Chapter 3

False Awakening


Taemin and Minho have been meeting regularly for the past few weeks now. After continuous pestering, Taemin finally convinced the annoyed Minho to go to a hot spring with him. “Hyung~!” Taemin whined as he tugged on Minho’s sleeve, bouncing on the bed as his hyung’s undivided attention belonged to his textbook.  “Please hyung! It will be nice and warm! It will be freezing outside but you’ll be completely warm! Isn’t that amazing? We can get massages and yummy food!” Taemin drooled as images of uncommon delicacies filled his mind. He his lips. “Taemin, you have school and so do I.” This didn’t discourage him at all. “We can go on the weekend! We can leave Friday and come back late Sunday! We’ll have 2 half days of travelling and a whole day to do whatever! We can take the train, or a bus, oh, or you can drive! But I’d rather take the train. You’re more observant that way. You get to be one with nature! Please Hyung; I’ll be your best friend for ever and ever! I’ll make lunch and-“ Minho collapsed back onto the bed, letting the pages of the textbook caress his face. “URGH! Taemin, stop bothering me! I need to study!” Taemin innocently leaned over Minho, some strips of his hair just barely reaching his skin “Hyung..” a pout formed from Taemin’s lips. Minho grabbed onto the edge of the book with his forefinger and thumb, pulling it down just enough to reveal his eyes. He spoke, his voice muffled a bit by the paper, “If I say yes, will you stop bothering me?” Taemin’s lips stretched from ear to ear as he nodded. “Fine then. We’ll go. BUT-”Minho emphasized the word strongly, “on one condition. I choose the day and time at which we leave.” Taemin had no issues with the proposition whatsoever. His body naturally threw itself at his friend, his arms whipping around him. “Deal Hyung! You’re the best! I love you!” His admiration went up as his mind still tried to accept the amount of awe he had for Minho. Minho wasn’t only his Hyung; he was his idol, his best friend, someone who he wanted to be like some day. He was good looking, very smart, and knowledgeable on many different topics. He might not talk a lot, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have a lot to say. Taemin loved listening to his stories. He talked about his friends and school; how it felt growing up with a mind a few generations ahead of his own. He used to get picked on when he was first put ahead a couple of years, but he soon became someone everyone admired. He didn’t glorify himself as much in the latter part, but Taemin thought that he deserved that extra bit. Taemin’s favourite part of Minho was the faces he made when he slept. All his muscled relaxed, going back into their natural spots and making him look even more doll-like than he already did. Taemin leaned down, his nose slowly nuzzling the other’s forehead. “Hyung, you’re the best.”

