Chapter 38

Two Different Worlds

Heechul walked me back to f(x)’s waiting room. There we spotted Ye Eun, Krystal and Minho talking to each other.

They saw me with Heechul and Minho automatically exclaimed, “Ah there you are!”

“Ah unnie, where were you? You went with Donghae oppa but came back here with Heechul oppa!” Krystal said.

Ye Eun hugged me and curiously asked, “Seriously, where were you? I’ve been waiting for you here since forever!”

To clear the situation, Heechul spoke up for me. “Donghae needed to go to the rehearsal. I met ______-ah on my way, so why didn’t I show her more about this building.” I glanced at Heechul. This man is love. Even though his excuse was lame (who cared about this building, duh?!) but he totally knew when to stop blabbering about private stuff and how to cover things up. “Hey, how about checking on their rehearsal?”

Ye Eun and Krystal cheered, totally liking Heechul’s idea. “Oh gosh oppa you’re brilliant! Let’s go, unnie!” Krystal excitedly shouted. She clung her arms to Heechul’s left arm and Ye Eun’s right arm. “To the studio!”

With Minho, I followed them walking outside the room and to the studio where the rehearsal was being held.

“So how have you been?” Minho asked me, smiling. Ugh, that smile never failed to make me feel calm.

I flashed a smile at him too. A bit intimidated because I knew it won’t light up his day like the way his did to mine. “Good! You, Minho oppa? I thought you were busy...”

He nodded slightly. “I was... But I could always manage to find a way to meet you and the girls, you know. And not to mention, my Super Junior hyungs and f(x) dongsaengs are here.”

“That’s so sweet of you!” I chuckled. “Seriously.”

“I know right?!” He ruffled my hair a bit.

We finally arrived in the studio. There were some fans, and staffs were everywhere. The stage, the lightning, everything was awesome. Ye Eun, Minho, Krystal, Heechul and I stood in the right side of the stage. I spotted Eunhyuk, Donghae, Sungmin, Kyuhyun and Shindong on the stage. They were talking to Luna and Vic. The girls were so pretty! Super Junior boys were also handsome. Even though of course, Jung Soo was still more handsome than those five dongsaengs of his. Kkk.

Speaking of Jung Soo, he and the rest of s were nowhere to be seen right now. I pouted without realizing it. Ye Eun happened to notice the change in my facial expression and she asked me, “You’re not enjoying it? Should we go back?”

Huh? What? “No, I’m totally enjoying it, darl! When will they start, you know, dancing?”

“You sure?” Ye Eun thoughtfully asked. “Any minute.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

After a few minutes, finally the rehearsal began again. Luna’s turn was up. She danced with Eunhyuk and man... they were absolutely, totally captivating! I was stunned. The move they made was mesmerizing and I loved every single of it. But suddenly, while doing a quite challenging step which involved a chair, Luna tripped... and she fell! Omona! The music was instantly stopped, the staffs, Super Junior boys and Vic automatically ran towards her.

“What happened to her?!” Ye Eun fearfully shouted.

Krystal bit her lower lip. “Is Luna unnie okay?” Heechul, seeing her so anxious, held her shoulder.

“She is, she is,” Heechul repeated in soothing voice.

Minho and I looked at each other nervously. “I... Is Sunyoung gonna be okay, Minho?” Oh God, please let her be okay.

He shrugged his shoulder. “I really hope she will...”

Luna slowly lifted her head. From afar I could see her terrified expression. She seemed hurt. I bit my lip. Seeing her in pain hurt me too. Luna was really nice and precious, and I always had this tendency to keep my friends unharmed.

Eunhyuk and a staff carefully helped Luna to walk out of the stage. Vic, Kyuhyun, Donghae, Sungmin and Shindong followed from behind, looking so worried. They were walking slowly towards the stage side where I was standing. When they were close to us, Heechul and Minho helped to hold Luna. “Are you okay, Sunyoung-ah?” Heechul asked.

Luna shook her head. My heart ached.

Eunhyuk let go his grip of Luna and gave her into Heechul. “Take her to the waiting room. Somebody with phone please call the doctor.” He looked upset.

One of f(x)’s managers pulled out his phone and started dialing someone. Probably the doctor.

Vic almost cried, but being a strong leader she was, she told Luna, “I cannot accompany you right now as I need to finish the rehearsal and probably cover your part, but be tough okay, Sunyoung? You will be alright.” She then called Krystal. “Krys, take a good care of her!”

Krystal a bit panicked, but she gained her composure again. “Luna unnie, you’ll be okay! We all are here!”

Super Junior boys and Vic stayed on the stage as they were being plainly professionals and should continue what they had been doing. Minho and Heechul now were the ones who helped Luna walk. There were quite numerous people surrounding them. The staffs, the managers. Ye Eun, Krystal and I followed them back to the waiting room. We were holding each other’s hands and kept telling each other that Luna would be fine.

In the waiting room, Luna sat on one of the chairs. She kept holding her leg. It must hurt much. Krystal and Ye Eun kneeled down beside her. Heechul held one of Luna’s shoulders as he said, “You’re gonna be okay, Sunyoung-ah! Don’t cry!”

Luna bitterly laughed. “I’m not crying!”

“I think I need to get out and give Sulli a call. She needs to know your condition,” Heechul said.

Krystal nodded. “Tell her not to worry, oppa. We are here for Luna. Tell her to just focus on her job now.”

Heechul knowingly smiled at Krystal. “Will do, Soojung-ah.” Then he left the room.

