesterday. Another busy day for him. But I also had no intention to call that stupid ahjussi. He lied to me, remember?!

So here I was, sipping my iced chocolate, almost getting choked because the guy standing before me was clearly not Kibum―the guy I was supposed to meet.

He pointed at a chair, asking my permission to sit there. I emotionlessly nodded. “What... are you doing here? Where is Key?”

“Kibum said I could come. He’ll be here soon, I guess.”

Oh... Kibum might not be a traitor.

And as I thought of that, my phone rang. The guy smiled upon hearing my ringtone. He was not as awkward as before. “Sunbaenim’s song!” Haha -_-

‘WHOOPSIE! Sudden schedule ! But I’ve sent Woohyun there~ Go out with him somewhere. Minho is not the only good guy in Seoul. Ta-ta! Have a nice day. –Key.’

Kibum is really a traitor. -___-

I frowned after reading the text from him. Looking up, I saw Woohyun staring at his phone as well.

“Kibum said he suddenly got to go to a schedule...,” he stated. Yeah, I already know that. “It sounds fake...” Yeah, I think so too.

“He arranged a date for us? What the...” UGH.

But unlike me, Woohyun seemed not bothered about it. “Then let’s go.” LET’S GO WHAT.

“Excuse me, Woohyun-ssi...?” I asked in confusion.

He grinned and said, “You don’t have anything to do, right? Let’s go out. With or without Kibum, it’ll still be fun.”

YES I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO BUT I DO HAVE A BOYFRIEND. WHY WOULD I WANT TO GO OUT WITH AN ACQUAINTANCE LIKE YOU. I wished I could say that out loud to Woohyun but... ugh. “Listen, Woohyun-ssi. I’m sorry, I cannot.”

He furrowed his eyebrows. “Why?”

How could I say to him that I did not want to go out with just him because it felt so much like a date and no, I did not want to go out on a date with him!!! “Because Woohyun-ssi… I don’t go to such arranged dates. I... already have someone.” Awkward, it was awkward.

“But it’s not Minho, right?”

Well, that was a private thing to ask. But I still answered it though. “Ah, no. Minho’s a best friend.” Why did everyone mistake that guy as my boyfriend? -_-

Woohyun knowingly smiled. “It’s not a date, ______-ssi. Let’s see it as a bonding time... Or an activity to kill the time. My next schedule is due at 10 p.m., approximately nine hours from now. Accompany me until that, please?”

I had no reasons left to reject him after he stated this as a time to get along. “Okay, friendly bonding time?”

Smiling widely, he nodded his head. “Yes!”


It started with buying our late lunch in nearest McDonald’s drive-thru. Driving my car (because he went here by taxi), Woohyun kept our destination as a secret. What he did say was, “We’re going to a beautiful place, you’ll like it!”

During the long ride departing from Seoul, Woohyun and I talked a lot. He was a truly friendly person and he just loooooooooooooooved to talk. “Training days were difficult. But I had people who kept telling me that someday, it would be worth the fight, the tears, the sweat. Someday, my hard work would be paid off. Infinite is still far from being successful, but I’m proud of where we are now. I keep encouraging the team to continue doing our best, that’s the least I can do for the group. Really glad that we’re in this together.”

I smiled upon hearing his story. This guy seemed hardworking, mature and happy. Slightly different than the aura Jung Soo gave off; my boyfriend worked too hard, was mature and was happy only at times.

“How’s your life in Seoul so far?” Woohyun asked.

“It was hard in the beginning,” I said. “But just like your training days, I have supporting people around myself; they keep me happy and not so stressed out, you know.” A radiant smile unknowingly appeared on my face. But it soon faded away as I remembered that Jung Soo... joined WGM. And did not tell me anything about it.

“Good for you!” Woohyun exclaimed. “Aren’t you graduating high school next year? Do you already have plans?”

“Oh yeah, next year. I already have some plans, but in the end, it won’t matter since my parents will force me to do what they want me to do.”

