L.. a playboy

To know, To meet,To love, To part.

Big deal?!

Everyone doesn't wants to tell me what is going on... And I don't even know a thing.

Why they fight? Why is L suddenly so harsh to me?

Did I do anything wrong? I don't recall doing anything to offend him or make him angry.

Fine, I don't wanna care about it anyway...

Suddenly, my room's phone rang. I jumped up and picked up the receiver.

Me : Hello, who's speaking?

Voice : Me

Me : How would I know who's on the line if everyone calls and say 'me'?

Yoseob: Yoseob

Me: Oh... How did you have my number?!

Yoseob: From Mr Kim

Me: .. and what are u calling me for?

Yoseob:  Oh, I just want to tell you that I like you.

Yikes.. im frustrated enough..

Me: I don't have time for all these jokes.

I slammed down the phone and jumped into my bed. I wanted to sleep, but I can't. I kept thinking of what wrong I did to make L shout at me like that. He has always been really patient and nice to me...

Why the sudden change?

Unknowingly, I woke up to find the sun coming in. I didn't feel like going to school. It was so meaningless.

But I had to. I changed and got to school. I sat in my seat. I looked to my left, Yoseob was not here.

I looked to my right, Ljoe's not here either.

I looked at the door. Normally, L would be standing there and I would get to talk to him. Now, I don't see them...

Suddenly, I saw a gorgeous guy walking into the class.

Very familiar... What?!! YOSEOB?!

I gasp and covered my mouth immediately. I can't believe it!

The thick spectacles that covered almost half his face was gone. And he had just got a new haircut, which made him look really neat. His uniform was ironed properly and a new cool duffel bag took place of his bulky big bag.

Can someone change so much over a day?

As he walked over to his seat, my eyes followed him.

Yoseob: Suzy

I suddenly regained my senses. Eeks... I looked away ignoring him. Ljoe came, into the class.

I've got a thousand questions to ask him, but they seem to choked in between my throat.. not a sound came up.. i pursed my lips and kept quiet..

Ljoe : I know what you want to know.

Suzy: hmm?

I guess I was looking at him too much that he realised everything.. im too obvious..

Ljoe: I don't know why L became like that again.. But what you saw earlier was him before you came to school. After you came, he really changed his attitude... towards girls... I mean especially to you. In the past, he had alot of girls surrounding him and if he was unhappy, he would just yell at them..He changed because of you and now I think he changed back, because of you too.

Me: M.. Me? Why?

Ljoe: I don't know.

The teacher came in, but I have not cleared my doubts... Lessons were boring, but I tried to concentrate anyway.

There's no point to sit there and stare at the walls right? Finally, we could have our break...Lunch!

I went down with Amy and some girls although I didn't know them very well yet.

I saw L. with a lot of bandages, his injuries seems very serious to me. I wanted to go up and asked him soo many things, but I noticed there were alot of girls with him. feeling intimidated, I didn't dare to go over.

I stood there and tried to catch attention, but he looked away immediately after seeing me there, walking off with a girl beside him, holding hands.

I felt a sudden sadness clenching my heart. I don't like him too, do I?

Ljoe : L is a playboy. You'll see him with another girl tomorrow.

I looked over at Ljoe, and I felt speechless..

I  felt useless and helpless suddenly.

I felt like I had suddenly lost a very good friend, or a very good brother, or maybe..... someone I love very much?

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Suzymae #1
why should end like that?... huhu ;(
anyway..!great story author nim! two thumbs up!! :D
Chapter 70: super saddd ending... :((
Suzyelfs #3
Chapter 70: What?u ended it with a tragic ending?aigooooo..i'm brokenhearted u know..sob sob..
Suzyelfs #4
Chapter 66: Aigoo,,u always put cliffhanger.hehe,n yes plz,,it'll b best to end it soon.its getting too long,but it was fun to read though.
Chapter 63: aish myungsoo and suzy are really childish to themselves ><
Suzyelfs #6
Chapter 63: Aigoo...krystal.plz stop all da drama stop being a brat here. =)
y can't myungzy has a peaceful love here.aigooooo
Chapter 59: I don't think that Krystal will be shaked off easily and think she have plans for Suzy ><
Suzyelfs #8
Chapter 59: Sure or not?is dat easy shake krystal off..hurmmm..smethg fishy here.i think krystal having mental problem.huhu
anisakurnia #9
Chapter 56: Update soon...please!!!
Suzyelfs #10
Chapter 56: Yes...l u r pabo.how u were sooo attached with responsibilities,at da same time u hurt suzy.make up ur mind u damnes .u can't hv 2 girls at one time.gosh...