



Gahee turned away from the sight of her brother on his knees in front of her trying to control the compulsion to give in. She didn't usually say no to him but this time she knew she had to, there was no way she could give in to his insane request. She hated that he was this heartbroken but it couldn’t be helped, he would have to deal with it like any normal teenager would.

Glancing at Junsu she saw he’d stopped sorting the magazines and was staring between both her and Wooyoung with concern. When their eyes met he nodded and gave her a look of encouragement. What would I do without you? she thought.

She knew he loved Wooyoung like his own brother and didn’t want him hurting but it was comforting to know he would back her up regardless of what she chose. Hardening her resolve she pushed her chair back to announce her final decision but accidentally bumped her desk knocking a jar of pencils and a couple of her photo frames to the ground.

Well that’s perfect timing

Sighing she walked over to the front of her desk while Junsu and Wooyoung came over to help her by doing the same. Seeing Wooyoung crouch right in front of her she studied him. He was frowning, obviously worried about what her answer would be.

I’m sorry Wooyoungie not this time

Back on task, she picked up the photo frame laying face down but turning it the right way up she stilled.

It was a photo of them and their parents when they were younger, Wooyoung was 6 and she was 11. It was a silly family photo taken at her Moms request. She was leaning into the photo from far on the side of the frame. While her Mom and Dad were sitting on the chairs smiling with Wooyoung behind them poking out his tongue, his arms wrapped around their necks. Her Mom was waving but her Dad was holding Wooyoungs hand in both of his. Their closeness in the picture so far from what things were like now.

Glancing at her Mom she ran her thumb over her face and smiled, all this time she thought Wooyoung only took after their Mom in looks but she thought about his idea and despite her opinion of it, she smiled “Mom I guess your son got a little bit of your creativity after all” she murmured.

“What was that?” Junsu asked from beside her.

Breaking her out of her thoughts she saw both of them regarding her curiously so she stood to her feet. Wooyoung and Junsu exchanged confused looks but then followed her lead.

Stepping close to Wooyoung she looked at him seriously, held up a hand and started counting with her fingers “Condition 1, Make an effort to get along with Appa. Don’t make waves, avoid fighting with him. Condition 2, Catch up with your studies. Cho Won has the best tutors so earn the extra credits you need to pass this year and condition 3, You’ll be living with girls so even though I know you’re not like that, no funny stuff with any of them. Dongsaeng or not, if you breach these conditions I’ll pull you out or find Ji Nah and tell her what you did. Understand?”

Gahee waited for Wooyoungs reaction and after a second, realizing the meaning of what she just said to him he started to grin “Really!? You’ll help me!?” he asked her excitedly.

Unable to keep from keep from smiling at his reaction she nodded “Yes I’ll help you”




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uaenaland #1
Chapter 59: Omg this story was so good
Please continue it if you can
Please please ???
Khairol #2
Chapter 59: please...
Chapter 59: It's my first time reading about Uee and Wooyoung, sorry Junho but I'm all for Khunzy<3 please update again it's been over 2 years;.(
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 59: So far it's good! I love it!
Keep on updating!
kitktykatty #5
Chapter 59: I hope you decide to update this again soon~! I miss reading this story~! ;_; I need to get off this never ending cliffhanger~! XD
Chapter 4: I think something was wrong in this chapter, Woo Young should call the Shop Assistant as "NOONA" not Unni, you will use "UNNI" when a girl talking to her older sister. And you'll use "NOONA" when boy talking to his ollder sister "HYUNG" for older brother. You'll use "OPPA" when a girl talks with his older brother/boyfriend.

Sorry for the correction, I hope that I didn't offend you. Just wanna say my taughts. Fighting authornim!
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 59: Haha nice Wooyoung~! XD Give me my seat back~! XD Please update soon~!
depz13 #8
Chapter 59: Ohh.. I really really really like your story.
I'm a Taec-Uee shipper, so please make a lot of moments for them. Thank you so much!!!!
kitktykatty #9
Chapter 54: Hahaha mini panic attack~! XD Please update soon~!
Chapter 53: OOOH 0-0 Suejis starting to notice...
keeke loves it