“What...?” he asked in disbelief. “It’s your life, not your parents’. Do what you want to do!”

“Easy for you to say that, Woohyun-ssi.”

Woohyun looked regretful and softly continued, “Muster some courage and just do what your heart tells you to. In order to regret nothing, you have to do what makes you happy. Don’t let anyone, even if it’s your parents, to control you. Don’t let anyone to hinder you from achieving your real dreams.”

That was just so sweet of him... “Thank you, I’ll consider it very carefully.”

“Yeah, you better be,” Woohyun said. He pointed at my head unit. “Can I turn it on?”

“Of course.”

He pressed the play button and I immediately blushed at the voices of Jung Soo and his friends blasting out loudly from the speaker. “Whooa, haha...” Woohyun let out a chuckle. “Super Junior’s fifth album, isn’t it? You’re a fan?”

I thought he was asking that in terms of music, so I shook my head and replied, “Not really.”

“It’s weird, then,” he stated. “You’re not a fan but you have their CD and you had their song as your ringtone. By any chance, is your ‘someone special’ a Super Junior member?” Huh? Why did he get so observant? “Come to think of it, you’re not around when Minho’s around. It’s Super Junior. When I met you for the first time, they were also performing that day in Inkigayo. They were there in Idol Sports Championship...” What the heck is he saying? So watchful and smart?!

“No. I’m just quite close to them after Minho introduced us,” I nonchalantly said, giving him a slight hint that I did not want to talk about it.

“Ah, I see...”

Finally, after approximately one hour of driving, I found out where Woohyun was taking us to. A city named Paju. “Okay. Paju. What is this?”

Woohyun continued driving until we arrived in this place named Heyri Art Valley. “Welcome to Heyri Art Valley in Paju City—located in northwest of Seoul, roughly forty kilometres from the capital. This is a village occupied by hundreds of artists; painters, writers, architects,  musicians, poets, movie makers, photographers, sculptors...”

Wow. Okay. WOW. This place... Heyri Art Village. Wow.

This was a beautiful site combining human, nature and art. I never went to a place like this before, to be honest. I thought that Seoul city was one of the most striking place on earth, but Heyri Art Village... So peaceful, so exquisite. This village had touch of modernism, yet cultural was also one of its strong features. Artistic and outstanding architecture obviously had major importance here. Most, if not all, of the buildings had no more than three or four stories, thus made the view of beautiful mountains unblocked. Materials that were generally used for the construction were woods, steel, stones and glass―very light ones.

“Museums, galleries, houses, cafes, theatres, book stores, exhibition halls, studios... All involves at least tiny bit of art in it. Beautiful, right?”

IS HE KIDDING ME?! “It’s not beautiful... It’s perfect!”

As soon as Woohyun parked the car, I got out jumping, all excited. The first building that really caught my attention was Touch Art Gallery. It looked warm yet elegant. “Let’s see what’s inside. Come on, Woohyun-ssi, walk faster!”

The view that welcomed me what I stepped inside the gallery was breathtakingly amazing. Unintentionally, today they held an exhibition here. Both local and foreign artists were participating in this event.  ‘시월의 고백’, read as Siwol-ui Gobaek. Or in English, it meant October Confession. October... Scenic autumn season. It was warm and cold at the same time. The trees surrounding the building had started to change its color. The leaves had started to fall and it only added more beauty to the scene. The atmosphere was very romantic and friendly, I should have gone here with Ye Eun, Krystal and Minho, or with Jung Soo and Donghae. But thanks to Woohyun for taking me here, anyway.

Every corner, every design, every detail of the building contained the trail of beauty. The picturesque paintings hanging on the wall, the symbolic sculptures placed on the corners of the rooms, the sunshine coming through the big window glass and the soft, melodious jazz music played... “To say that this place is beautiful is an understatement.”

“Look at these paintings,” Woohyun said, pointing at the certain works of art. “It’s written here; Kim Nampyo is the mastermind behind these art pieces. Pure aesthetics.”

I approvingly nodded my head. “Ridiculously astonishing.”