Minho spoke up too. “I guess I also need to tell Super Junior hyungs...”

Luna held him. “You will only make them worried of me, Minho oppa.”

Ye Eun shook her head. “I think they still gotta know it.”

“We’re family in SM Entertainment, Luna unnie. They have to know it,” Krystal said.

“Hang on, okay, Sunyoung-ah? I will be back here as soon as I meet and tell it to them.” Minho then left us too.

All that I could do here was to keep myself from biting my lower lip. I was so worried of Luna’s condition. I told you thousand times before, she was truly a nice person and I just couldn’t see her like this.

Luna seemed to sense my worry. “______-ah, don’t worry. I’m gonna be okay. It hurts now, but the ache will soon disappear.” She was the one who was in pain. I should be the one saying that. Yet I couldn’t. I lost my every word. I was really afraid that Luna was in a truly bad shape.

As the time went, I got more and more anxious being here.

Their manager suddenly came with a stranger behind him and he said, “The doctor’s here! If he says there’s serious injury occurred to you, we need to bring you to the hospital, Sunyoung-ah.”

No! Not the doctor!I couldn’t take it all anymore. I was scared to the maximum. What if the doctor confirmed that her leg was truly broken or something?! Noooooooo T_T “Krys, Ye Eun, Sunyoung... I will... I will wait outside the room, okay?” I stuttered.

They all understood my feeling and nodded. Luna even smiled. “Ya, I told you I will be just fine.”

Out of f(x)’s waiting room, I rested my back on the cold, white wall. I prayed inside, begging God to make Luna safe and sound. A lot of people with unfamiliar faces walked through the corridor. They might see me as a weird foreigner standing in front of f(x)’s room, with aura as gloomy as winter’s nights. They might mistake me as a stan who got depressed because she couldn’t see f(x). At this point, I didn’t care about anyone anymore.

To clear my mind a bit, I decided to go to the restroom. Thankfully I knew its location. Cuz I was absolutely not in the mood to ask people about it. Talking to strangers was the last thing I wanted to do right now.

Ugh, if only Jung Soo was here to ease my tense... Well, that just gave me an idea.

“Teuki-ssi, Sunyoung is injured T_T What should I do?” I texted Jung Soo. I called him formally again. I couldn’t bring myself to call him oppa so casually... yet.

He quickly replied, “Heard that from Minho just now. Hope she’s okay! Where are you?”

“I’m on my way to the toilet. I hope so too, I can’t bear to see...,” I was typing the message, when suddenly I bumped into someone. Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuch! My head!

I rubbed my forehead. Aw, it kinda hurt. I looked up to see who I was bumping into... a guy in front of me rubbed his chest. A total stranger. Great, now what?

“Jeez dude, watch your step!” Not in the mood, not in the mood.

That guy widened his eyes. Oh sorry, I accidentally spoke in English. He didn’t seem to understand me. Ugh. I took a look closer at him. Judging from his outfit, I guessed he was a member of a boy band or something. The man looked extravagant and he even had make up on. Tall, slightly muscular. Not cute, but he's handsome. He must be around two or three years older than me.

His facial expression changed as he studied the annoyed look on my face. He smugly smiled at me. “Lady, you were the one who bumped to me,” he said in Korean. “If you weren’t so busy texting while walking, we wouldn’t bump in the first place.”

Well, he was right. But told ya, I wasn’t in the mood to talk to strangers. So I just left him without saying anything.

“Hey!” someone shouted, and I felt a grip on my wrist.

I turned around... this man hasn’t given up yet. “Okay, okay. Sorry. Okay? I’m sorry if I caused you trouble, now please let me go,” I said nonchalantly. Jeez, why do people have to be this strict about being polite and whatsoever in times like this?!

That man let go of the grip, but a smile slowly appeared on his face. He... he suddenly looked so nice. I had a feeling that this man was a really kind person. His smile was sincere, I could tell. Darn, I was being kinda y towards him and he got so angelic and all. Guilt started to fill the space of my heart.

He suddenly stretched out his right arm. I was sort of hesistant before stretching out mine too and shaking his hand. "Hi, Woohyun is the name. You?" He asked me, smiling.

skjdjasdfhsf i'm in rush right now so i cant reply your comments one by one but i was a bit confused here...

woohyun water you doing in my story.


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SehunsWoman #1
Chapter 69: Don't leave us hanging :(
Chapter 69: I'm disappointedchonestly. You have a lot of loyal readers than you know, and you we waited for you. Don't leave us hanging.
Chapter 69: And even if you dont decide to finish the story .. please dont delete it :( i still want to read over it again from time to time.:) There arent that many good Leeteuk fanfics on here. This is one of the only amazing Leeteuk fanfics. I'd be heart broken if you deleted it.:)
Chapter 69: i think its really disappointed because i actually really love this story... i personally really like the way you wrote it and the fan-girl thing. XD

i hope you decide to finish the story. It dosent have to be anything amazing at least one more chapter explain what happens between the both of them.
Chapter 69: ah... I'm disappointed... this story is the one which make me like reading fanfic...
SujuWriter #6
Chapter 69: Fun while it lasted?! How sad it can last longer! I really want an ending to this story! You should definitely continue writing though. Maybe you could do an epilogue-y conclusion thing in a separate two-shot to finish the story and show off your improved writing
PLEASEE UPDATE SOON !!!!!!! this is my favorite story on aff and the only reason i logg on !!!
criesman1513 #8
Chapter 68: yikes... update please :D
pleaseeeeee update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:( why havent u updated ?! this ...