exchanged conversations

To know, To meet,To love, To part.

Me: I need a BATH!

L: Bathe with me har? (jokingly)

I rolled my eyes over the ceiling and pushed him away.

Me: Yaya... In a thousand years

L: Sure, I'll wait

After I took my bath, it was his turn.

Then, we cuddled into the warm and cosy bed.

Me: Go and turn off the lights

L: I Don't want to, you go...

I looked at the ceiling and folded my arms.

Me: You better get it done at the count of three

I looked at the blank white ceiling. No response.

Me: 1, 2

He stood up, ran over, switch off the lights and came in beside me.

L: So fierce...

Me My mom is even worse...

L: Are you a pig or what? you just slept in the afternoon and now you wanna sleep again?

Me: What about you?

L: Erm... I didn't have the intention of sleeping

Me: Me too

L: Yahh... then why did you told me to turn off the lights?

Me: I don't know...

L: Ah... Whatever

Me: Hey, who is Krystal to you?

I cuddled in closer to him.

L: a sister. I don't love her at all.

Me: you've said this many times

L: and you've asked this many times

Me:... Nevermind... How did you get hold of this house?

L: My 'boss' left it for me before he died

Me: OH...

Just like that, we talked on and on for some times

Me: Have you ever had any ex girlfriend?

L: why do you ask?

Me: I want to know!

L: Erm... yahh

Me: How many?

L: 11...

Me: What?!

I suddenly sat up in the bed.

L: Relax...

Me: and you're my first!!

L: Hey, don't get so worked up...

Me: But You...

I sighed disappointedly as I lied back down.

L: But I don't love them... really...

Me: Anything you say... and you call them girlfriend..if you dont love them

L: You angry?

Me: No...

L: You are...

Me: I say I'm not

I didn't know why, but I just gave a very cold reply. I guess things aren't going that well...

L: You wanted me to tell you and I told you the truth and now you are not happy again...

Me: I didn't say I am not happy or anything?!

L: Okay, never mind... Go to sleep...

I turned to the other side of the bed and he turned away from me as well.

L: my girl is So petty...

Me: What...

L: its just A little small matter and you become like that...

Me: I can't help it, I don't want to

L: Ok, you are just plain jealous

I pulled away the blanket off him and used it all for myself.

Me: Who says I am jealous?

L: It's shown so clearly on your face

Me:Liar, the lights are off...u cant see my face

L: I mean your voice, not face.

Me: Anything, I want to sleep now

I threw him half of the blanket we got under it.

The next day, everything was forgotten.


I was on my way home, to my house, when my handphone rang.

Me: hello?

Krystal: is that suzy?

Me: Erm... yes?

Krystal: I am now in the police station, can you call Saven to come and bail me out?

Me: eh?! what happen?.. but why Saven?

Krystal: Just Call Saven to come, cause she is old enough...

Me: Erm... ok, which station?

Krystal: XXX

Me: But why don't you call her yourself?

Krystal: I can't get through her phone

Me: OK, I'll get it done, bye

Krystal: Thanks...

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Suzymae #1
why should end like that?... huhu ;(
anyway..!great story author nim! two thumbs up!! :D
Chapter 70: super saddd ending... :((
Suzyelfs #3
Chapter 70: What?u ended it with a tragic ending?aigooooo..i'm brokenhearted u know..sob sob..
Suzyelfs #4
Chapter 66: Aigoo,,u always put cliffhanger.hehe,n yes plz,,it'll b best to end it soon.its getting too long,but it was fun to read though.
Chapter 63: aish myungsoo and suzy are really childish to themselves ><
Suzyelfs #6
Chapter 63: Aigoo...krystal.plz stop all da drama stop being a brat here. =)
y can't myungzy has a peaceful love here.aigooooo
Chapter 59: I don't think that Krystal will be shaked off easily and think she have plans for Suzy ><
Suzyelfs #8
Chapter 59: Sure or not?is dat easy shake krystal off..hurmmm..smethg fishy here.i think krystal having mental problem.huhu
anisakurnia #9
Chapter 56: Update soon...please!!!
Suzyelfs #10
Chapter 56: Yes...l u r u were sooo attached with responsibilities,at da same time u hurt suzy.make up ur mind u damnes .u can't hv 2 girls at one time.gosh...