Conditions Update




“How’s tutoring going?”

Sitting around his living room table with his father and Gahee, Wooyoung lowered his chopsticks “It’s fine” he lied.

Gahee smiled “Nice to hear”

Eyeing him up she flicked her eyes to their father who was sitting opposite him, busy eating his soup.

Interpreting her ‘Make an effort’ signals, Wooyoung cleared his throat “Abouhji I’ve got a few assignments due in a couple of weeks and if I pass them I should be able to catch up to everyone else”

His father grunted into his spoon “You wouldn’t have to catch up if you had done the work when you were supposed to. Education should be your first priority”

Wooyoung frowned. Great it’s lecture time

“It’s good that girl isn’t around anymore, you won’t be distracted from what’s important” his father continued.

Aiiiiiish always calling Ji Nah THAT GIRL “You know her name Abouhji! It's Ji Nah and she is important... TO ME!”

“You’re family and studies should come first!”

“You always say that! I get it!"

"Get what!?"

"Ugh Ahbouji!"

Gahee cleared and reached across the table to pick up the rice bowl. Without looking at him, she spooned some more rice onto her plate. Even though she wasn’t saying anything Wooyoung knew what she was telling him.

Yeah yeah condition one

Taking a breath, he bowed his head “I'm sorry you’re right Ahbouji” he said. Pressing his lips together, he picked up his chopsticks to start eating again.

His father glanced at him with surprise and then at Gahee who just shrugged and changed the subject.

“So Dongsaeng what’s your roommate like? Friendly?”

Wooyoung choked on his cabbage at his sisters question and looked up at her communicating with his eyes. Why was she bringing up his female roommate in front of their father!?

Batting her eyelashes innocently, she waited for his answer.

“Yeah he's Friendly” he said quickly, hoping the subject would end there.

It didn't.

“How friendly is he?” she asked him, suggestively putting emphasis on the ‘friendly’ part.

Wooyoung went red “Not that friendly!” he cried. Three days in a girls dorm and she was already questioning his ity.

“What are you two talking about?” their father asked sternly

Gahee smiled and continued eating “It's just girl talk Appa” looking up at Wooyoung, she winked.


“Here let me help you Noona!”

Gahee smirked as Wooyoung grabbed a tea towel and walked over to the sink to help her dry the dishes. Calling over his shoulder loudly for their Dad to hear.

“Aigoo don’t overexert yourself” she told him.

Wooyoung grabbed a dish and leaned close “I’m just keeping up my end of the deal. He’s always going on about how I don’t help out around the house so I have to show him that I am”  

Gahee sighed. He was completely missing the point. She wanted him to want to help not pretend that he wanted to.

“And condition two?” she asked him.

He frowned and reached for another dish “Cho Won isn't a high school it’s a brick homework dispenser”

She laughed “You’ll do fine if you don’t get too distracted. You’re not getting too distracted right? Sharing quarters with a girl”

Wooyoung grimaced “Aw Noona not this again...”

“I’m just making sure. For a guy especially for one your age, the temptation can be huge” she told him knowingly

Wooyoung froze “Temptation?”

Gahee nodded “Mm hm, you're a teenage boy. It’s natural. Not allowed... but natural”

“So you're saying that being tempted is just a part of being a teenage guy?” he said thoughtfully, his expression turning bright “Yeah that makes sense”

Gahee glanced at him “Why are you so excited?”

Picking up another dish he smiled “No reason”



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uaenaland #1
Chapter 59: Omg this story was so good
Please continue it if you can
Please please ???
Khairol #2
Chapter 59: please...
Chapter 59: It's my first time reading about Uee and Wooyoung, sorry Junho but I'm all for Khunzy<3 please update again it's been over 2 years;.(
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 59: So far it's good! I love it!
Keep on updating!
kitktykatty #5
Chapter 59: I hope you decide to update this again soon~! I miss reading this story~! ;_; I need to get off this never ending cliffhanger~! XD
Chapter 4: I think something was wrong in this chapter, Woo Young should call the Shop Assistant as "NOONA" not Unni, you will use "UNNI" when a girl talking to her older sister. And you'll use "NOONA" when boy talking to his ollder sister "HYUNG" for older brother. You'll use "OPPA" when a girl talks with his older brother/boyfriend.

Sorry for the correction, I hope that I didn't offend you. Just wanna say my taughts. Fighting authornim!
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 59: Haha nice Wooyoung~! XD Give me my seat back~! XD Please update soon~!
depz13 #8
Chapter 59: Ohh.. I really really really like your story.
I'm a Taec-Uee shipper, so please make a lot of moments for them. Thank you so much!!!!
kitktykatty #9
Chapter 54: Hahaha mini panic attack~! XD Please update soon~!
Chapter 53: OOOH 0-0 Suejis starting to notice...
keeke loves it