Crazy Krystal

To know, To meet,To love, To part.

Grandma/Aunty Jo: My child, you have come...

My eyes darted over to the counter at my right hand side.

She's appearing as mysterious as in the past, always giving people a fright.

L: You know who Krystal is....

Auntie Jo: You can't get rid of her, young man... It's you who made her love you, it's your fault,not hers. Loving someone is nothing wrong.

Me: So there's nothing we can do?

Auntie Jo: A piece of advice... Leave it as it is, or disaster it will be...

Me: What about my dream?

Auntie Jo: What dream?

Me: I dreamt of you....L.. and Krystal

Auntie Jo: Oh... I think you were thinking too much. Come, have a cup of tea

She poured us each a cup as we sat down and chat.

Auntie Jo: Krystal, is that she?

She pointed out of her glass window as she took another sip of drink.

I splurted out everything in my mouth as I gasped at the sight of her.

She was becoming a total wreck, with L as her life's aim, following us everywhere we go.

L: Erm... I think we better go, or she is going to come in and mess up your place.

Auntie Jo: Ok, get going. But remember, don't try to get rid of her.

We nodded our head in unison and made our way out.

Krystal: L~~~~~!!!

She chirped out sweetly as she clung onto him.

I stared at her in jealousy. She was getting more and more crazy every minute...

Why was she acting like L was hers and not mine?! I wanted to go and pull her away, but felt sad for her, so I gave up that thought.

Suddenly, she bent up to kiss L on his cheek. Damn her!! I can't put up with this anymore!

I pouted at a side and shouted to L.


He pushed her off and jogged over to my side.

Well... that's my good boy...hee

Then, my eyes caught  Krystal, she had fell down on the cement pavement.

Part of me wanted to help her up, but I was hesitant.

L: Let's go

He held my hands signalling for me to run away with him. That was a horrid thing to do... But I went with him anyway.

Yay!! We have finally shaken her off. We stopped at a back alley at... erm... I don't even know where I am...

L: Finally... we've got rid of her...

I bent down to catch my breath.

Got rid?!

Me: Got rid of her?

L: Yeah

Me: Don't you remember that Grandma says we shouln't get rid of her?

L This is not really 'get rid'... This is only for today, plus she would surely come back tomorrow or later on... Or who knows... she might be in my house now...

I shivered at that thought... It was like some dead spirit who can't get a peace of mind...

She was haunting us... Oh, but thank god... she is a human

Me: Are you gonna continue living like that? With her pestering you everywhere you go?

L: I don't want things to be like that too...

Me: Argh... I shouldn't have asked, you won't have a solution anyway...

L: Why not you go home first? I will handle her

Me: Don't want... What if she..nevermind

I shook my head. What I meant was I didn't want anything to happen between them...

L: Ok, then go home now, I gotta go back and check if she is at my house now

Me: Ok...

I watch him as he went further away and out of the corner of the wall. I stood there not saying a word, dreaming away, allowing my thoughts to wander.

Suddenly, the sound of the thunder woke me up. Oh ... It's going to rain... I looked up to see dark clouds hovering over me.

Oops... Gotta be on my way home... I looked around me, two walls... Which side should I go?

Left or right... Hmm... Let me see... Where did L go just now? Damn... I have forgotten...

The thunder shook me again... Argh... No time to think already...I'll just take the left side... This road doesn't seem to end...Erm... Maybe I should make a U-turn and take the other side. !!! But that would be even longer, I have been walking on this path for 20 minutes...

Is there something like... call a number and a helicopter arrive? Nah... wishful thinking... The helicopter can't even fit into this small alley... Plus,if they drop a ladder down.... Argh... I am thinking too much...

Yes, Yes!!! I saw an opening!

I ran faster towards it.

Huh? Dead end?

Oh... The other way back...

I turned around and looked at the straight path,how long was that?

Well... I think I am getting fatter also... I can make do with some jogging...

It's raining.... I reached out my palm and felt the raindrops

pat on my hands...

Eeks... I'm wet now... I took out a plastic file and covered my head with it then jogged back.

Today is an unlucky day... huh?

*Ah choo!

I sneezed as I took a whole box of tissue in my room.

It was raining pigs and chickens outside...

Darn...Why hadn't A.K phone me?

I sat down crossed legged on my bed as I switched on the

television with my remote control.


If this goes on, I am going to die sooner or later.

THe door of my room swung open and my mom placed a bowl of

chicken soup on my desk.

Speaking of chickens... I guess they are really pitiful...

Getting cooked in boiling temperature...

All these sneezing is getting my head screwed up...

Yoyo: Mom, can you help me go to the drugstore to get some

panadols for cold relief?

She nodded her head and went out.

My eyes focused back on the television although my mind is

elsewhere. A.K, Jac, A.K, Jac...

This is driving me crazy.



I attempted to pull out a sheet of tissue paper, but it came out as a ply instead...

Never mind... It's usable too... My handphone finally rang...

I picked it up and...



L: Hey, are you ok? What happened?

Me: Caught a cold...

L: yahhhh take care of yourself babe!

Me: yeahhh

L: Shh... Relax... Anyway, Krystal is not at my house... It's a surprise to me...

Me: Then where would she be?

L: I've got no idea

Me: Take it as I never ask...

L: She might come and look for you... So you better be on your guard without me, heh


Suddenly, the line went dead.

Me: Hello? Hello? YAHHH!

No reply? What is this guy up to...

I dialled for his handphone, but it was switched off, tried his house phone, nobody pick it up.

What tricks is he gonna play again... Just as I was cursing him, my phone rang.

Hah! Must be him!

Me: Why did you hung up on me?!

Krystal: Im not myungsoo

Me: krystal... Anything the matter?

Krystal: Do you surrender your L to me?

What was she doing? Acting or playing like a 3 year old kid? Only children talk like this...

Me: what?

Krystal: I say return him to me, ok?

Me: No

Krystal: Then I'll make you pay

The line went dead again...

What is that supposed to mean? Hey, why did she know I was talking to L before she called?!

I get it... She's at his place...

I sat there in a state of shock, then suddenly felt worried.

She's mad...

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Suzymae #1
why should end like that?... huhu ;(
anyway..!great story author nim! two thumbs up!! :D
Chapter 70: super saddd ending... :((
Suzyelfs #3
Chapter 70: What?u ended it with a tragic ending?aigooooo..i'm brokenhearted u know..sob sob..
Suzyelfs #4
Chapter 66: Aigoo,,u always put cliffhanger.hehe,n yes plz,,it'll b best to end it soon.its getting too long,but it was fun to read though.
Chapter 63: aish myungsoo and suzy are really childish to themselves ><
Suzyelfs #6
Chapter 63: Aigoo...krystal.plz stop all da drama stop being a brat here. =)
y can't myungzy has a peaceful love here.aigooooo
Chapter 59: I don't think that Krystal will be shaked off easily and think she have plans for Suzy ><
Suzyelfs #8
Chapter 59: Sure or not?is dat easy shake krystal off..hurmmm..smethg fishy here.i think krystal having mental problem.huhu
anisakurnia #9
Chapter 56: Update soon...please!!!
Suzyelfs #10
Chapter 56: Yes...l u r u were sooo attached with responsibilities,at da same time u hurt suzy.make up ur mind u damnes .u can't hv 2 girls at one time.gosh...