
To know, To meet,To love, To part.

I stood up and wipe away my tears and I was about to press the button of the lift to close the door when I saw them both,  7 and Saven

Then, I held on to the door. I didn't know why I wanted to continue looking at them although I will get hurt when I see them together.

My eyes went to their hands, they were locked together.

'If only I could fit your hand instead...' I mumbled.

Well, dawn is the glorious hope of a new day. I'll just go to sleep and I'll forget everything that happened today.

No... I was wrong, I couldn't sleep at all. Everytime I close my eyes, images of them came into my mind.

They were haunting me!

I looked out of the window and saw the many stars in the night sky twinkling. I didn't want to think of anything now, I just need to get a breather.

I took my keys and went downstairs, making sure that no noise is made. I didn't want my mom to freak out thinking

that a robber has got into the house.

Everywhere was dark, so dark. The street lamps were already switched off. I looked at my watch, 3am in the morning. I guessed I don't have to sleep anymore, there's no time anyway. I tried to make space so that I could lie down on the bench I always sat at. I guessed it was clean...

Then, if you were there, you would see a stupid fool counting the stars....

"Hey.... Hoi..." I heard a voice and felt someone pushing me, so I opened my eyes. The blurry image slowly became clear

as I rubbed my eyes. Ljoe and L? What?! I've fallen asleep on the bench...

Me: What's the time now?!

L: Don't worry, you still have one hour before school starts.

I looked at Ljoe once, then felt the pain resurface again. I tried to look away and act normal.

Me: I've to go home and wash up and go to school.

I sat up.

Ljoe: I'll bring you home on my bike.

Hey, by the way, the both of them are riding their bikes to school. It's sorta cool...

But it was Ljoe...

Me: erm... No need la...

But L pulled me up and before i knew it I went along with Ljoe. Only Ljoe

I wrapped my arms around his waist, suddenly conscious of how close I was to him.

Ljoe: I thought you usually have alot to say

Me: Maybe coz im still half awake

Ljoe: Haha... since when do girls sleep on benches.

Me: Your girlfriend is very pretty...

Hey! Stupid me... why do I have to talk about that...

Ljoe: Haha, yup. Very cute gal

I am hurting again...

Me: Ya, lucky you huh, so compatible.

I suppressed my feelings, hoping that my expression would not betray me.

FINALLY, we reached... I get off immediately.

Me: Bye

I scampered up to my house quickly and luckily, no one in my house was awake yet...

I locked myself in the toilet and looked into the mirror. I am so ugly...

Then I launch into another bout of tears. Oh... The time... I forgot about the time.

I started bathing and change into my uniform, then I get down immediately. I looked into the mirror once again.

My eyes were swollen and red from all the crying...

Never mind... no one would see that... I went downstairs as my legs carried me. I don't even felt like going to school.

L: What splendid acting!

I spunned around. L...

Me: What do you mean?

I was suddenly afraid that he knew how I felt.

L: I say splendid acting... How well you cover your emotions... I almost thought you were going to burst when he said that Savan was his girlfriend...

Me: Yeah... you knew how I felt...

:: Time to go to school now, Little Girl

I looked at him as he signalled for me to get up on his bike.

Me: What would happen if I don't go to school?

L: It's no big deal. I have one whole stack of Medical Certs at home

My eyes shone in delight as I asked him to do me that favour because I really cannot go to school today.

L: Come, get on the bike

Me: But I thought I'm not going to go to school?

L: Stupid girl... You want to stand here and wait for your parents to come and seethat you didnt go to school?

Me: What about you?

L: It's very normal for me not to go to school...

I get onto his bike and wrapped my arms around him.

This time, I felt something different from Jordan's. I felt so protected as I lay my head on his back. I felt safe. Safe? Is this the word to use?

As I closed my eyes and enjoyed the breeze coming on to my face, I didn't know why, but I suddenly burst into tears.

L: YAHH, why are you crying all of a sudden?

He stopped his bike and we got down. I guess all the feelings in me suddenly burst out now.

He enveloped me in a hug and I cried, cried my heart out in his chest. Then it came to the extent where I have no more tears to cry anymore.

L: Done?

I nodded my head as I got away from him.

L: stupid...

I punched him with all my force, because I knew he won't feel pain.

But he yelped!

Me: Omo did I hurt you?

He slowly fold up his sleeve to reveal many bruises lined up. My god...

Me: This...

L: Never mind, it's nothing.

I suddenly remembered that he had a fight not long ago. We sat down on the floor side by side. The wind was cool,

the weather was nice, the place was quiet, peaceful... But my heart is not. That spoiled the whole picture...

Me: I want to go to a place.

L: Where?

Me: XXX supermarket, can you bring me there?

L: Ok, but why?

Me: You'll know when we reach there.

Yes, that's the place. I saw the old lady as the shop beside the supermarket. I pushed the door and pulled L in.

After he caught eye contact with the old woman, he was shocked too. I knew how he felt.

L: I'll wait for you outside.

Then he stayed outside and waited for me.

Old woman: Young lady, it's you again?

Me: Yes, I've got something to ask you.

We sat down and she poured me a cup of tea.

Old woman: Yes, what do you want to know?

Me: When will I stop loving Ljoe?

Old woman: This is not up to me to tell you, it's the decisions of the hearts.

Me: But I thought you knew everything?

Old woman: Why are you so sure that you love Ljoe?

Me: Because... because...

Old woman: It doesn't mean that you love him when you feel jealous when he's with another girl...

Me: Then what is that?

Old woman: Oh... This I don't know. You know the answer. The guy outside is L, am I right?

Me: yeah

Old woman: He's a nice young little fella... haha

Me: Ok, since there's no answers to my question, I better go now. How much do I have to pay?

Old woman: 30 cents

Me: What?! So little?

Old woman: For this cup of tea

I knew what she meant. I took out a dollar and handed it to her. She is certainly a kind old lady...

Just as I was about to step out, she said something.

Old woman: There's someone who makes you cry and someone who makes you safe and happy. Make your wise choice.

She is referring to L

No... I only treat him as a brother because I feel so safe.

L: what did u do in there?

Me: Nothing

I shook my head and he brought me home.

L: I'll see you here tomorrow morning, okay?

I felt surprised, but I nodded anyway.

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Suzymae #1
why should end like that?... huhu ;(
anyway..!great story author nim! two thumbs up!! :D
Chapter 70: super saddd ending... :((
Suzyelfs #3
Chapter 70: What?u ended it with a tragic ending?aigooooo..i'm brokenhearted u know..sob sob..
Suzyelfs #4
Chapter 66: Aigoo,,u always put cliffhanger.hehe,n yes plz,,it'll b best to end it soon.its getting too long,but it was fun to read though.
Chapter 63: aish myungsoo and suzy are really childish to themselves ><
Suzyelfs #6
Chapter 63: Aigoo...krystal.plz stop all da drama stop being a brat here. =)
y can't myungzy has a peaceful love here.aigooooo
Chapter 59: I don't think that Krystal will be shaked off easily and think she have plans for Suzy ><
Suzyelfs #8
Chapter 59: Sure or not?is dat easy shake krystal off..hurmmm..smethg fishy here.i think krystal having mental problem.huhu
anisakurnia #9
Chapter 56: Update soon...please!!!
Suzyelfs #10
Chapter 56: Yes...l u r u were sooo attached with responsibilities,at da same time u hurt suzy.make up ur mind u damnes .u can't hv 2 girls at one time.gosh...