Chapter 31

The Truth Behind The Lies

A few weeks since our break up had passed and Jessica and I were slowly getting back on track or so I thought until the day Taeyeon and Wooyoung called it quits for the second time.


The rumour was that Wooyoung had slept with me and Taeyeon had slept with Jessica after they had got back together, but the truth was that they just had their problems like every couple has. Past loves being a major one.


It had been only a day since their break up and Taeyeon was already throwing herself at Jessica.


Jessica and I were having drinks when we saw her. She was practically falling over the place when Jessica went to go help her. He asked me for what I thought was permission before he went, but I didn’t find it necessary. After all, we were friends, something we had both agreed on.


Now here we were, with a drunken Taeyeon.


“I don’t understand. He doesn’t love me anymore. Why?” Taeyeon said as Jessica tried his best to keep her hands away from him, “Oh, I remember. It was because of you,” she said pointing at me as she continued; “It’s your entire fault. It’s your fault that I’m alone. You took Jessica and now you took Wooyoung.”


“Taeyeon, I…” I began.


“No, I don’t want to hear it. It’s your fault and that’s it. No more talk about this anymore,” she said to me and then she turned to Jessica and said, “I want to go home now. Can you take me home?”


Jessica looked at me and I nodded, to let him know it was ok, but gain I felt guilty for him thinking that he had to have my permission. I watched as they exited.


I sat there for about 5 minutes when my cell phone rang. It was Yuri.


“Yul, what’s up?” I answered.


“Fany-ah,” she said, I could tell she was crying.


“Yul, what’s wrong?”


“Can you please come home?”


“Of course, I’ll be there in 10 minutes,” I said hanging up then racing to my car.


I was coming up to a streetlight when I saw the accident scene. My heart was racing as I knew I had to get to Yuri, but something caught my eye as I examined the scene more thoroughly. One of the cars had been Jessica’s.


I literally jumped out of my car and ran towards the nearest police officer, “Excuse me, officer. What happened?” I asked.


“Car accident,” he said.


I looked at him in frustration because it was only obvious, but I didn’t want to start an argument with him so I just asked, “Was anyone hurt?”


“Miss, I’m sorry, but…”


“That’s my boyfriend’s car. So if you’ll please tell me if anyone was hurt,” I said tears in my eyes.


He looked at me with concern and then said, “Two are in critical condition and another has a minor concussion.”


More tears rolled sown my face, “Thank you,” I barely managed to say.


“All of the victims were sent to the nearest hospital which would be…”


“I know where,” I said running back into my car and driving there.


I was halfway there when I remembered about Yuri.


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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 49: Here i am reread this story again
Chapter 49: Hope u will update this story thornim
Chapter 24: I dont like wooyong still have that effect to fany.... Fany... Control urself... Jessi with u now
Chapter 1: Ahhh genben... I though u will use jessi than jessica☺️
otnine0922 #5
Chapter 49: Pls pls pls pls comeback... still waiting here
Adampark19 #6
Authour-nim~ pleasepleaseplease continue your fic :(
Jeti48 #7
Will u finish this story :(
Choon79 #8
Please updatee
otnine0922 #9
Chapter 24: Author ssi please update soon..:)
I'll be waiting..
tazkia16 #10
Chapter 49: Updateee please