
Irreplaceable Love

Next day…

I went to work as usual, but I didn’t late this time. So weird, because I didn’t see Jinsung came to work today. After work time over, I went home as my habit, cook and pack some pancake, showering, get change and leave to Cube. As I arrived, I went to changing room to change in training clothes.

“Today we don’t have separate practice” Sujing said as I left the changing room.

“Really? Ok, let’s go then” I said with a smile and heading to vocal practice room with Sujing.

I opened the door and see the other inside except Nain.

“Where is Nain unnie?” Sujing asked.

“Is she gone for a date?” I asked and everyone burst into a laugh. The reason why they laugh because we all know Nain has never been asking out for a date from a guy. Poor Nain.

“Come on, don’t look down on Nain unnie” I tried to cheer Nain up even she’s not here.

“But it’s true, you know” Gyurim said and everyone burst into a laugh again.

“Ok ok, stop it or else we gonna die because of laugh” Jaeyong said and we finally stop.

“What’s so funny, girl? I heard you guy laugh over 10 meter away from here” Miss Park said as she entered the room. Everyone roll eyes to each other.

“Ok, let get start, into the recording room now everyone!” Miss Park ordered as she hand each of us a paper.

“Group song~” I sang as I read the lyric.


A few hours has pass...

“That’s for today, girls. You can have a break now” Miss Park said with a small smile and nothing but GET OUT eyes contact as usual. That;s just the way her eyes are. We all said good bye to Miss Park and heading to Dancing room. Some of us just sit down and some are working out before dance.

“I wonder when we will debut” Hyemi said with pondering.

“We’ve just been here for 2 months. It too early to think about that” Sujing answered then drink her water.

“But we’d been training in JYP Ent before” Hyemi said with pride.

“It’s different” finally, my mouth is open. Jaeyong just nod. Hyemi look sad again.

“Hyemi-ah, be patient” Sujing said with a gorgeous smile which bright up Hyemi mood.

“Will we debut as a female group?” Gyurim asked while working out.

“Oh! There are six of us, so we will pair to BEAST!” Hyemi mood turn brighter just thinking about BEAST.

“OMO! I know I’m going to pair with Junhyung oppa!” Hyemi start to jump like she had win a million dollars lottery.

“No, you not! It’s me who going to pair with Junhyung oppa!” Gyurim start to argue with Hyemi.

"Ugh, daydreaming" Jaeyong mumbled.

“They’re flying in their dreamland again” Sujing followed.

“How could Hyemi unnie and Gyurim unnie dreaming? It’s still daytime?” I joked as I turn my head look at Sujing. Sujing just giggle.

“Oh… I knew it. Hyemi unnie and Gyurim unnie must never dream in nighttime, that’s why they try their best to dream in daytime.” Jaeyong and Sujing nodded and chuckled.

“OMO! Hyemi unnie and Gyurim unnie is an owl! Owl never sleep at night!” I opened my eyes wide and shouted in a fake fear. Hyemi and Gyurim heard it and stop argue.

“Owl!?” they both said at the same time. They look at each other then staring at me.

“Owl~” I sang and grinned to them.

“YAH! You little clumsy!” they yelled and ran to me.

“AHHHHHHHHH! Jaeyong unnie help me!” I screamed and running around the room because there are 2 owls chasing me. I mean 2 girls.


After a long (crazy) time break, our choreography teacher came.

“You will learn some difficult new moves today”

“YAY!” everybody looked exciting even me.

“Ok girls. Let the music on!”


Few hours has passed...

We breathe to the dead after a long and hard practice.

“Okay girls, that’s all for today. You can go home now.” Our teacher said as she left.

“Aigoo, I’m tired!” Hyemi said and laying down on the floor with Gyurim.

“I haven’t done it well” I mumbled as I rest my head on Sujing’s shoulder.

“It’s okay, ____-ah. We just learn it today, we can't be expert yet” Sujing tried to bright up my mood.

“It’s almost 10pm now. Let’s go to the supermarket nearby. Who want some snack?” Jaeyong asked while she stand up.

“ME!” Hyemi and Gyurim shouted and try to get up.

“____-ah, let’s go” Sujing said to me. I shake my head.

“No, you guy go, I’ll stay a little bit longer” I want to practice more.

“____-ah, don’t force yourself to hard. You look exhausted” Sujing said with a worry look.

“I’m always fine, you know” I smile at Sujing hoping she believe me.

“Ok then” Sujing stand up.

“____-ah! Don’t stay too late ok?” Sujing said as she leaving.

“Hwaiting!” Hyemi said as she leaving too.

“I’ll buy you some snack and left it with Sujing, ok?” Jaeyong said and patted my head as she’s about to leave too.

“Here! An energy drink!” Gyurim threw me a can of coke and left.

But all I did just reply them with a huge smile. These girls are so nice to me. I took out my box of pancake *ow! I forgot to eat it!* luckily, it’s a platinum hello kitty box so my pancakes still warm a little. I sit down and turn my back to the doorway and eat up.

5 minutes later...

