Chapter 35

Two Different Worlds


I had finally learnt that there were bunch of Twitter accounts that sort of stalked Super Junior members, including Jung Soo. They called themselves fanbases. They posted old and recent photos of the members, tweeted recent news and random facts about the members, etc, etc. I found it really creepy. So creepy, darn how did they manage to gather all the information? Anyway, I also got to know that Super Junior’s fans were called ELF for Everlasting Friends, and as for Minho’s group SHINee, it was Shining World or Shawol. ELF and Shawol... I was an ELF and a Shawol, haha.

However, thanks to those creepy fanbases, I found out that Jung Soo had a filming tonight in KBS with Yesung, Eunhyuk, Shindong and Donghae. Dream something... Uum, Dream Team! Yeah, that was it. I also read that today was Kibum’s birthday. He was also a Super Junior member. I didn’t remember that I had met him before though... I’d ask about him when I got the chance to see Jung Soo later.

As for right now, I had to go picking Krystal up in her place. Why? Because, here was the thing... f(x) had special performance with Super Junior on today’s Inkigayo.

Speaking of Inkigayo, I also had learnt that there were some popular music shows in Korea. Mnet M!Countdown every Thursday, KBS Music Bank every Friday, MBC Music Core every Saturday and SBS Inkigayo every Sunday. Thanks again to the fanbases.

Today Luna and Vic were going to have a dance stage with Super Junior on Inkigayo, and Sulli was the host of the show itself. But Krystal would accompany them. So she sort of asked me, Ye Eun and Minho to go there too so we could see each other. The recording started at 10 but I had left home from 7 since I never went to Krystal’s place before and I wasn’t sure when I would reach it, so yeah... Krystal told me to pick her up at f(x)’s dorm in Cheongdam though. She didn’t usually stay there because she lived with her parents, but she was there for the rest of the day.

Meaning: I would see f(x), Ye Eun, Minho and Super Junior today. Jung Soo, yes, Jung Soo! kdsjfsjfkjsdkfjf

“Krys, I’m downstairs,” I called Krystal as soon as I arrived at the apartment building.

“Ah unnie! I’m not ready yet! It’s only half past seven, we’re supposed to go at half past eight!” Krystal said. Well, it took only thirty minutes for me to go here. Haha -_- Wrong calculation. “Come up here, unnie! I’m on 14th floor, room number 1402.”

I found room 1402 and pressed the bell. A moment later, the door opened, revealing a very beautiful girl behind it. Not an f(x) member... Who is she?

“Hi, you must be Krystal’s friend, ______-ssi!” The girl cheered. Wow, so friendly. Beautiful and friendly. The aura around her was very pleasing. “Come in! My name is Taeyeon, nice to meet you!”

I went inside the apartment. So her name’s Taeyeon... “Oh hi, Taeyeon-ssi, nice to meet you too.” I beamed.

In the living room, I saw Luna and Sulli sitting on the sofa. “______!” Luna hugged me. “How are you doing?” Luna... Ohohoho, I had loved her since the first time I met her in Taemin’s birthday party.

“______ unnie,” Sulli called me.

“Yeah baby?” I nodded at her, smiling.

“Taeyeon unnie is living upstairs. She is our sunbae.” Sulli continued, “The amazing leader of the number one girl group in Korea, Girls’ Generation!” She exclaimed happily.

Huh?! So this beautiful girl is SNSD Taeyeon?!Oh. My. God. How could I not recognize her! “Hahaha,” I laughed awkwardly. “Oh you’re so pretty! The leader of the leading girl group in Asia!” Hahaha, how could I not recognize her?!?!

“Omona, ______-ah you don’t know her, do you?” Luna giggled. “Forever oblivious to top stars.”

“Haha, you didn’t know me?” Taeyeon laughed prettily. She didn’t seem to be offended by the fact that I didn’t know her, though. Well, I knew SNSD, kay! I wasn’t that outdated. But then again, there were too many of them, just like Super Junior, and I didn’t give so much darn about K-Pop world so yeah...

“I know Jessica, Krystal’s sister...” I said powerlessly.

“Unnie, Jessica unnie is more popular than you, aigoo...” Luna jokingly said.

Sulli added, “Yeah. Wow, what a pity. The leader is you, Taeyeon unnie.”

Taeyeon pretended to pout and be mad at me. “I can’t believe you don’t know me!” We all burst into laughter.

“Where’s Krystal anyway, Sunyoung?” I asked Luna.