It was 14 days later and Taemin was standing outside of Minho’s apartment complex, buzzing around like a bee. “Taemin, you need to calm down.” His pace refused to slow down the smallest bit. “But this is so exciting! It’s an adventure!” Minho lifted his duffle bag over one shoulder, Taemin’s on the other. “Taemin, why don’t you carry your own stuff? Seriously, who do you think I am to you? A servant?” Taemin swung his body around clapping his hands together. “No, you’re the best Hyung in the world! Besides, I also have my backpack that I’m carrying and seeing as how you’re stronger, you should be able to carry more. I’m weak Hyung, see?” Taemin flexed his arm, a small muscle defining itself against his tightening skin. Minho rolled his eyes, “You’re not weak, you’re just lazy.” He adjusted one of the straps. “And we’ll be late if you keep complaining! Now c’mon, the bus heading towards the train will be here in 8 minutes!” Taemin’s gloved hand slipped around Minho’s, leading him down the block to the nearest bus terminal. He shivered a bit against the negative temperature breeze, speeding up in attempt to increase his body’s temperature. They were both tucked into the corner of the bus shelter, the frosty air trapping their unprotected ankles in a never-ending, unfriendly, and cold cycle. Taemin dipped his face deeper into his scarf. He glanced over to look up at his companion. His skin looked paler in the cold, natural lighting. His cheeks and nosed leaned towards a deep red tone. His jawline was firm and defined, a white stripe lining the edge of his face. He’s perfect, Taemin thought. His attention was deferred as the roar of a bus engine filled his thoughts. Taemin’s hands darted into his pockets as he searched for his wallet, his feet pulling him in the vehicle’s direction. They hopped on the bus, tossing the tokens into the small metal box on the right hand side of the driver. Taemin’s eyes scanned the bus for two empty seats, but Minho had seemed to already locate some. He signaled over for Taemin to join him as he sat down by the window, lowering their bags between his legs. He took his seat beside him as the bus started up again, throwing him into his spot. The bus announced stop after stop in a monotone voice, making it harder for Taemin to pay attention to it with any enthusiasm. They passed their 11th stop now and the voice spoke “Next stop: XXXX train station.” Taemin got up to his feet as he chirped “This is our stop!” Minho reached over, pulling the wire that hung along both sides of the bus. The door opened slowly as the bus lowered, a hoard of people pushing their way out. This time Taemin was prepared ahead of time, flashing his ticket to guard before both him and Minho tangled their way through the turnstiles. Minho brought a map of the station up in front of them, pointing to different spots. “See, we’re here. According to our tickets, we need to get on the train leaving the southbound platform which is-“ He twirled his finger around, “This way. We need to go down those stairs and over that bridge, near the bathrooms.”  He began folding up the map as Taemin spoke up. “Hyung, you’re so smart. Where would I ever be without you?” He stretched his lips into a “U” shape, looking at his hyung. He was awarded with a smack on the head by a folded piece of paper. “You’d be in the station’s lost and found section.” Taemin looked down in slight embarrassment, “Hyung, I’m not as unreliable as you make me sound.” He adjusted his bag just to give his hands something to do. He felt the length of a finger soothing his cheek as he looked up to see it belonging to Minho. “I’m just teasing you.” Taemin’s blush darkened as he felt himself in the position of a child being comforted by his mother.  His curled his fingers into a loose fist and punched Minho’s chest, walking ahead speedily. “I’m not a baby!” He rushed through the station, Minho jogging behind him. They just barely made the train, both of them heaving from the sudden speed increase. “That was completely uncalled for Taemin. You’re saying you’re not a baby, but you’re acting like one. You better not be like this for the rest of the trip of I’m tossing you out the window.” Minho commented as he shoved their duffle bags and backpack into the storage compartment above their heads, once again taking a seat next to the window. Taemin refused to reply, knowing that no matter what argument he were to throw, Minho would throw it back twice as hard. He took his seat next to his partner, watching as he pulled a novel from beside him and pushed ear buds into his ear. He leaned over, one arm propped up on the windowsill, mind in the book. Taemin looked at him and it felt as if he was instantly absorbed in the book. Taemin figured this would be a long train ride he would have to spend entertaining himself. Time seemed to drag itself out more and more with each passing stop. He realized that he was the one who wanted to go on this trip, but he could no longer sit still. He was tired but had no place to lean his head. His legs we’re tangled up in nothing, unable to get used to any position. He sat crossed-legged for one hour, stretched out the next but nothing seemed to do. He envied Minho. He was sitting comfortably with a story to occupy his thoughts. What was Taemin doing? He was wiggling his toes. Great, Taemin thought, I’m having so much fun. He let out a sigh in exasperation before the low octave of Minho’s voice tickled his ear. “Antsy, huh?” Taemin cocked his head towards his direction. “What?” His question was ignored. “I’m tired. Let’s take a nap for a bit.” He looked as Minho tucked the book away, raising the armrest up into the space between their seats. Before Taemin could give his input, he felt a cupped hand pull his head closer to the other, now resting on his shoulder. Minho slouched a little, allowing Taemin’s back to shape into his chest. His face heated up as his body registered the new position. He couldn’t complain though. It was comfortable. He curled his knees into his stomach, nuzzling the side of his face into Minho’s chest. His arms and legs slowly started leaning in the direction of his Hyung’s body until he soon found himself holding onto him. This was new to him. No one has ever held him like this. His parents were always working and he was lucky if he had someone to spend the holidays with. The last hug he ever received was several years ago from his mother, the day before she left for another job related flight. After that, he was considered “old enough” to take care of himself and not need pampering. He listened to Minho’s steady breathing, slowly rubbing circles on his chest. He adjusted the position of his ear so that the elder’s heartbeat resonated in his head. His body was finally agreeing to the posture, his eyelids becoming heavier. “You really are a prince.” Taemin whispered under his breath, the last words the came out of his lips before sleep took over.