I hear footsteps and sound of chatting outside. I look through the mirror in front of me and see a group of guys walking slowly, they talk and laugh out loud *eh… those guys have no ethic* I took a bite of pancake while looking at them and I saw a guy had notice that I’m sitting in here. He’s staring at me as he keeps walking, I saw it and look away pretending like I didn’t see them. They disappear a few second later, but I still heard their noisy voice. *who are they? Another group of trainee?* actually, I didn’t see their face clearly because the hall way is a little bit dark.

A few minute later, I finished my snack, I turn on music and start to practice alone. I play the same song over and over again to practice the new moves I had learn today. I focus on my step and even the way of my body move, but my legs seem so weak today. It’s maybe because I had run so much. *what’s next?* I asked myself try to remember all the moves. Unfortunately, I twisted my left ankle.

“OUCH!” I collapsed on the floor as the pain is running through my leg.


I widen my eyes and looking for the voice.

A tall guy walks toward me from the doorway. A handsome looking guy with white skin and kind eyes *who’s this?* I keep staring at him.


“Gwenchanayo?” he bent down on his knee asked me again, waved his hand in front of my face which make my mind turning back from checking out his look.

“Uh… gwenchana…” I said as I hold my left leg tight.

“Sure? Here, let me see” he lifted an eyebrow and his hand touching my ankle.

“OW! That’s hurt!” I slapped his hand.

“Sorry” he said and chuckled. Then he start to pull my ankle from left to right.

“Yah! I don’t wanna be a cripple!” I yelled at him because it's really hurt. But a few second later my ankle is back to normal. *umm… what did he do? Magic spell?* I keep staring at him in wonder.

“Better?” he asked and smile.

“Umm… y-yeah…. Thank you” I said as I touch my ankle, it still hurts a little.

“What are you doing here, at this time?” he asked *can’t you see I was dancing?*


“So, you are new trainee? What’s your name?” he asked me without stop looking at me. I hate who like to ask me double questions like this.

“Nae, I’m ____” I just nodded and answered. I stand up and he stand up too.

“____-ssi, I’m Hyunseung” he held out his right hand and smile *hand shake? Aigoo, hand shake with stranger?*

I held out my right hand slowly and shake with his hand within 2 second. He looked surprise at my reaction.


“Ok, nice to-”

“I think I gotta go now” I cut him off and grabbed my phone and locker’s key, put it in my pocket and left.

“See ya~” I hear that guy said as I left. *umm… what’s his name again? Hyunso? Seungho?* it’s always hard for me to memorize someone’s name.

I headed to changing room, I walked pass the other room and there are still some trainee left too. I keep take a look back to make sure nobody follow me. I turn left to another way as I still looking back, suddenly “BAM!” I bumped into someone. I feel water splashed on my T-shirt.


I didn’t look at him and take another step quickly *It’s not my fault~*. Then I feel a hand grab my forearm *uh-oh~ big trouble!* I turn my head slowly looking at who grab my forearm. *OMO!* a tall guy with messy hair *eh… did somebody just rob you?* he got y pink lip *waaaaa~* then I saw his other hand carried a can of coke *oh… so the water splashed on my T-shirt is coke* my eyes roll around and saw half of his white T-shirt is wet too, I can saw his tattoo on his chest *OMO! He’s a gangster!* then I realized he staring at me the whole time while I keep checking him out. He wrinkle his eyebrow. I stop checking him and look at his eyes *whoa! Scary eyes!*

“Haven’t anyone had teach you to say sorry?” he said with annoying sound.


“YAH! Did you hear me?” he yelled at me. I blinked.

“Sorry~” I said and free my forearm from his hand and walk away.

“What are you doing here?” another boring question.

“It’s none of your business” I said without looking at him and keep walking. Then I feel a hand grab my forearm again and make me turn to face that guy again. I look at him with WHAT look.

“Don’t you know how to respect senior? Don’t you know who I am?” another double boring question. He smirked.

“You don’t even know yourself so how could I know” I said and looked away. He wrinkled his eyebrow again.

“Yong Junhyu-”

“Whos care” I cut his sentence as I free my forearm and continue walking. Good, this time he didn’t grab my forearm again.

“And who are you?” he shouted behind me.

“____” I said without looking back *ugh! what am i doing? did i jus tell him my name? ="=*

I reach changing room, I unlock my locker and get change, then I realize *OMO! I left my box in the Dancing room!*


[Junhyung’s POV]


“____” she said without looking at me. I just stand there, watching her back.

“Rude kid” I mumbled to myself. I turn over and walk back to practice room. I saw Hyunseung left trainee’s dancing room.

“Hyung!” I said as we head back together. Our room is next to the room Hyunseung just left.

“Hey, Junhyung! Oh, I never know you love coke that much” he said as he saw my T-shirt wet by coke.

“Aish! A rude girl bumped into me while I drank my coke at that corner” I said as my emotion turn into anger.

“And what are you doing here, hyung?”

“Nothing, just help a girl who had twisted her ankle” Hyunseung smile.

“Being a hero again?” I smirked.

“That’s call a real gentlemen, unlike you, always pretending to be a gentlemen in front of fangirls” he joked.