We took a look around the gallery for approximately an hour before going out and walking to the next building.

In our way, Woohyun kept taking selcas and that just bothered me a lot―he could bump into something, or someone, in the process! So what I did was offering him my help; I’d take photos of him.

Gladly, he handed me his iPhone. Click, click! I took some pictures of this tall, cute guy.

“Ah! We’re here!” Woohyun exclaimed as he saw a particular building hiding behind the hill. “So So Gallery.”

Another fine building with outstanding structural design. An exhibition was also being held here. This time, it was a photography one. Black and white photography of life, people and nature was displayed. Interesting, incredible. My jaw fell as I enjoyed the sight.

After visiting some more galleries and museums, Woohyun and I finally decided to settle and grab something to munch on. Our choice fell upon cakes and ice cream in The Chocolate Design Gallery, a café specialized in... of course, chocolate. The place was actually a gallery, a café and they also opened cooking class here.

I ordered Classic Chocolate Souffle while Woohyun went with Chocolate Mug Cake. “Ah, this is so nice!” The chocolate melted perfectly inside my mouth. The best part of this dessert was the chocolate tasted bittersweet.

“Ah, thank God I missed today’s practice. Worth this delicious cake...,” Woohyun said.

“You missed practice?!” I almost choked on my drink. “How could you?! I thought you said your next schedule is at 10!”

He chuckled. “It’s nothing important, really...”

That made me form a pout. “Still... I hate liars.”

“I did not lie. I only left some things unsaid.” That triggered something inside me, but I ignored that feeling. I must not explode in front of Woohyun.


Woohyun let out a sigh, but he did not say anything. Maybe he knew that I was not in my best mood... Good, at least I did not have to fake a smile.

We finished eating an hour later and after that, we went to the Heyri Pond. Common reeds were surrounding the pond. Leaves of the trees around us had lost its green chlorophyll. Only yellow xanthophylls and orange carotene were left inside it. Such amazing sight. Woohyun and I quietly stood on the middle of the bridge above the pond. There were barely people near us. The silence was the awkward one, unlike the other kind when I was with Jung Soo, so I decided to break it.

“Are you in a relationship right now?”

Woohyun took his right hand out of the pocket of the pants and pinched the bridge of his nose. “What kind of question is that? Haha.” He bitterly laughed. “Even if I really am, do you think I will tell you the truth? You can spill it to the public...”

“You know I won’t,” I said with confidence. “You know I don’t have motive to ruin your image nor your career. It brings me no good, anyway.”

He laughed once again in defeat. “Darn, you’re right.” A conceited smirk appeared on my face. “Well, I’m not. To be very honest, I’m not. Kibum won’t set this up if I did have girlfriend.”

“Why aren’t you?”

The guy heaved a heavy sigh before replying my ridiculous question. “I haven’t met the right person, I guess? But then again, even if I have, I wouldn’t confess so easily. Considering who I am and what I do for living...,” he paused and shrugged his shoulders serenely. “It’ll be hard and unfair for lots of parties. For me, for the unlucky girl, for the team, for the fans... I don’t wanna be selfish.”

“Chicken,” I muttered in such low voice, but still loud enough for him to hear.

“No, I am not,” Woohyun defended with composure. “Everyone has different ways to show their love. Some has to date the person they love. Some has to confess to the person they love. My way is, making sure that the person is happy and safe; with or without my presence next to her.”

“What if the girl wanted to be with you?”

Woohyun turned to face me. He seemed puzzled and hesitant for a mere second. “If we were meant to be, then we would find a way to be together in the future.” He suddenly clapped his hands and looking brighter than before, he said, “Wait, you don’t like me, right?”

I rolled my eyes. “I am just building a conversation. Besides, I told ya, I have someone. Well, I thought you liked me.”

Shy smile was seen on his face. “I did...” WHAT. “I did like you. But I thought you were going out with Minho, so yeah.”

Looking at the pond in confusion, I muttered, “Stop joking, it ain’t funny.”

