Chapter 22

The Truth Behind The Lies





Jessica’s face lit up and then he got up and gave me a look that he understood I needed to be alone.


“Yes, Fany. It’s me, mom,” she said on the other end.


I was speechless but then I spoke after a minute of silence.


“How... how are you?”


“To be honest, not so good,” she said.


“What’s wrong?”


“Nothing, just you know how it is,” she said.


“No, mom, I don’t. That’s the thing. I haven’t known for a long time now.”


“I... I know, Fany. I know it’s hard but your dad and I have been trying to change. Starting with finding out where you are now a days.”


“Mom, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”


“What do you mean, Fany? I’m your mother and I deserve to know.”


“Mom, can you seriously call yourself that? I mean, you abandoned me when I needed you most. You kicked me out after something very traumatic happened to me.”


“I know, Fany. I’m sorry. It’s just your father and I warned you and you didn’t listen. However, I know that is no excuse for what we did after you had been through enough. This time it will be different.”


“Different? Mom, I just don’t believe that. I won’t.”


“Fany, please, we can sta...”


“No, mom, I’m sorry, but I can’t just put the past behind us. Not this time,” I said hanging up.


“Baby?” said Jessica coming in. I’m guessing he heard me yelling.


“Yeah?” I said facing him.


“Are you ok?”


“Yeah, I’m fine.”


“Care to talk about it?”


“No, I’m... I’m done talking about it,” I said.


“So, listen about tomorrow.”


“Christmas eve dinner here right?”


“Yeah, I’m sorry. My parents can kind of get a little excited about new girlfriends.”


“No, it’s fine. I’m happy that I’ll get to spend time with a real family again. It’ll be nice,” I said staring at him as he stared back at me.


We leaned closer to each other until our lips met.


“Babe?” I said chuckling as he kissed me.


“Yeah?” he said as he stopped kissing me and faced me.


“Oh my gosh,” I said surprised as I saw Wooyoung’s face. I shook my head and closed my eyes and then opened them to see Jessica’s surprised face.


“Is something wrong?” he asked confused.


“No, no. I’m sorry. I just realized that I need to go,” I said trying to smile.


“Ok. Are you sure?”


“Yeah, I’m sorry. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said leaving.




It was the night of Christmas Eve and after hours of preparing Yuri and I were ready to have dinner with the Jung.


“What if they hate me for ruining Yoona’s life? What if they think that I’m not good enough for Yoona let alone his child?”


“Yul, stop worrying. You and Yoona haven’t even told them, right?”  I said.


“No, not yet.”


“Ok, then just relax tonight. It’s Christmas. Your favourite holiday.”


“You’re right, Fany.”




“Why hello,” answered Mr Jung.


“Hello, Merry Christmas,” Yuri and I said in unison.


“Merry Christmas,” he said and motioned for us to come inside.


“Yuri, Tiffany, Merry Christmas. Have a seat,” said Mrs Jung as she appeared from the kitchen, “the boys went out to get some dessert. They should be back in a few minutes.”


“Great,” whispered Yuri smiling as we both sat down.


“So, Jessica tells us you both live together, on your own? How’s that like?” asked Mr Jung.


“It’s good. It gets pretty tiring though. With managing work to pay the rent and studying for school,” I said.


“What made you two decide to move to here?” asked Mrs Jung.


“Just some issues back home,” Yuri said.


“Well, I think that’s great. I’m glad our boys are dating two responsible and independent women,” said Mr Jung, giving Yuri and I a creepy smile.


“Hey, you two made it,” we heard Yoona say as he walked in with a plastic bag, inside was a chocolate cake, with Jessica behind him.


Yuri and I got up and greeted them with a ‘Merry Christmas’ and a kiss on the cheek.




After dinner, Jessica and Yoona took Yuri and me up to their bedrooms. Mrs and Mr Jung were on their way to Mrs Jung’s parent’s house. Jessica and I were out on his bed when he suddenly stopped.


“What’s wrong?” I asked getting off of him.


“Nothing,” he said, thinking, but then he shook his head and continued to kiss me.


We continued until it was me who stopped.


“Baby?” he asked.


It took me a moment to reply, “What happened between you and Taeyeon?”


“Fany?” I looked at him as he continued, “What made you want to know about this now?”


“I... I just thought about what Wooyoung told you and he’s right. Listen, Jessie. I really, really like you. I really like this relationship and I don’t want to jeopardize it.”


“Fany, I thought a lot about this too and the more I thought about this I came to realize that if I told you the truth of my past then maybe I won’t be saving it, but rather ruining it,” he continued, “but if you really want to know then I’ll tell you.”


I thought about this and considered everything of what he just old me.


“You’re right, Jessie. You are so right,” I finally said.


“Well, then we’re ok?”


“Yeah,” I said.


“Ok, well, listen, I got something for you,” he said getting up and opening his drawer, “I’m not sure if you’ll like it.”


“I’m sure I will,” I said smiling as he gave me a gift wrapped box, “aww, it so pretty.”


“Shut up and open it,” he said laughing.


So I did and was surprised at what I saw.


“Oh, Jessie, it’s… it’s beautiful,” I said staring at the diamond necklace.


“So you like it?”


“Like it? I love it. Thank you so much,” I said, pulling him into a hug, startling him.


“I’m glad you love it. Those things don’t come cheap,” he said as we pulled apart from our hug.


“I know. It means a lot to know that someone cares this much about me,” I said.


“Anyone would be crazy not to.”


I smiled and then pulled him into a kiss. I continued to kiss him as he laid back on his bed, making me fall on top of him, making me lose myself in him, like I had so many times before. However, this time there was no need to stop. No interruptions. He slid off his shirt, as I helped him, our lips still kissing each other. We continued, this time it was me pulling off my shirt as he kissed me on the neck. We lay back on his bed again. My hands wrapped into his, my eyes closed, as I just lost myself into him, not wanting to stop. Until the memories of that night with Wooyoung flashed before, making me stop.


“Baby?” Jessica asked.


I looked at him, realizing that he wasn’t Wooyoung and that if I stopped now, that meant that Wooyoung won and I could never be happy with anyone else, something Wooyoung had always wanted.


“Baby, do you want to stop?” asked Jessica, concerned.


I looked at him and shook my head, pulling him into another deep kiss.


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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 49: Here i am reread this story again
Chapter 49: Hope u will update this story thornim
Chapter 24: I dont like wooyong still have that effect to fany.... Fany... Control urself... Jessi with u now
Chapter 1: Ahhh genben... I though u will use jessi than jessica☺️
otnine0922 #5
Chapter 49: Pls pls pls pls comeback... still waiting here
Adampark19 #6
Authour-nim~ pleasepleaseplease continue your fic :(
Jeti48 #7
Will u finish this story :(
Choon79 #8
Please updatee
otnine0922 #9
Chapter 24: Author ssi please update soon..:)
I'll be waiting..
tazkia16 #10
Chapter 49: Updateee please