Couple Ring





Nichkhun watched as the two girls Sue Ji arrived with, weaved their way to the other side of the room towards the café exit. He squinted at them, there was something familiar about the tall one...




Sprinting over, Nichkhuns mouth threatened to pop open when Sue Ji threw herself in front of his line of sight and into Junhos arms. The tall girl forgotten, Nichkhun reached across and jabbed Junho in the arm.


“Ow! Hey!” he whined, letting her go to massage it.


Nichkhun pulled Sue Ji toward him and glanced down, surprised to find her frowning at him.


“Ajusshi you shouldn’t hurt your friends like that” she told him sternly.


He frowned back at her. Of all the ungrateful… “Dummy can’t you tell when someone’s trying to look out for you?”


“Ajusshi calling someone a dummy isn't very nice”


Letting out a sigh of frustration, he backtracked “No what I mean is…you’re missing the point. I was trying to look out for you!”


She fiddle thoughtfully with her fingers “Really?… but still Ajusshi you still shouldn’t hurt your friends like that. You should apologize”


His jaw dropped “Excuse me?”


“You hurt Junhos arm and called me a dummy which made me feel sad. You shouldn’t do that to your friends but if you do you should apologize so that person doesn’t feel sad anymore”


Nichkhun opened his mouth to retort but then closed it again. What she said wasn’t exactly wrong.


Junho chuckled and grabbed Sue Jis hand “It’s okay, Oppas used to his bad moods. Come on I’ll get you a drink”





Taking a seat at a nearby table, Nichkhun watched with a frown as Junho shifted his chair right next to Sue Jis.


“So how was Changmin?” Junho asked, leaning across to study her.


“He’s good but Siwon was being really mean to the others. Especially Tiffany”


“Seriously?” Junho chuckled “We can’t have that, next time you go take Oppa so I can deal with him okay”


She giggled “Okay I’d like that…Oh and I asked my Dongsaeng last night if I could call you Oppa” she said excitedly.


Junhos expression brightened “Yeah!? And what’d he say?”


Shoulders sagging, she shook her head, making Junhos sag with disappointment too “Really? Sue Ji who’s your dongsaeng? Tell me who he is and I’ll make him…err I mean…convince him to let you call me Oppa”


Sue Ji giggled “Ajusshi you would have a hard time convincing him I think. He’s really stubborn”


Watching their interaction Nichkhun raised his eyebrows. They just met the other day but now they were acting like this? talking about things he wasn’t included in. It annoyed him.


Oppa? When the hell did you two get so close? What’s this about her brother and the Ajusshi thing? And what am invisible?


Right on queue Junho looked at him “Hyung don’t you have to go to the gym?” he asked, suggestively wiggling his eyebrows at the café door.


Inwardly fuming, he got to his feet “Fine” he snapped, turning to leave. There’s a punching bag there with my name all over it…


“Do you really have to go?”


Turning back with a frown at the sound of Sue Jis voice, it disappeared when he saw the disappointment on her face.


“Don’t worry babe Nichkhun can hang out with us next time and Oppas still here” Junho told her, trying to comfort her.


“But I don’t want him to go” she said, looking up at Nichkhun “Ajusshi can’t you stay with us?”


Panicking, Junho leaned back in his seat out of Sue Jis sight and made shooing motions at him “Hurry up and go!” he mouthed.


Nichkhun looked at Sue Ji and saw her pouting. She wasn’t even trying to hide it which for some reason he found quite cute. He rubbed a hand over his face. It’s started, all these years of hanging out with Wooyoung and Junho is making you soft

With a sigh, he sat back down “Fine. I didn’t feel like going today anyway”




While Sue Ji celebrated, Junho looked at him like he’d grown horns “Ay!? Hyung but... you never miss a trip to the gym!”


Nichkhun knew it was true so he avoided answering him and just stared at Sue Ji who had picked up her lemonade, happily trying to twist it open. Looking at him helplessly, Junho suddenly got up and excused himself to go the bathroom.


Glaring at him as he left, he looked at Sue Ji and noticed her still struggling with her bottle so he reached across and plucked it out of her hand “Here give it. If you can’t do something ask for help” he chided impatiently, handing it back.


She glanced up at him and puffed out her cheeks “I wanted to try doing it myself”


“Why would you do it yourself when I’m here to do it for you” Nichkhun frowned. Did he just say that?


She smiled “Thanks Ajusshi but I can’t learn how to do something if I don’t do it myself”


Nichkhun frowned, surprised by her answer. One moment this girl made no sense and then the next she made perfect sense. She was the most confusing girl he’d ever met.


“Miss me while I was gone?” Back from the bathroom, Junho sat back down and placed a box in front of her “Here beautiful I got this for you” he told her looking uncharacteristically nervous.


“A present?” she asked him with surprise.


“Yeah. I hope you like it”


Clapping her hands with delight, Nichkhun frowned as she opened it and pulled out a small green and red ring. Gasping excitedly she admired it “Thanks Junho Ajusshi but why’s it green and red? Is it a Christmas ring?”


He chuckled and to Nichkhuns displeasure put his arm around her shoulder “Sue Ji don’t you know? It’s a Pepero ring” pulling her closer, he wiggled his finger which had the same ring on it “Oppas got one too”


Nichkhun grasped the edge of the table and squeezed.


He bought Sue Ji a couples ring!?




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uaenaland #1
Chapter 59: Omg this story was so good
Please continue it if you can
Please please ???
Khairol #2
Chapter 59: please...
Chapter 59: It's my first time reading about Uee and Wooyoung, sorry Junho but I'm all for Khunzy<3 please update again it's been over 2 years;.(
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 59: So far it's good! I love it!
Keep on updating!
kitktykatty #5
Chapter 59: I hope you decide to update this again soon~! I miss reading this story~! ;_; I need to get off this never ending cliffhanger~! XD
Chapter 4: I think something was wrong in this chapter, Woo Young should call the Shop Assistant as "NOONA" not Unni, you will use "UNNI" when a girl talking to her older sister. And you'll use "NOONA" when boy talking to his ollder sister "HYUNG" for older brother. You'll use "OPPA" when a girl talks with his older brother/boyfriend.

Sorry for the correction, I hope that I didn't offend you. Just wanna say my taughts. Fighting authornim!
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 59: Haha nice Wooyoung~! XD Give me my seat back~! XD Please update soon~!
depz13 #8
Chapter 59: Ohh.. I really really really like your story.
I'm a Taec-Uee shipper, so please make a lot of moments for them. Thank you so much!!!!
kitktykatty #9
Chapter 54: Hahaha mini panic attack~! XD Please update soon~!
Chapter 53: OOOH 0-0 Suejis starting to notice...
keeke loves it