its a mistake.

To know, To meet,To love, To part.

Old lady: Actually, I should have stopped you...I'm sorry girl, I brought you into this trouble... It's a mistake?

L: What mistake?

Old lady: You two being together. This is a mistake.

Me:W.. Why?

Old Lady: I don't know. Suzy, you better go home. Your mom should be looking for you frantically...

I nodded my head as L took my hands and went out.

L: I think I know what she meant.

Me: What?

L: Never mind. Hey girl.. its...your mom!!

I looked in front and right! There she was, eyeing me angrily. I let go of his hands and went to my mom.

Mom: Why don't you listen to me?

Me: Mom...

Mom: go home with me now!

I tagged behind my mom and turned to give L  a sad look.

After the doors of my house closes behind me, I sat at the dining table and sulked unhappily.

Me: Mom, we didnt do anything wrong...

Mom: One look and I can tell he will lead you to the wrong path. I have told you not to be with such people and you don't listen. You are getting out of hand!

Me: You don't understand at all! How can you judge people just like this? You taught me not to judge a book by its cover and you?

Mom: Shut up! You got no right to talk back!

As she finished that sentence, she gave me a tight slap on my face that resulted in some light marks on my cheeks.

As the hot and agonizing pain sunk in, I launched into a bout of tears.  I covered my side of the face which she had slapped and walked to the door. I was about to open it and stomped out when she pulled me forcefully by my arms.

MoM: Go back to your room this minute!

I gave her a hard stare as my tears continued to flow down my cheeks.

Mom: I said get back!

I was very afraid of her, because her voice was so loud and there's a kind of thing in mothers that makes you frightened when they shout.

I ran back to my room, slammed the door and lie in my bed with my hair spread all across the pillow. I knew very well that I couldn't win her. She is opposing so strongly of me being with L that I can't stop it.

Who could I turn to now? No one...

*Beep beep*

My handphone sounded. There was a message from?

I pressed 'read' and saw:

"Are you ok?"

It was from L. He was just there, right there whenever I had any problems. I knew I could count on him.

Despite the bad feeling inside me now, I felt a kind of happiness rose inside me.

I wiped away my tears and replied him.

"I hate my mom. She just slapped me..."

L: " WHAT?!... I'm sorry I got you into so much trouble.."

Me: "No... it's not your fault. It's her... She is... she is so unreasonable..."

L: " Can I see you now? I want to see you very much now.."

Me: "How do I get out of my house like that?"

Suddenly, my handphone rang.

I picked it up.

Me: Hello

L: It's me...

I took in a deep breath and stopped myself from crying.

L: Don't cry...

Me: I'm not...

L: Why don't you go to sleep now? We'll meet in school tomorrow?

Me: Ok, goodnight. Bye

L: Wait...

Me: Yup?

L: I... I love you, goodnight

As I hear him, a smile spread across me. For once, I don't feel so helpless anymore...

*Next morning

I was about to stepped out of the house when my mom came out. Don't tell me she is going to see me to school again?

I stared at her as she walked towards me.

Mom: Where do you think you are going?

Me: School

MoM: You don't have to go to that school anymore.


Me: Why?

I was suddenly aware of how far she could go to oppose me, to stop me from getting my way and to get things done their way.

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Suzymae #1
why should end like that?... huhu ;(
anyway..!great story author nim! two thumbs up!! :D
Chapter 70: super saddd ending... :((
Suzyelfs #3
Chapter 70: What?u ended it with a tragic ending?aigooooo..i'm brokenhearted u know..sob sob..
Suzyelfs #4
Chapter 66: Aigoo,,u always put cliffhanger.hehe,n yes plz,,it'll b best to end it soon.its getting too long,but it was fun to read though.
Chapter 63: aish myungsoo and suzy are really childish to themselves ><
Suzyelfs #6
Chapter 63: Aigoo...krystal.plz stop all da drama stop being a brat here. =)
y can't myungzy has a peaceful love here.aigooooo
Chapter 59: I don't think that Krystal will be shaked off easily and think she have plans for Suzy ><
Suzyelfs #8
Chapter 59: Sure or not?is dat easy shake krystal off..hurmmm..smethg fishy here.i think krystal having mental problem.huhu
anisakurnia #9
Chapter 56: Update soon...please!!!
Suzyelfs #10
Chapter 56: Yes...l u r u were sooo attached with responsibilities,at da same time u hurt suzy.make up ur mind u damnes .u can't hv 2 girls at one time.gosh...