a confession?

Irreplaceable Love

[Your POV]

In the evening, I dressed up and walked to living room to find Junhyung. What was it sound like? I’m going out of course. But he wasn’t there. I went to his room.

“Oppa” I knocked the door.


“Oppa” I knocked again but still remain quiet. I was going to knock again but I braked my fist before knocking on his chest as he opened the door.

“What?” he frowned a bit.

“Wanna go out for a walk?” I smiled.

“No” he answered without hesitate and returned back to his bed *how dare you rejected my invitation!*

“Come on. Nobody hanging out with me” I whimpered walking into his room.

“I’m sleepy” he buried his face into a pillow *Grr~ my patient has limit*

“Alright then. I’ll go alone and enjoy delicious dinner outside” I turned my back and walked away.


“And don’t even ask me to buy you your dinner”

“Aish! Wait for me!” he yelled from his room.

“Finally I have company” I laughed in victory as I sat down on sofa waiting for him.

“Let’s go”

I took a look at him. He was wearing a big glasses like Dongwoon when I first met him. Junhyung looks like a nerd, a cute nerd. I giggled *YAH! Stop it!* I stopped myself but he seemed to understand.

“Are you going to committed a crime?” I asked checking him from head to toe.

“I’m afraid my fan will recognize me” he said and put on his hoodie. He zipped it over to his neck and hooded his head. He then pulled out a mask from his pocket.

“Are you going to wear that too?” he nodded.

“I think you look more noticeable” I tilted my head staring at him. He paused.

“I’m more afraid if everyone knows I’m going out with you” he giggled.

“Don’t worry. We’re not dating” I said and lead him to the door.


At the night market…

“Here?” he exclaimed and I nodded.

“Ugh, this is unaccustomed. I can’t believe I let myself hanging out with you” he complained.

”What? Hanging out with me is unaccustomed?” I asked.

“You’re not my fellow member… and…”

“So what? It’s easy. Just imagine that I’m one of B2ST member. Umm… Yoseob? Kikwang?” I laughed.

“But you’re a girl”

“I heard that you had a lot of girlfriends. So just think that I’m one of those girls”

“But I don’t love you”

“Aww~ Geez, I don’t love you either” I laughed again.

“Then. Let’s just pretend that I’m your sister” I continued.

“I never have a sister” he said. I gave him a glare.

“Yah. What is wrong with you, huh? I’m here to have fun. Think of me as whatever you want. I don’t care. I just go my way” I said and walked away.

“Yah! You were the one who drag me here!” he yelled and grabbed my hoodie preventing me from walk away.

“Aish!” I pushed his hand desperately.

“It’s because none of my friends are free! Do you think I’m dying of wanted to hanging out with you, huh!?” I yelled at him as I stared to burning up *OMG! I’m frustrated! I can’t believe everyone ruin my holiday!* I yelled in my mind staring at him in anger. He blinked a couple of time. He looked to the left and to the right. I was standstill staring at him.

“Fine. Let’s go” he said softly and wrapped his arm around my neck pulling me to walk.

“Let. Go. Of me!” I refused and untied his arm from my neck then pushed it away.

“Yah. People are looking at us” he whispered. I rolled my eyes around *okay. He didn’t lie*

“Let’s go” he held my wrist and led us to walk. I just let him be.


[Junhyung’s POV]

We walked through the crowd, my hand still held her wrist or else she gonna get lose in the crowd. Not really.

“Wait” she paused and released her wrist. She walked toward a food cart as I followed behind.

“Whoa~” she gaped.

“Ma’am, how much is this? Ooh~ you also have rice cake?” she drooling pointed to the rice cake.

“Ma’am, I’ll take the fish cake and that meatball. Ooh and rice cake too”

*kid~* I shook my head waiting for her.

“Here” she gave me a skewer of meatball.

“Thanks” I took a bit.

“OW!” that meatball burned my tongue.

“Calm down~ it’s HOT~” she said in husky voice and giggled.

“I want that too” I pointed to the rice cake she was eating. She paused and looked at me *look like she hasn’t turn into good mood yet*

“Alright. Fine” I said and ate my meatball.

“You can have it” she handed me the rice cake.

