Back to Dorm

Consequences and Unexpected Results



‘Careful, slowly, slowly. A little more. That’s it.’ The manager was supporting Dong Woon while they tried to enter the dorm. The going was slow, since Dong Woon’s body protested violently with every quick movement, but the maknae was determined to walk back to the dorm on his own two feet.


‘Whew! Thanks hyung.’ Dong Woon sat down heavily on the couch in the living room, panting slightly. He took a look around, noticing the messiness of the dorm and the unusual quietness.


‘Oh, they’re not back yet? Hyung, I thought you said they have nothing else in the afternoon until the night dance practice?’ Dong Woon looked at the similarly bewildered manager.

‘They should be here if they follow the schedule. I’ll give them a call.’

‘Don’t tell them okay?’ Dong Woon reminded.

‘How could I forget when you keep reminding me not to tell them?’ the manager retorted.

‘Heheheh, sorry hyung.’ Dong Woon looked just a little bit sheepish.


The manager walked a little away on the phone, while Dong Woon scanned the dorm. Aish, these hyungs are real pigs! I’m gone for two, TWO days, and the dorm looks like a pig sty. What would Bong Sun and Ga Eun noonas say when they see the dorm in this state again?! And they didn’t even read the fan mails?! What the-!


‘They went out for lunch so they will be back in an hour at most. You want me to stay with you until they come back?’ the manager said, interrupting Dong Woon’s inner rant.

‘Nope. I’ll be fine.’ Dong Woon gave a reassuring smile.

‘Alright. If you need anything, call okay?’

‘Sure! Bye hyung, have a safe trip.’ Dong Woon said goodbye to his manager.

Once the manager left the dorm, Dong Woon slowly started planning. What shall I do first? The floor, the mail or the bedrooms-which-I-haven’t-seen-but-is-certainly-gonna-resemble-a-sty? Hmm… I shall do the floor, then the mail, then the bedroom. Kaja!


Dong Woon slowly, slowly made his way to the floor. He had totally forgotten that he had wanted to prank the hyungs when he saw the state of their dorm. He has always been the one to pick up after the hyungs since Idol Maid, and it had become a habit. He groaned and cursed whenever he moved too fast for his body’s liking, but he was seasoned in picking up after his hyungs. He didn’t even spend twenty minutes! He was proud that he didn’t take more than double the time normally needed to clear up the floor.  Next to the fan mails! Wheee! Wonder if there is any funny derp photos of Junnie hyung? Kekeke.


The fan mails were quickly sorted out since he didn’t need to move much of his body, just his hands. He did accidentally press his own bruises a few times though. In times like this Dong Woon always wished he could be less clumsy than he is. He remembered what happened when he went up to the stage to gift some flowers during a prize giving ceremony. He tripped not one, not two, but THREE times! He was so mortified afterwards when he went back to their seats. The hyungs were laughing uncontrollably and he sulked a while before Ki Kwang hyung cheered him up.


He spotted a few derp Doo Jun and some cute photos of himself and Ki Kwang. The usual, then. He placed them in the order from the oldest to the youngest on the table and waited for the rest to come home before going through the mails together. Then he stood, and walked to KiSeob’s room.


Wow. It looked like a hurricane has been through here recently. Okay, maybe it wasn’t as bad as he described, but the room was seriously, seriously messy. There were soft toys on the floor, socks on the bed, clothes all over the place and snacks everywhere. Slowly, painfully, Ki Seob’s room started to look less like a mess and more like a room after the maknae was done with it. Dong Woon then creakily made his way to JunSeung’s room. He had to stop and breathe when he got to their room. His head had started to pound again, and he had to wait till the pain lessened before resuming to his task.


Jun Seung’s room looked a little better than KiSeob’s, only because Hyun Seung’s side is tidier than Jun Hyung’s side. It was the same as the previous room. Except that this room has coke cans all over the place, and not soft toys. Dong Woon is amused by the amount of coke the rapper drinks every day. Despite the amount of coke he drinks regularly, the rapper is always calm and collected. On the other hand, if Yo Seob ever gets his hands on coke…

He threw out the empty coke cans and tidied up the beds. He knew better than to touch the rapper’s table. The music scores are off limits to everyone. When he was satisfied with the room, he made his way to his and the leader’s shared room.


