Chapter 16

The Truth Behind The Lies


“What happened?” I asked, still a bit dizzy.


“Shh, Babe its ok, just rest,” Jessica said.


“I’m ok,” I said sitting up, “I want to know what happened.”


“Some bastard drugged you,” said Yuri getting up from where she was sitting and came over to me, “They put GHB in your drink.”


“Can you remember anything?” Yuri asked me.


“I just remember going into the car to get my camera and the next thing I know I’m waking up here. How did I get here?” I said confused.


“Jessie went looking for you and he saw you on the ground,” Yuri said.


“I could hear footsteps disappearing the closer I got to you,” he said then continued, “Can you think of anyone who might have wanted to do this to you?”


I thought of the mystery guy who kissed me and the mystery guy who I always felt watching me.


“Fany?” Yuri’s voice sounded worried.


“Well, no. the only person I can think of that hates me is…” I stopped. I could see Jessie’s facial expression change.


“Taeyeon,” he finished.


“Would Taeyeon really do that?” asked Yoona.


“No, but I know plenty of guys that will be stupid enough to do it for her,” Jessica said getting up and getting his jacket.


“Babe, where are you going?” I asked worried.


“I’ll be back,” he said giving me a kiss on the forehead.


“Yoong!” Yuri called out as he came over to her, “Keep an eye on him,” she said as he looked at her then to me and nodded.


Yuri and I watched as they both walked out the door.


“Now will you tell me who it was?” Yuri asked.




“I know you’re hiding something Fany.”


“I’m not really, I’m not,” I said.


“Fany, someone drugged you. If you’re hiding something who knows what will happen next time.”


“Ok,” I said taking a deep breath, “For the past couple of days I’ve been feeling like someone is watching me.”


“What do you mean?”


“Well, tonight I saw some guy staring at me when we were at our table and then when I’m alone sometimes in the girl’s bathroom at school I can just feel someone’s eyes on me and tonight again when I was talking with Jessie on the beach before it happened.”


“Fany, how come you never told anyone about this.”


“I don’t know. I was scared. I felt that maybe I was overreacting and if I told anyone then it would make it true that someone is in fact stalking me.”


“That means that Jessie and Yoona are going after the wrong person, ha?”


“Not necessarily.”


“Why would you say that?”


“Well, Taeyeon hates me. She would do anything to get rid of me.”


“Do you think it’s her?”


“No, but I do think she has something to do with it,” I said.


After about an hour and a half nap, I woke up to see Yuri rubbing her belly.


“I still can’t believe it,” she said looking at me.


“Neither can I,” I said, “you still haven’t told him?”


“No, I haven’t. I still don’t know how I can tell him that I’m pregnant.”


We both heard the door open as Yoona walked in with a worried look on his face.


“What?” he barely spoke out.


Yuri and I looked at each other.


“Nothing,” I quickly said.


“No, I just heard Yuri say she was pregnant,” he said, “Isn’t that true, Honey?”


She didn’t respond to him nor could she look at him.


“Honey?” he continued.


Jessica walked in startled by what was happening.


“What’s wrong?” he asked.


“Yuri?” Yoona said, ignoring Jessica and keeping his eyes on Yuri.


“Yes, ok. I’m pregnant,” she said.


“We should go,” I said, getting up from the couch and grabbing Jessica’s hand as we went into the bedroom.


“What’s going on?” he asked me.


“Yuri is pregnant,” I said, reading his facial expression.


“What? How long has she known?”


“Since the masquerade party,” I said afraid of what he might say.


“Oh,” he said taking it all in.


“Yuri how could you not tell me?” yelled Yoona.


We continued to listen to their conversation through the door.


“This is why,” Yuri shouted, “the way you’re reacting. That is exactly why I didn’t tell you.”


“I can’t believe this,” he said.


“Yoong, I’m sorry. I’m just as scared as you are. I know we’re both young and you have basketball and…”


“Yuri, don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault. This happened for a reason. I will be there for every step of the way,” he said.


We could hear Yuri crying and I asked Jessica how it went with Taeyeon.


“She denies knowing anything,” he said.


“Babe, I have to tell you something,” I said.


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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 49: Here i am reread this story again
Chapter 49: Hope u will update this story thornim
Chapter 24: I dont like wooyong still have that effect to fany.... Fany... Control urself... Jessi with u now
Chapter 1: Ahhh genben... I though u will use jessi than jessica☺️
otnine0922 #5
Chapter 49: Pls pls pls pls comeback... still waiting here
Adampark19 #6
Authour-nim~ pleasepleaseplease continue your fic :(
Jeti48 #7
Will u finish this story :(
Choon79 #8
Please updatee
otnine0922 #9
Chapter 24: Author ssi please update soon..:)
I'll be waiting..
tazkia16 #10
Chapter 49: Updateee please