Chapter 5

The Truth Behind The Lies


“Tiffany, can I talk you?” asked Jessica when he came up to Yuri and me in the quad before school.


“Save it Jessica. Tiffany told me what happened,” Yuri told him as I stood there looking away from him.


“Tiffany pleases,” Jessica said again ignoring Yuri.


“She doesn’t want to talk, Jessica,” Yuri explained.


“No, Yuri. It’s okay. Just give us a minute,” I told her as I turned to look at the both of them.


“Fany-ah, are you sure?” Yuri asked me.


I nodded. She gave me a look and then smiled and then gave Jessica an ‘I’m watching you’ look and then she left. I didn’t say anything and felt like I didn’t have to.


“Tiffany, I’m sorry. I had no idea she was going to be there. I shouldn’t have ever taken you there.”


“No, you shouldn’t have, but I get it. I know how you and Taeyeon feel about each other. I can see it in the way you were looking at each other,” I said.


“Tiffany, what me and Taeyeon …”


“Taeyeon and I,” I corrected.


“What you and Taeyeon had something going on?”


I gave him a look as he continued.


“I’m sorry. What Taeyeon and I had is long past. Don’t get me wrong, I will always love her, but not in the way she wants me to.”


“That’s fine Jessica. No one’s going to make you, but you can’t expect me to just hang around you when I can see that you and Taeyeon have a lot of problems that you two need to work out,” I said.


“Tiffany, stop,” he replied shaking his head.


“No, Jessica. Let me finish, please. Once you and Taeyeon resolve your feelings and figure out what you want to do, and then maybe we can have something but not until that happens. You’re a great guy Jessica, but I can’t take that pain anymore,” I continued.


“What pain? If you think that I will cheat on you with Taeyeon then you’re wrong because I never would do that to you. I’ve made mistakes but I wouldn’t do that to you,” he said.


“Maybe not, but things happen, intentional or not.”


“Tiffany, listen to me. Taeyeon isn’t in my life anymore. What we had is done. I’ve tried to tell her to move on, like I have. And I’m sure she will.”


“And if she doesn’t? Then what?”


He didn’t say anything and we just looked at each other and he finally said.


“I don’t know.”


“Listen, I’m sorry. I really am, but I think it’s for the best,” I said and I started to walk past him, “bye,” I whispered, tears falling down my face.


He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a kiss. I couldn’t resist.


The bell rang beginning the day of school. I didn’t care. I just wanted to stay in that moment for the rest of time.


“Tiff…” I heard Yuri say.


I pulled away from him and turned to face Yuri who was smiling.


“I’m sorry but umm…if we don’t leave now we’re going to be late for the first class Fany, unless you want me to leave you two alone?”


“No, you’re right. We should go,” I said grabbing my things. “Bye,” I said to Jessica as I walked passed him and walked to Yuri. Jessica still stared at me.


It was the end of the third period. I was dreading going to fourth. I didn’t want to see him after that kiss that should have never occurred. Although I loved every moment of it. I went to my locker and got out my calculus book. A letter falling to the floor. It read:


Meet me at the Rivercourt tonight at 8pm sharp. I have some information on your brother. Come alone.

p.s. Don’t be late



I looked around wondering who could have sent it to me. I didn’t recognize anyone so shut my locker and slipped the note into my book and headed to the classroom.


When I walked in I saw Jessica, he looked at me as I looked at him. I quickly looked away and sat in my seat. Regretting for not requesting a change of seating arrangement.


“Tiffany,” Jessica said.


I ignored him.


“Tiffany, I know you can hear me.”


I continued to ignore him.


“Fine ignores me or whatever, but we’re going to have to talk about this. I know this isn’t the place or time. So can you meet me tonight? At Genie’s Café?”


I looked at him and said nothing. Then I turned back to the front of the classroom saying nothing.


“I’ll be there,” he said and looked away from me.


He didn’t talk to me for the rest of the period, but when class ended he called out my name but I practically ran out losing him in the crowd.


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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 49: Here i am reread this story again
Chapter 49: Hope u will update this story thornim
Chapter 24: I dont like wooyong still have that effect to fany.... Fany... Control urself... Jessi with u now
Chapter 1: Ahhh genben... I though u will use jessi than jessica☺️
otnine0922 #5
Chapter 49: Pls pls pls pls comeback... still waiting here
Adampark19 #6
Authour-nim~ pleasepleaseplease continue your fic :(
Jeti48 #7
Will u finish this story :(
Choon79 #8
Please updatee
otnine0922 #9
Chapter 24: Author ssi please update soon..:)
I'll be waiting..
tazkia16 #10
Chapter 49: Updateee please