Chapter 49

The Truth Behind The Lies

“I went to the beach house to see Yoona. That was when Mr. Jung told me that I should wait for him to get back when I found out he wasn’t home. So I did. Shortly after he lead me to his room. I didn’t know what he wanted but I went over to his room anyway because I didn’t want to seem rude. It was dark when I entered. I asked if I should turn on light but he told me not to. He was so close. Then suddenly,” she paused as the tears started to form, “he pushed me onto the bed and began to… to undress me…I tried to make him stop, but he was too strong.”


“Thank you Miss Kwon.”


Then Mr Jung was called to the stand.


“Now, Mr. Jung what is your relationship with Miss Kwon? How do you know her?”


“Through my son, Yoona. She is his fiancé,” said Mr. Jung.


“Now, Mr. Jung. What happened the night at the beach house?”


“It started out exactly how Yuri said, however, I did not force myself in her. She was drunk when she came to the door and was all over me. I tried to stop her, but she wouldn’t budge. I didn’t want to hurt her or the baby, so I just continued to seduce her, like she wanted.”


“Mr. Jung, you are currently separated from you’re wife, isn’t that so?”


“Yes, sir. We currently are.”


“Was that not due to infidelity with a sixteen year old?”


“Yes, sir,” Mr. Jung admitted shamefully.


Once the questioning and everything was over, we waited several hours before the jury came up with a verdict.


“Wow, I thought we’d have to wait for a few days,” said Jessica surprised.


I took a deep breath and Yuri grabbed my hand and squeezed it, as they were about to announce it.


“In the case pleaded against Mr. Jung for ual assault we find the defendant… guilty.”




“Yuri Kwon, if you don’t let me see that wedding dress on you, which we waited two weeks for, then I’m going to go in there…” I babbled then stopped once I saw her step out.


“What do you think? Was it worth the wait and money?” she said, standing in a beautiful strapless white gown.


“Aww, Yul. You looked so beautiful,” I said giving her a hug. “I still can’t believe the wedding is tomorrow.”


“I know, right?” she said, tears suddenly beginning to form, “Tomorrow I will be Mrs. Yoon Jung.”




There were only s fee more things I needed to do before the wedding. So after I headed over to Taeyeon’s, I called Jessica. Hearing his voice still made my heart race.


“It’s no problem, Fany. Really,” he said, after I asked him about getting a flower girl and a ring barrier.

Then he asked if I could meet up with him.


“Of course any news on my brother’s murderer is always important to me.”


“Ok, we’ll meet up at the River court at seven?”




When I got there I saw Jessica and an older man.


“Hi, Jessie,” I said.


“Fany, this is Edward. The P.I. I was telling you about.”


“Oh, right. Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” I said.


“You too, Tiffany… so Jessie told me about what happened and I am doing everything I can to find Choi Minho.”


“Are there any leads?”


“At this point, I’m afraid not,” I nodded as he continued, “however, I have a feeling he’s still around. I talked to his parents who haven’t seen him in years, but they say he visits frequently at night. They’ve never actually seen him, but they know it’s him. We’re assuming he is on the run, but we have no idea where to start.”


“I understand. I just want to thank you through for trying.”


He left then as Jessica came up to me.


“He’s doing everything he can to find him.”


“I know. And thank you, Jessie. Honestly, you’ve done so much for me, I feel like I don’t deserve your help of your kindness.”


“Listen, Fany. I know I should probably be treating you a lot worse for what you did, but my past relationship has prepared me a little bit for this, so, I’m not going to act like I hate you because I don’t. I’m just s friend helping out a friend.”


“Ok. I’m glad we can see eye to eye about that. But I’m still hoping for that one day where she can be more than friend again.”


“So am I,” he said smiling.


Then gave me a kiss on the cheek making me blush before he left.


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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 49: Here i am reread this story again
Chapter 49: Hope u will update this story thornim
Chapter 24: I dont like wooyong still have that effect to fany.... Fany... Control urself... Jessi with u now
Chapter 1: Ahhh genben... I though u will use jessi than jessica☺️
otnine0922 #5
Chapter 49: Pls pls pls pls comeback... still waiting here
Adampark19 #6
Authour-nim~ pleasepleaseplease continue your fic :(
Jeti48 #7
Will u finish this story :(
Choon79 #8
Please updatee
otnine0922 #9
Chapter 24: Author ssi please update soon..:)
I'll be waiting..
tazkia16 #10
Chapter 49: Updateee please