“She’s taking a bath. So, you’re going with us right?” Luna smiled.

I nodded. “Yup, if I’m not, then what was I coming here for?”

“Hey, both of you,” Taeyeon turned to Luna and Sulli. “Go prepare yourself, you’re leaving in an hour.”

“Taeyeon unnie is being an umma again!” Sulli exclaimed.

Taeyeon glared at her. Omona, I wanted to laugh. None of SM artists were sane.

Luna conspired with Sulli to piss Taeyeon even more. “Taeyeon umma! Vic umma is going to scold you for glaring at her cute daughters!”

“Vic unnie is going to scold you for not listening to me~” Taeyeon coolly said.

Hearing that, Sulli and Luna pouted and excused themselves to get prepared.

I was left alone in the living room with Taeyeon. Darn, she was so pretty I kept staring at her.

“You’re close to my dongsaengs,” Taeyeon stated.

I nodded shyly. “Yeah... Anyway where are Vic and Amber?”

“I came down here at 7 and I haven’t seen them around since,” Taeyeon answered. “You’re so pretty. How long have you been in Korea?”

“Uum,” I thought. “Around half a year.”

“I see.” Taeyeon smiled.

Suddenly a door opened and Krystal went out of it. “Hey ______ unnie!” She sat beside me on the sofa, looking so pretty in a fashionable tank and messy jeans. “Taeyeon unnie, ______ unnie, have you eaten? We have some cereal in the kitchen I think.”

I shook my head. “Nah, not in the mood to eat.”

“I would go upstairs later to eat,” Taeyeon said. “Where are your managers, Krys? They should drive you guys to SBS, right? And where is Vic?”

“Vic went to the office early in the morning and Amber accompanied her. I phoned the managers before, saying there’s a kind friend of mine who will give a lift for us so they don’t need to come here,” Krystal answered, smiling at me.

“I feel like being used...” I said, pretending to feel hurt.

“Ya unnie!” Krystal hit my arm. “Aren’t you the one who’s using me here?”

“Ah, why is that so?” I stupidly asked.

Krystal flashed a smug grin. “You’ll spend more time on flirting with Leeteuk oppa than actually hanging out with me, Ye Eun unnie and Minho oppa!”

“Wh- What?! No!” I nervously stuttered. Oh my God, Krystal... How could she say such thing in front of a stranger (read: Taeyeon)? I didn’t feel like getting embarrassed in front of her!!! Anyway, speaking of Taeyeon, I thought I just saw her furrow her eyebrows when Krystal mentioned “flirt” and “Leeteuk”. I didn’t know, I was probably wrong... “I don’t flirt! Especially with him!”

Krystal pouted. “My feelings keep telling me that there’s something going on between you two.”

I almost choked!!! Why is her guess always right? I seriously couldn’t imagine when Krystal finally found out that yeah, there was truly something going on between Jung Soo and me. I’d be so dead. And that was only Krystal. I had not taken Ye Eun and Minho into consideration yet. Darn, just thinking about it already made me dizzy. “Unnie, you’ve promised to tell me when something happens, right?”

“Nothing happens, Krystal! I don’t even talk to him.”

“Ya unnie, if you want to date Leeteuk oppa, ask Taeyeon unnie how it felt like.” Krystal giggled.

Taeyeon lightly hit Krystal’s head. “Krystal! Yah, I never dated him! Crappy rumors are crappy.” She awkwardly laughed.

“I was only joking, Taeyeon unnie!” Krystal said, still giggling.

The situation was a bit awkward for me after that. The more I observed it, the more I realized that every time Krystal or I mentioned Jung Soo, Taeyeon always furrowed her eyebrows. It could mean nothing, but after she said something about rumors, I knew it meant something. And there was a slight change in Taeyeon’s aura... it wasn’t so charming anymore. Maybe it was just me, but I didn’t know.

Sulli and Luna went out of their room. “Wow girls, you look so pretty!” Taeyeon said.

“Thank you unnie!”

Taeyeon glanced at the clock. “Think it’s time for you to go.” She turned to me. “Drive carefully, okay?”

I firmly nodded.

We all then went out and Luna locked the door. Taeyeon went with different lift because she needed to go back upstairs to her dorm while the rest of us were going downstairs.

In the car, Luna sat on the front seat beside me. Krystal and Sulli on the back ones. “Yeah, let’s goooooooooooo!”