When Taemin opened his eyes, there were several unrecognizable words in front of him. As the numbness that took over his senses began to fade, he heard a low hum. His arms moved and a ruffling noise was made. He tilted his head up to see Minho once again deep into his book. Taemin’s eyes followed the direction of his arm only to find it wrapped around him, gently his shoulder. Taemin was glad he woke up slowly, giving him a reason to stay in the cuddling position. Or so he thought. “How did you sleep?” Taemin squeezed his eyes tightly before beginning to slowly sit up. “I slept well thanks to Hyung’s good body~” Taemin spoke as his voice slowly rose from octave to octave and dropped as he stretched. “We still have about 20 minutes left until we get there.” Minho added. Taemin nodded as he slid his head in between Minho and the book. “I’m hungry. I want meat, Hyung. Yummy yummy meat.” Taemin clapped his hands to each syllable in the last sentence. He rested his head on the book, it supporting him only because Minho was supporting it. “Don’t whine, it’s not cute.” Taemin giggled, “Hyung likes cute girls? I can be cute, see?” Taemin puffed out his cheeks, creating little dents in them with his pointed forefingers. Minho leaned down and flicked the bridge of Taemin’s nose as he squeaked. “You shouldn’t be aiming to be a cute girl. You should be aiming to be a manly guy. Anyways, if you want meat, go get it yourself.” Taemin pulled the cutest face he could conjure up while looking straight into his eyes. “Minho, please? Please please please with a cherry on top?” Minho shot him a look, smacking him with the back of his hand. “I’m too good to you.” He sat up unannounced, causing Taemin to lose his balance, falling back into his chair. He followed the tall boy with his eyes as he walked down the long hall only to return a few minutes later with two trays. Taemin grabbed at the first one he could as Minho neared him. “No no no!” Minho corrected, “The other one!” Taemin’s arms shifted from one direction to the other, lifting the opposite tray. From here the meals looked the same; ribs drowned in barbeque sauce and Caesar salad in a cheap bowl on the side. Until his eyes examined the drink. His glass was filled with an opaque orange liquid while Minho’s had a transparent yellow-y liquid with bubbles flowing up to the top to join a foamy rim. Taemin gasped, “Minho, you’re under aged!” Minho seemed to disregard his comment, taking a sip, before putting it down and his lips clean. Taemin’s stare followed Minho’s tongue as it cleansed his lips before shaking it off, going back to scolding him. “Minho, if they find out you’re under twenty, you’ll be in trouble!” Minho took another taste of the beer, glancing at Taemin from the corner of his eyes. He lowered the cup and began to speak. “I can handle it. Besides, I showed them my I.D” Taemin was taken back, shocked at the statement. “They gave beer to someone they knew was under aged..?” Minho scratched his chin, trying to figure out how to word this. “The Identification I showed them was my student I.D. It shows two important things. Your name and when you started university or college. In my case, my name it Choi Minho and I stared college when I was 16, so about your age. It doesn’t say my birth year so assuming I started college when I was 18 like the average person, two years would have passed from then, making me twenty.” Taemin’s frown grew larger. “So basically, your I.D makes you look like you’re twenty?” Minho nodded. “That’s horrible Minho! You shouldn’t be cheating the system!” Minho shook his head, “I’m not cheating any system, I just happened to find a loophole. Now stop talking and eat your meat.” Taemin grabbed the metal fork and started picking at the ribs. Although he was hungry, he found the situation unfair. “Minho, if you can drink it then I can too..” Minho cocked an eyebrow. “Please, don’t humor me. You would get a hangover from a few millilitres.” Taemin whimpered, “I can handle it.” His fork began splitting the meat from the bones. “Fine, I’ll give you some.” Taemin’s head swung in his direction, eyes wide. “Wh-what? You will?” Minho nodded. “You can drink it straight from my lips.” He tilted the glass up steeply, filling his mouth completely. He slowly began leaning in, his shoulder knocking into Taemin’s. Taemin’s eyes grew so large he was shocked they hadn’t popped out already. His hands instinctively stretched out, his head dunking in between them as he pushed Minho away. Minho quickly downed the drink before chuckling. “Geez don’t look so embarrassed. Don’t tell me you’ve never kissed anyone before.” He continued laughing but the smile soon faded off his face as he saw the red-faced Taemin. His body immediately twisted, his back showing to Minho as his head bowed, slowly taking a piece of the ribs and aiming it for him mouth. He chewed it, drinking some of his drink which he now classified as orange juice. Taemin soon felt a hand on his shoulder. “Taemin I’m really sorry. That was super insensitive of me. Hey, please look at me when I’m apologizing.” His upper body was being rotated to the direction he was originally in, Minho’s line of sight dropped as he took in Taemin’s expression. Taemin’s face was hot, blood rushing to his ears. His lower lip quivered slightly and his breath was shaky. He could feel his heart beat against his chest, surprised it hasn’t broke his ribs yet. “Sometimes you can be really mean, Hyung..” Taemin couldn’t hide his ecstatic emotions. He noticed that Minho was pulling out a small stand from seat in front of him and putting his tray down on it. He’s got the mind of a kid, Minho thought. What cheers kids up? Taemin got his tray snatched out of his hands. He looked up to see Minho stabbing some meat onto the fork and looking back at him. Minho slowly raised his arm and started making strange noises as the fork neared Taemin’s lips. “Brrrrr, the plane is coming closer. Open your mouth! Landing in: 3, 2, 1, Ah~” Taemin’s expression changed to a confused stare. “The plane’s going to crash if you don’t open your mouth.” Minho said in a singsong tune. Taemin could not comprehend the sudden change of scenario, his eyes still locked on Minho. The elder’s cheeks lit up with a slight pink and he averted his eyes and stared off to the side. “C’mon, don’t make me look like an idiot here..” Taemin’s lips opened and curled around the meat, pulling it off. He pulled back and took in the flustered Minho before breaking into a small smile. “The ship landed A-OK.” Taemin’s hands formed a thumbs up gesture. Minho brought a hand up to his face, putting the tray down in his lap with the other. “I can’t believe I just did that. Well at least you’re happy now. Here, take your food back.” Taemin’s lips slightly parted as he leaned closer to Minho. “Hyung, please feed me~” Minho rejected the offer almost immediately,

“You’re old enough to feed yourself!”