“Hey.” Woohyun held my arm, turning my body around so I stood facing the guy. “You said you hated liars. That’s why I am telling you this now. The feeling I felt toward you, was a fling, I guess. I was just lonely, and then I saw you, looking so pretty yet fragile. Let’s start it all over again. No romantic feelings, at least until it starts to take place. Friends?” He stretched his arm out.

Shaking his hand, I grinned. “Okay. Friends!” I gained one more friend today. Wait, not only a friend, he had high possibility to eventually become one of the best. “I am sorry for acting cold to you. I really thought you liked me, and I did not feel so uncomfortable with that.”

“I am sorry for making you uncomfortable.” Woohyun gave me one of his widest smiles. “Hey, since we’re friends, will you tell me who your boyfriend is?”

I slapped his toned arm lightly. “You’re so curious, aren’t you? We have lots of time to talk about that, but not now, okay?”

“Okay, okay...”

Woohyun and I walked back to the parking lots. It was time to go home. I felt kind of sad to leave this place. Heyri Art Valley, someday I would visit you again. More beautiful memories would be made in the future. But for now, I got a buddy because of you. I smiled as we continued to walk.

“Hey, Woohyun-ah, give me your phone. I’ll take one more picture of you with that sculpture,” I pointed my finger at one particular thing. The L-O-V-E sculpture, just like the one they had in Love Park, the States. Since Woohyun was an ultimate camwhore, I had the feeling he would love to do it.

“Aaaah,” Woohyun happily exclaimed, running happily toward the carving. “I once saw this on TV! But it was in America. Wow, they also have it here!”

Using his iPhone, I took some pictures of him. Hahaha, an easily amused kid.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my right shoulder. Turning around, I saw a middle-aged man smiling at me. “I can help you take pictures together.”

“H-Huh?” I stammered. “It’s okay, ahjussi!”

“Aniyo, I really want to help. You two look so cute.”

Woohyun signaled me to approach him. “Come on, ______-ah! Take some pictures too. Make the memories unforgettable!”

I nervously walked to him and click! Some pictures were taken.

“Thank you, ahjussi!”

“It’s okay, young man,” he patted Woohyun’s shoulder. “The girl is beautiful and the guy is handsome. I hope you two will last long.”

I mentally facepalmed, but after the man left, Woohyun and I cracked into laughter. “Now I know what Minho feels when he’s with you, really!”

“Woohyun-ah, thank you for this day. I had so much fun,” I said sincerely.

He stopped walking and stared at me. “Is something troubling you?”

Eh? I gulped down my saliva. “What? No. I’m... fine...” I guess...

We continued strolling to my car, but there was a slight change in the atmosphere between us. Woohyun could not take it and he held my shoulder. “Hey, tell me. There’s something wrong, isn’t there?”

I breathed out heavily. “I am going to ask you a question. You will answer me quickly, but then we both will forget it.”


“What will you do if your partner is hiding something really important from you?”

Woohyun chuckled, “Is this your problem?” But seeing me glaring fiercely at him, he decided to stop his disturbing act and gulped. “If I were in that position, I would, of course, talk to my partner. I would ask why she did that. She must have reason for doing that, right? I would not let misunderstanding break us apart.” Until this I started to get back to my sense and almost decide what to do, but then Woohyun continued, “But before I did that, I would torment her a bit. No harms intended, but a few days without unanswered calls shall make her realize; I did not like it when she did that to me.”

“You meanieeeeeeee!”

He laughed freely, running to the car because finally I looked less uneasy.


[Current timeline: 111008]

I woke up groggily; my whole body ached because of yesterday’s trip.

I arrived home at 8, Woohyun refused my offer to drop him at his office or his next schedule. I felt so bad that he still needed to ride in a taxi after driving for us the whole day, but there was nothing I could do; the guy was way too stubborn!