I had a feeling that today would be awesome. I’d be spending the day with f(x), Ye Eun, Minho and not to mention, Jung Soo would be there too. He was still clueless that I’d be there. Hahaha, bet it would surprise him >.< Even though we probably couldn’t interact at all cuz it might rise suspicion from others, but only seeing each other would be enough.


We all met Vic in the waiting room. Vic was already wearing make-up.

A guy approached us with a woman. He told Luna, Sulli and Vic, “Come with me girls! Y’all need some more touch up and change the clothes.” He went with the girls, but turned around again to shout, “Krystal, just wait here. Ye Eun said she’d be here in a moment!”

Krystal murmured to me, “Managers take care of everything for us, sometimes I wonder how they do it.” We then sat on the plastic chairs there.

This waiting room was messy. A lot of people ran across us. There were many middle 20 to early 30 women, holding clothes and make-up tools, speaking too fast to each other.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Ye Eun’s number. “Where are you, dude?”

“Oh, you’re arrived there already?” She didn’t answer my question.

“Yeah. Me with Krystal. We’re in f(x)’s waiting room. Now where are you?” Though f(x) manager said she’d be here, I still needed to know her current whereabouts.

“Minho and I are racing to SBS right now. Just wait there okay?!” Ye Eun furiously hung up the phone call.

“Krys, judging from what Ye Eun said, I had a feeling that they just left Minho’s place now.”

“Haha,” Krystal laughed. “They’ll come late.”

I nodded. Agreed. “I’m curious about the reason, though. Ye Eun taking a bath too long and forgetting that she needed to pick Minho up first or Minho waking up late.”

“Or Dubu begging them to drop him off in the nearest McDonald’s.”

I was going to ask Krystal who Dubu, or tofu, was, when the waiting room door opened and Heechul and Donghae walked inside.


harooooooooo ~~~ i'm back ~~~

eh i just reread last chapter and realized that it was boring XD so late duh --' sorry sorry sorry sorry naega naega naega naega meonjeo~~~

anyway, i had so much fun writing about f(x)... lol i rly like luna and she's like the only girl in kpop world i truly care ... TRULY (sorry bruh i spend too much time on da boys T_T just trying to be honest~)

you like the appearance of taeyeon here, guys?? she;s~ not mean~ yet~ haha jk, i still don;t know what im going to do with her :p

will ______ meet jung soo??????? tune in! lol ;P

@peacelovehugs: meh toooooo! orz they haven;t released the mv yet, i think i;m going crazy T_T

@Sujushineebang: yesh he is >.<

@locrazy: jfshdfhsfhfhjdsfhhf i wish we could spazz together kkk~ yeees nosebleed eerrrwherrrreeeeeee omona hip s -_-

@Aigooo: you keeping saying that this story is the best leeteuk;s story on aff... are making me... crazier... and crazier~ each day~ thank you darllllllls <333

@LilacFairy-Chu: you... conspire with Aigooo... to make me go dkfjdskjfksjdfjfdjf and fly to cloud nine... don't you? hehe >.< thank you so much!!! :DDD <333

@860404: you rly do? ;~~; i thought it was pretty boring, your comment is such a sunshine for me dear :') thanks!!!

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SehunsWoman #1
Chapter 69: Don't leave us hanging :(
Chapter 69: I'm disappointedchonestly. You have a lot of loyal readers than you know, and you we waited for you. Don't leave us hanging.
Chapter 69: And even if you dont decide to finish the story .. please dont delete it :( i still want to read over it again from time to time.:) There arent that many good Leeteuk fanfics on here. This is one of the only amazing Leeteuk fanfics. I'd be heart broken if you deleted it.:)
Chapter 69: i think its really disappointed because i actually really love this story... i personally really like the way you wrote it and the fan-girl thing. XD

i hope you decide to finish the story. It dosent have to be anything amazing at least one more chapter explain what happens between the both of them.
Chapter 69: ah... I'm disappointed... this story is the one which make me like reading fanfic...
SujuWriter #6
Chapter 69: Fun while it lasted?! How sad it can last longer! I really want an ending to this story! You should definitely continue writing though. Maybe you could do an epilogue-y conclusion thing in a separate two-shot to finish the story and show off your improved writing
PLEASEE UPDATE SOON !!!!!!! this is my favorite story on aff and the only reason i logg on !!!
criesman1513 #8
Chapter 68: yikes... update please :D
pleaseeeeee update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:( why havent u updated ?! this ...