“Kekeke” I giggle and eat it. We were standing in front of that food cart sharing the food.

“Ma’am, can we have some water?” she asked.


“Two please~ nae, kamsahamnida” the lady handed ____ two glass of water. ____ bowed and handed a glass to me. We finished the glass and returned it back. ____ thanked the lady and bowed again. We started to walk. The darkness started to cover the sky. She suddenly grabbed my wrist and dragged me into a store. An accessory store.

“Aigoo! This one is cute” she lifted up a hair band.

“No. This one is cuter” she grabber another hair band. A minnie mouse hair band. She tried them on.

“That one is suit you better” I pointed to a hat witch inside the store. She gave me a fake glare and went laughing.

“Oppa, try this on” she handed me a kitty hair band.

“Take off your hood” she commanded. I looked around before took my hood off. She placed it upon my head.

“Aigoo~” she laughed.

“Aren’t I look cute?” I asked her and adjusted the hair band on my head. She wrinkled her nose and shook her head.

“You look worst” after she finished her sentence she bursted into laugh again *yah~ your mood change really fast*

“Ooh! Wig!” she exclaimed and went inside the store. She picked up a wig and motioned me to come over. I followed her.

“kekeke” she put on a mischievous smile and showed me a pink wig. I gave her a WHAT look.

“Put it on” she whined. I shook my head.

“Please~” she begged. I shook my head again. She gave me a death glare.

“Try it!” she threatened with her scary expression.

“Okay okay” I put it on and I looked into a mirror nearby *Oh crap!* I looked back to ____. She tried to hold her laugh.

“Unnie, you’re so pretty” she grinned.

“Hyunseung might look good in this” I chuckled and looked back at mirror.

“Ajumma, how much is this one cost?” she asked the seller.

“Yah! What do you think you’re doing?” I stopped her.

“I’ll buy it for you” she answered innocently. I stared at her.

“I don’t want this”

“Come on, unnie. You look beautiful” she giggled.

“I’m not your unnie”

“At least it prevents you from being recognized, right?” she grinned.

“I’d rather being recognized” I took that wig off. She pouted.

“Let consider it as a gift, okay? A gift for you that accompany me here” she smiled widely *aish~ she just like Yoseob*

“Can I have a better gift?” I asked. She shook her head.

“Ajumma, I’ll take this one”

She paid and we left. She walked in front of me with a cheerful expression on her face. It was already 7pm and the sky turned fully dark with the winter wind blew pass our sense. I took a look around myself. People didn’t seem to recognize me though. I looked back at ____, but she was gone.

“Yah, don’t play hind and seek” I eyed around looking for her. I grabbed my phone and checked for her number.

“Oppa, what are you doing?” she popped out behind me.

*Geez! You’re scaring me!*

“Nothing” I put my phone back into my pocket.

“Oppa, come here” she grabbed my forearm and led me to somewhere.

“See?” she pointed to a group of musician street performance.

“Street performance?” I raised an eyebrow. She nodded and let go of my forearm.

“Wait here okay? Omma will be back”

*What?* I chuckled as she walked toward those people and talked to them. Then they handed her a guitar. She bowed and took it. She sat down in front of a mic with the guitar. An old man beated a gong to get attention from the crowd who was walking passed by. Some people stopped by, other people just ignored.

“Good evening everyone! I’m ____” she bowed.

“It’s been my pleasure today and I’m glad that I get to perform my favorite song here… umm… what else should I say… hehe so, please enjoy” she said with her softly voice which gained more attention from people who passed by. The crowd of people who was surrounded her gave her an applause. Then she started to play the guitar with a pop-ballad song.

I don’t know but, I think I maybe, fallin’ for you

Dropping so quickly, maybe I should, keep this to myself

Waiting ‘til I, know you better

*who is she singing to?* I started to wonder. The glitter in her eyes started to brighten up.

I am trying, not to tell you, but I want to

I’m scared of what you’ll say, so I’m hiding what I’m feeling

But I’m tired of, holding this inside my head

The crowd started to surrounded ____ more and more, and pay attention to her. Some people even recorded and filmed her performance. Her eyes turned more bright and bright with blissfulness. She smiled widely at me and kept singing.