“Yah hyung! I’m not! My fans always falls for me even if I’m not tried to be a gentlemen” no doubt, I’m the hottest member in BEAST.

We entered the room and our manager walked toward us.

“I’ll go buy dinner for you guy, so what do you want?” our manager ask.

“Anything you buy, hyung” Hyunseung smile.

“Coke is better. kekeke~” I said.

“Alright, alright! I’ll get you just like those 4 ok?” we both nodded and our manager left.

“Junhyung hyung, did you use coke to shower yourself?” Yoseob asked with a huge grin.

“he must feel really hot” Dongwoon added and the other laughed.

“Yah! Shut up! A girl bump into me while I drank my coke!” I said and sit down on the couch next to Kikwang.

“A girl? Is she cute?” Kikwang turned over and asked.

“More like rude” I said and took a sip of coke.

“Hyung, do you know her name?” Kikwang keep asked.

“Umm….. ____? Maybe”

“____-ssi!?” Hyunseung widen his eyes and looked at me.

“Yeah, her name’s ____” after he shouted out her name, I remember it clearly now.

“What’s wrong, Seunggie?” Dujun asked.

“I’d met her in trainee’s dancing room too”

“A girl that you said she twisted her ankle?” I asked.

“Yeah” Hyunseung replied with a smile.

“Who is she, hyung?” Dongwoon wondering.

“She’s a new trainee.” Hyunseung still smile.

“Didn’t Junhyung hyung said she rude?” Yoseob open his mouth widely.

“Nope, I think she’s cute, but a little weird” Hyunseung answered just like personal reader or what.

“Whatever~” I said as I finished my coke.


[Your POV]

After I changed my clothes, I went back to dancing room. Nobody was there, I saw my box next to the mirror. I quickly grab it and left. As I ‘m leaving and turn around, I bump into someone shoulder *no, not again!*

“Sorry” I quickly apologize before an unexpected thing could happen again.

“I'm the one who should have said it” he replied. *O.O! he’s polite* I look at him.


“I’ve never seen you here before”

“I’m a new trainee here” I’ve been here 2 months already but why I still call myself new.

“Oh, it’s late night now. You shouldn’t have stayed this late” he said and we begin to walk.

“I stayed a little bit late because I want to practice more” I said and smile.

“Are you a trainee or….” I asked.

“I’m Kim Jiyong. I manage a group of kid idol” he said and chuckled.

We talk a lot until we reach outside Cube.

“I have to buy dinner for my kid idol now” he said.

“Goodbye, Jiyong-ssi!” I said with a smile and bowed.

“Bye ____-ssi, go home safely” he waved his hand and walk away.


[Sujing’s POV]


“Where’s ____?” a question from Sumi after I entered living room.

“She’s still at Cube. She said she want to practice more” I said as I walk to sit down on sofa next to Sumi.

“Ah~ ____ put on herself too much pressure. Sujing-ah take a shower now and eat your dinner” Sumi always take care of us just like our mother.

“Nae, Omma!” I said and rush into bathroom.


After I showered, ate my dinner, ____ hasn’t got home yet.

“Sujing-ah! Are you sure ____’s at Cube? It’s almost 11pm” Sumi ask and put pressure face on as she looked at the clock.

“Let me call her” I grabbed my phone quickly. I was about to call her, suddenly she unlocked the door and went in.

“____-ah? What happen to your leg?” Sumi ran to ____.

“I told you not to force yourself too much. Come here and sit” I still sit on sofa.

“I’m fine. I just twisted my ankle. Someone helped me already” ____ said with a smile and sit next to me.

“Just twist-”

“I said I’m fine, Omma” ____ cut Sumi sentence and pouted.

“Well, have your dinner now and go to sleep. I go to sleep now, good night!” Sumi said and patted ____’s head and went to bedroom.

“Good Night, Omma!” ____ said and walk to dining table enjoy her dinner. *poor ____, she must really hungry*

“I’ve met stranger at Cube” ____ said as she put a spoon of rice into .

“Really? New trainee?”

“I don’t know, they are boys and they’re so annoying”

“Boys always be annoying to you” I said and chuckled.

“I also met a manager. He said he look after a group of kid idol. I still wonder is there a group of kid idol in Cube?” she said and put another spoon in .

“I don’t know too. I never heard Cube own a group of kid idol.” I said and get up.

“___-ah, can I go to sleep first?” I asked and walk to bedroom.

“Go on. I’ll do the dish myself” ____ said and smiled.

“Ok, don’t stay too late, remember you have to work in morning”



hehe~ so here's another chapter ^^ hope u guy like it n i promise to update a chapter everyweek :)

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Chapter 39: updateee soonnn pleeaseeee...
Update soon please. I really love to read your story..
what is yoseob's plan~ hahah~<br />
Yannna #4
lol room with 2 beds? what are you planning seob
sorry i wasn't on for days~ anyway yoseob is planning something? xD
:)) yoseob? you're planning to sleep with... XDDD silly seobbie~! update soon~! :D
SummerLuv #7
two beds ? LOL . what's up with yoseob ? <br />
Yannna #8
wait wait why. ahahah whats with the room?