‘Mwo ireohke eoryeobna uri jal meokgo~’ Oh, who called me this early in the morning? Taking my phone, I got surprised as I read the caller ID. Huh, so you remember me now, Jung Soo?! I remembered what Woohyun said yesterday, and I threw my phone to the bed just like that. Feel the torture, Jung Soo! HUH! The revenge shall serve you right!

Not so long after, my phone rang again. And as I thought it was Jung Soo, again... oh, the screen showed a different name. “Oh Ye Eun, hi~”

“You must help me! Stupid biology essay! I don’t know how to do it!” My friend whined like a baby.


“Okay, okay,” I unwillingly said.

“Really?! Meet me in Starbucks near your home at 11, okay? Pleaseeeeeeee!”

“Call Krystal to join us too!”

“Pfft, she can’t. She has to film something.”


“Okay, see you soon.”


“Ye Eun, dude, really? How will you get at least B with an essay like this? Incoherent copying of DNA does lead to accumulated genetic mutations! Loss of brain cells causes slower learning ability and loss of memory!” I pointed out Ye Eun’s mistakes in her paper after reading it. “OMG, check it all over again. It’s on the book. And if it isn’t, we always have Uncle Google, okay?”

Ye Eun pouted, but she did open our thick Biology textbook. All of a sudden, my phone rang for the umpteenth time today and I gained a judging look from Ye Eun. Unknown number was calling me. I hated unknown number, but the voice of Jung Soo singing loudly confused Ye Eun, and I gotta make it stop. So what I did was, answering it.

“Huh, what? Are you serious? He’s what...?” I almost broke down listening to the guy on the other line. “No, no... You’re kidding, aren’t you? Okay. Where? Okay...”


It is not happening. No.


Oh crap, Ye Eun. “Urgent family... business... I’ll call you...,” I said, holding back my tears. No. He’s fine, he’s fine, he’s fine...


I am deeply sorry for posting it late T_T After SS4, I actually spent most of my time in my mom's apartment and we don't have wifi there so yeah... I loathe writing story in my phone... ;( Just got back with dad yesterday and I typed the story immediately from my note. ;( Once again, sorry T__T

Anyway, this original story line for this chapter was not supposed to go like this. But sugenluv asked me to put more Woohyun and I remembered that Infinite went to Sukira on 111007... And... on 111008... something bad happened. jsdflsghsdteut I can add some spoiler here, but you probably won't like it~ So if you're curious, just google it ^^ If you don't want spoilers but really wanna know the effect of Woohyun's appearance in this chapter, just stay tuned for the next chapter kkk ;P

Once, once again, I am sorry for taking forever to post this T_T And anyway, CHECK OUT HEYRI ART VALLEY IT IS A REALLY AWESOME PLACE!!! Might add pictures later tho~.~ Ta ta for now! Thanks for still reading, commenting and subscribing, I love ya!!!

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SehunsWoman #1
Chapter 69: Don't leave us hanging :(
Chapter 69: I'm disappointedchonestly. You have a lot of loyal readers than you know, and you we waited for you. Don't leave us hanging.
Chapter 69: And even if you dont decide to finish the story .. please dont delete it :( i still want to read over it again from time to time.:) There arent that many good Leeteuk fanfics on here. This is one of the only amazing Leeteuk fanfics. I'd be heart broken if you deleted it.:)
Chapter 69: i think its really disappointed because i actually really love this story... i personally really like the way you wrote it and the fan-girl thing. XD

i hope you decide to finish the story. It dosent have to be anything amazing at least one more chapter explain what happens between the both of them.
Chapter 69: ah... I'm disappointed... this story is the one which make me like reading fanfic...
SujuWriter #6
Chapter 69: Fun while it lasted?! How sad it can last longer! I really want an ending to this story! You should definitely continue writing though. Maybe you could do an epilogue-y conclusion thing in a separate two-shot to finish the story and show off your improved writing
PLEASEE UPDATE SOON !!!!!!! this is my favorite story on aff and the only reason i logg on !!!
criesman1513 #8
Chapter 68: yikes... update please :D
pleaseeeeee update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:( why havent u updated ?! this ...