I’ve been spending all my time, just thinking about ya

I don’t know what to do, I think I’m fallin’ for you

*is this a confession?* I shocked. Suddenly, the snow started to shower from the sky slowly and created a most beautiful and romantic scene ever.

I’ve been waiting all my life, and now I found ya

I don’t know what to do, I think I’m fallin’ for you~

*Seriously? me?* she gave me goose bump plus a suspicion.

I can’t stop thinking about it, I want you all around me

And now I just can’t hide it, I think I’m fallin’ for you

Oooh~ I’m fallin’ for you~

As the song ended, the crowd cheered ____ with a big round of applause. So do I.

“DAEBAK! Her voice is beautiful”


“Are you a singer?”

All of comment has been heard from the crowd as well as the group of musician street performance.

“Kamsahamnida. Kamsahamnida” ____ got up and give a 90 degree bow to the crowd and the group of musician *she must have got that disease from Yoseob* she returned the guitar back and walked toward me *calm down Junhyung. Nothing serious* she smiled with happiness *oh no. is she going to con-*



“There’s something I need to tell you. Now”


“Geu rae… Umm… what if I told you I love you… would you love me back?”



[Your POV]

“Oppa” I called him. But he was standstill and his eyes were gazing at something.

“We can go now” I said again. He was still deeply gazing at nowhere without any word. I tilted my head looking at him *what’s he looking at?* I followed his gaze but I saw nothing beside the group of musician.

“Junhyung? Do you hear me?” I whispered. Still no reaction.

“YAH!” I yelled to his face which made his mind turned back on. He was looking at me with shock expression.

“Is there a pretty girl around? What were you gazing at?” I asked looking around.

“Nothing…” he said and slightly scratched the back of his neck looking to the ground.

“Paboya” he mumbled.



“Let’s go” I said.

The weather started to get colder. I felt freeze even though I wore a thick hoodie. I rubbed my palm looking around while walking toward nowhere. Then I spotted something.

“Whoa! Ttok-mandu kuk!” I said and ran toward a food cart.

“Yah!” I heard Junhyung yelled. I ignored him and ordered a bowl of ttok-mandu kuk (rice cake soup cooked with dumpling). I sat down at a table and began to eat. Junhyung sat down and stared at me.

“Mmm?” I asked him while my mouth was full of dumpling. He shook his head. I swallowed the dumpling in my mouth and looked at him.

“This is the last day of Lunar New Year and I haven’t got to eat this dish yet. Plus it start to get cold now, you know” I said and continued to eat. He nodded.

“Aren’t you hungry?” I asked. He didn’t seem to listening to me. He was thinking about something else.

“Ma’am, can I have another bowl of ttok-mandu kuk?” I ordered. The lady placed a bowl of ttok-mandu kuk on our table.

“Eat it” I said to Junhyung. He nodded and started to eat *eh, what’s the matter with him?*

As we finished the bowl, we paid and left. We walked along the street again. In silent. Somehow, I started to feel awkward. I buried my hand in my pocket *COLD!!!!* then I sneezed immediately. Junhyung paused and looked at me while I covered my nose. He grabbed my wrist and took me into a store. He bought a scarf. A red combine white scarf.

“Wha-” he cut me off by wrapped that scarf around my neck.

“Don’t get sick again” he smiled and patted my head.

I felt my heart beat faster and faster. Also my cheeks started to turn red. He pushed his arm around my shoulder.

“Let’s go home”


ahh~ so did you had a great time with Junhyung? hehe

and i know i'm kinda lack of description

so... i'm sorry if you couldn't understand some part of the chapter


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Chapter 39: updateee soonnn pleeaseeee...
Update soon please. I really love to read your story..
what is yoseob's plan~ hahah~<br />
Yannna #4
lol room with 2 beds? what are you planning seob
sorry i wasn't on for days~ anyway yoseob is planning something? xD
:)) yoseob? you're planning to sleep with... XDDD silly seobbie~! update soon~! :D
SummerLuv #7
two beds ? LOL . what's up with yoseob ? <br />
Yannna #8
wait wait why. ahahah whats with the room?