“But I want Hyung to feed me!”

“I did!”

“We’ll do it again! Please!~”

Taemin let his jaw hang open and closed his eyes, forcing a single response unto Minho. He grunted, forcibly jabbing another piece of meat onto the fork and putting it up to Taemin’s lip. Taemin shook his head quickly, leaning back from the fork. Minho grunted loudly, tossing his head back. “What is it now?” Taemin wiggled, “You need to make plane noises!” Minho’s face changed for a split second, giving him a ‘you’re crazy’ look.

“No way in hell am I doing that!”

“But Hyung you just did!”

“That was differe-“

“Hyung I’ll stay mad at you if you don’t!”

Minho his tongue, emitting a ‘tsk’ sound.  “Brrr the plane is coming.. open up,” he spoke in a monotone voice. “More enthusiasm, Hyung! No one likes boring planes!” Taemin spoke as he crawled his way closer to Minho, “Enthusiasm! Smile!” He pinched Minho’s cheeks and pulled them into a smile. “Hyung has a pretty smile.” Minho blushed a deeper red, influencing the complexion on Taemin’s cheeks. Taemin registered the distance he decreased between the two of them as they looked into each other’s eyes. His fingers slowly released his cheeks, one hand dropping, the other keeping its place. For a second in was quiet. Just for a second. They both jolted up, the tray between them nearly falling to the ground as they spotted their stop through the window. They quickly scrambled up, Minho stacking the trays and plates as Taemin got their luggage from the compartment. They both darted towards the doors, bashing into each other a few times on the way. They stood in front of the soon-to-be-open doors as other passengers also began to stand. An older woman took her place beside time, examining them for a second. “How cute.” She smiled before walking out of the train, followed by other passengers. Both Taemin and Minho looked down, the blush from the previous event still not faded. They proceeded to make their way to the hot spring to sign into their room.


A/N: I've set a word limit for myself, so hopefully the chapters will be of satisfying lenght. I was told they were good. :) I'm sick today so I MIGHT start writing the next chapter. If so, there will be a upload tomorrow. If not, then oh well? :/ The next chapter is gunna be pretty interesting from how I imagine it. I hope you'll agree. Anyways, enjoy!

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Chapter 108: Just finished reading this and I'm so glad I found it.

It just maybe my most favourite 2min fic.
nikki_cro #2
Chapter 42: Re-reading this in 2021. It's a 2min classic. Please don't ever delete this story!
nikki_cro #3
Chapter 42: Re-reading this in 2021. It's a 2min classic. Please don't ever delete this story!
Chapter 108: Just finished rereading this story and all my feelings just came over me at the same time. I'm now tearing up and having serious doubts of whether I'll ever find a fanfic with such a huge plot, but still so captivating and interesting through every nook and cranny
( ಥ ʖ̯ ಥ)
Thank you
Chapter 108: Omg I've never read a story this long before xD
But it's really great ❤
And only one note tho ... if u just mentioned Kai in the tag or with the characters I'd have appreciated really cause his role is really big
Chapter 108: Ok it's official this is one of my favourite stories ever, I do t a a list yet, but when I make it this one will definitely be near the top! I really want to cry now, you've given me a story hangover! Thank you for your hard work and effort to create this master piece XD
squishoo #7
Chapter 108: I haven't read this and i dont think i will either. Please dont be disheartened(i only read kaisoo, iam so so biased like that). I just felt the urge to comment on this and salute you for keeping up with the schedule and continuing this story. I read your a/n. This is the very first time i've seen a fic containing 105 chapters and wow. Just wow. I salute you really. I admire and love (sfm) your Teach Me fic and now i had to check every single of your stories. And i just to drop a comment here because, wow. You are unbelievable. You deserve so much love.

Im sorry if this is irrelevant
Chapter 108: Dude, why am I just reading this now?! I... It feels weird that this is the end. It was so lovely and woah I can't believe how much you put into this story. Even though I wasn't here from the very start, I still feel how big a deal this is. I'll miss it too. I can imagine how different things will be now that you're finished and won't have the same routine, but don't feel sad. I think relief is a better option lol now you have this work to look back on while writing new things ^^ congratulations on seeing this through and being so consistent bc wow man, that was quite a schedule. I hope you'll continue to contribute more stories to the fandom (particularly 2min) haha good luck :) <3
Elvinluv27 #9
Chapter 108: This is hands down the best fic I have ever read, I will really miss it >.<