When he got to his room, he got a flash of something. It was almost like he had remembered something about the night of the incident, but it was gone before he can capture it. He had a few of these flashes but he hasn’t managed to get anything useful out of them. He looked around the room, and saw his side has not been touched since that day but Doo Jun’s side looks the total opposite from his. He sighed. He rearranged the messy bed, and the table. He put back the dirty clothes into the laundry hamper and threw away any rubbish on the floor. When he was finally done, he looked at the clock, and decided to lie down on his bed to wait for the hyungs. Ahh, my most beloved bed, how I’ve missed you. I know you missed me too. We’re finally reunited! The aching but happy Dong Woon fell asleep soon after his head hit the familiar pillow.


‘Wah, the food was awesome. Too bad Woonie wasn’t there to enjoy it.’ Ki Kwang said sadly.

‘Yah! You sure we came to the right dorm? How come it is so neat? It looks as if Woonie had went through his rounds of clearing up!’ Yo Seob exclaimed when they entered their dorm.

‘Look! Even the fan mails are sorted exactly the way he does it! But it can’t be him, could it? He should still in the hospital, right?’ Ki Kwang pointed out. Jun Hyung And Hyun Seung went to their rooms to put their things and they found the room tidier than how they have left it in the morning before they went out.


‘Yah! Who was in my room?!’ Jun Hyung stormed out.

‘Huh? Why?’ Doo Jun, who just came in because he went to park the car, looked confused.

‘Hey! Our room is also different!’ Ki Kwang came rushing out of said room with Yo Seob close behind.

‘Doo, go check if your room is the same or not.’ Jun Hyung said.

Doo Jun slowly opened the door, and almost got a shock when he saw the sleeping Dong Woon. He closed the door softly and went to the living room.



‘Dong Woon’s back.’ Doo Jun whispered.

‘HUH?!’ all of the rest exclaimed.

‘SHHH! He’s sleeping, you pabos! He must’ve been the one to tidy up.’ Doo Jun glared at the chastened members.

‘In his condition?! Aish! That boy is really stubborn beyond belief!’ Hyun Seung said.

‘Shall we wait for him to wake up before we open the fan mails? And I think we should start planning for dinner, since we have dance practice later at night.’ Ki Kwang suggested.

‘Yeah. We’ll wake him up later when dinner is done. Go bathe. I’ll start first then we take turns with the food.’ Doo Jun ordered. The members quietly went about their business, careful to not wake the sleeping maknae. All of them felt relieved to hear that the maknae is now back with them, despite his injuries not being fully healed. They told themselves to be careful with the youngest for the next few days. Doo Jun’s mind was again in turmoil. He was relieved the maknae is back. Actually he is very glad he is back but he was also afraid of what will happen when Dong Woon’s memories came back. He pushed the worry back and started to find something for their dinner.


Ki Kwang had just came out from his shower and was towelling his hair as he walked past DooWoon’s room. He heard something strange coming from the room. He walked closer to the door and put his ears against it. He thought he heard whimpering. He opened the door carefully and entered the room. He saw the maknae had kicked his blanket to the floor and picked it up. He covered the sleeping maknae, careful not to wake him when Dong Woon let out another whimper.

‘… No! … Stop! Please stop! …’ Dong Woon stirred but settled down again.

Ki Kwang didn’t know what to do. He guessed that Dong Woon was having nightmares but he didn’t know what to do. He decided to wake the maknae.

‘Woon? Woonie?’ Ki Kwang lightly shook the maknae to wake him from his nightmare, careful not to touch any bruises.

‘Ungh… Hmmm? Oh, hi Kwangie… when did you come back?’ Dong Woon glanced sleepily at the worried face of his hyung.

‘Oh, we just came back not long ago. Go back to sleep, kay? We’ll wake you when dinner is ready, alright?’ Ki Kwang smiled at the maknae.

‘Hmm? Kays.’ Dong Woon mumbled, and fell back asleep. Ki Kwang was relieved that Dong Woon didn’t seem to remember his earlier nightmare, but he didn’t know what to do. Is the nightmares gonna hurt Dong Woon? He looks so fragile just now. But isn’t the dreams supposed to be indications that Dong Woon is remembering some things from the incident?


‘Yah, Lee Ki Kwang! Hurry up and help with the dinner!’ Hyun Seung called from the kitchen, and Ki Kwang went off to help, putting his thoughts out of his mind.



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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)