
Consequences and Unexpected Results



He barely made it to the toilet bowl when his stomach upended all its contents, which was measly. When his stomach finally settled, he sat back and panted, the taste of bile strong in his mouth. He could hear footsteps approaching and he flushed the toilet hurriedly, and went to the sink and rinsed his mouth repeatedly, trying to remove the bad taste. Jun Hyung walked into the toilet and looked around, probably looking for the missing maknae.


‘Hey, you okay? I saw you rushing off earlier and you didn’t come out for a while so I thought I’d check on you. You look pale. What happened?’ Jun Hyung’s sharp eye scanned over him.

‘Huh? Me? Nothing happened! Why would you think anything happened?’ Dong Woon tried to walk away but Jun Hyung was blocking the exit.

‘Because, one, you haven’t been eating well the past weeks, and two, you haven’t been focusing real well recently too.’ Jun Hyung refused to let the maknae run away from his question.

‘Ah, that’s because, erm, because I’m very tired!’ Dong Woon tried to bluff his way through. Jun Hyung just raised one eyebrow.

‘You weren’t like that for the past few comebacks, maknae. Now stop avoiding the question, and give me the truth.’ Jun Hyung looked fierce, and he was not above using his intimidating looks to get answers out of the stubborn maknae.

‘Aish, hyung… Alright, alright. I’ve been sick the past few days. I think it’s the stomach flu or something, I can’t keep any food down, and I feel horrible every time after I throw up.’ Dong Woon looked down, not letting the elder man see his eyes. He had stuck to parts of the truth, though he hadn’t told the whole truth. He wasn’t ready to burden his hyungs yet. Jun Hyung’s eyes immediately softened and filled with concern.

‘Why didn’t you tell us before? We could’ve brought you to the doctor. We’ll go after the interview.’

‘Ani, hyung! It’s ok! It’s getting better now. No need the trouble to go to the doctor. I just need rest. Really, hyung.’ Dong Woon didn’t dare to go see the doctor. He was afraid his headaches would cause the doctor to keep him in the hospital again, and he couldn’t stand that.

‘I’m not comfortable leaving you in this condition. Wouldn’t it be better if you went to the doctor?’ Jun Hyung tried to coax the maknae into some sense.

‘No! I don’t wanna stay in the hospital, Junnie! Please? I just need some sleep at home. Really!’ Dong Woon was desperately trying to avoid any hospital stays.

‘Aish, you stubborn-‘ Jun Hyung was interrupted by his phone’s ringing.

‘Yes, leader?’ Jun Hyung answered.

‘Where the hell are you and the maknae?! The interview is starting soon! You guys still haven’t done your make up yet!’ Doo Jun’s loud voice can even be heard by Dong Woon, who was standing a few feet from Jun Hyung, whom had jerked the phone away from his ears, rubbing at them and glaring at the phone.

‘Hyung, he’s right. We’d better go.’ Dong Woon took the opportunity to slip past the rapper and hurried over to where the rest are. He didn’t run because he wasn’t sure his legs would hold up after the puking he’d done. Footsteps behind him meant the rapper was also close behind and they made it to the make up room. The stylist and make up noonas fussed over them and got them ready for the screen. They thanked the noonas hurriedly and rushed to the set, grateful they made it just on time. Doo Jun gave them his death glare, but Jun Hyung whispered something into his ear, and the glare turned to concern. Doo Jun noted the maknae’s ashened face, and the slight sheen of sweat. He knew the youngest wasn’t feeling well the past week, but he didn’t complain much, and he can’t make the stubborn boy tell him if anything was wrong.


I hate it when they look at me like that! Like I’m so weak that they have to take care of me! I am fine! Dong Woon thought. But then his rebellious head gave a twinge to remind him of its unwanted presence. Okay, I admit I am not fine. But they don’t have to treat me like a kid! I might be the maknae but I am not weak! Those hyungs…


Yo Seob was looking somewhere else, Hyun Seung was spacing off, and Ki Kwang was doing some exercises. Dong Woon was glad they didn’t hear what Jun Hyung told Doo Jun.

Just then, the interviewer approached them, and the interview kicked off.  Dong Woon hoped it will finish quickly so he can hurry home and get some much needed rest, away from the concerned gaze of the members, and maybe his stomach will calm down enough for him to enjoy his sleep.


[a/n: hey guys. a relatively short chappie. :) a little sad, but a little relieved today. im not sure if i could've beared it if they were all together on stage. anyways, enjoy this chappie! hope u guys like it! :D]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as main..it so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)