Ha! Not Possible.

Consequences and Unexpected Results



The room had fell into a silence, both man absorbed in their own little world. Dong Woon stared at the leader’s face. Doo Jun’s eye bags and dark rings were worse than before, and he looked as if he hadn’t slept well for a while now. Dong Woon guessed the leader probably hadn’t slept much since he was admitted. His feelings were in conflict; he was happy knowing that the leader would care so much but at the same time he felt guilty for doing this to the leader. Luckily they had ended their promotions, or else it would be very difficult to explain to the fans the missing maknae and the leader’s lack of rest.




Both of them spoke at the same time. Doo Jun motioned for the younger to speak first.


‘Hyung, when are the others coming? And when can I get out of here?’ Dong Woon looked at his leader with large eyes.

Ah, don’t give me that look, maknae… The one that is hard to resist… Doo Jun thought. Out loud, he said: ‘Oh! I haven’t called them yet. The doctor said a few days. I know you don’t like it, but please just stay. For us. Please. We wanna make sure you are really alright.’ Doo Jun know that maknae must be itching to get out of the hated place, but he will not take the risk of Dong Woon collapsing again.


‘It’s okay.’ Dong Woon didn’t reply to Doo Jun’s plea immediately, which got the leader worried that he might demand to be released earlier. But the maknae just said: ‘I will stay until the doctor say I can go, hyung. Now that we ended promotions, I can worry less. But I still wanna get outta here as soon as possible.’ Doo Jun breathed out a sigh, relieved he didn’t have to force the maknae to stay.

‘Good. I’ll call the others now if you like.’ Doo Jun took out his phone, ready to call the others back at the dorm.

‘I wanna do it, hyung! Let me!’ Dong Woon stretched out his hands for the phone. Doo Jun just chuckled, letting the younger have the phone.

‘Oh, hyung, tell Junnie to get it on speaker!’ Dong Woon activated the speaker on Doo Jun’s phone already. Doo Jun knew the maknae was up to something, but he just enjoyed the maknae’s cheerful presence, not interfering.


When the call connected, Doo Jun instructed the slightly panicked rapper to put them on speaker. Dong Woon had already set theirs on speaker so Jun Hyung’s voice could be heard by both of them.

‘Yah! What’s happening?! Did anything happen?!’ Jun Hyung’s voice came from the phone’s speakers.

‘Junnie hyung! The leader is abusing me! Help!’ Dong Woon said that loudly into the receiver, waiting for the reply of the rapper.

‘Yah! Woonie! You’re up! And you said Doo was abusing you? Ha! He prolly hadn’t slept in these few days, he wouldn’t have the energy to do anything like that!’ Dong Woon’s eyes widened with the confirmation, and he turned to the slightly red-faced leader. Doo Jun saw the look and he said defensively: ‘What?! I was worried!’

‘Ah, okay. But I think you should go back and rest soon. You look half-dead, Doo Doo.’ Dong Woon fussed over the leader.

‘Yah! I’m not the one hospitalised! I will, but only after the rest arrived.’

‘Ah, alright. Junnie hyung, when are you all coming to drag this person away?’ Dong Woon spoke into the phone again, ignoring the ‘Yah!’ from his leader.

‘Soon. I’ll go grab the others now, kay maknae? Wait for us!’ they heard fumbling, and another voice came on.

‘Woonie~! Are you okay? You in pain? You want anything? Is Doo Junnie doing anything bad? Did he bully you? Did he-‘

‘Hyung! I’m fine! No, Doo didn’t do anything to me. I want food!’ Dong Woon chuckled as he cut off Ki Kwang’s tirade. He slid a look at the leader, who was slightly fuming because all the members seemed to be picking on him that day.

‘Ah, arasseo! I will bring food there kay?! Oh, we are leaving now! Wait for us!’ there were also other voices saying they will see him at the hospital behind Ki Kwang and Dong Woon really felt touched.

‘OK! Annyeong!’ Dong Woon severed the call and passed the phone back to Doo Jun, and laid back on the bed. When the call ended, the leader and the maknae looked at each other, and grinned. Their eyes met but both looked away quickly. There were a short silence, and neither of them looked at each other.


‘Hyung?’ Dong Woon whispered.

‘Ne?’ Doo Jun leaned in, trying to hear what Dong Woon said.

‘Thank you.’ Doo Jun heard the sincerity in the maknae’s words.

‘You’re welcome, Woonie.’ Doo Jun smiled down at Dong Woon, their eyes meeting again and this time around, they held.



[a/n: hey guys. im going to camp for the next few days so i hope this chappie can last you till then. hehe what's gonne happen when the members reached the hosp? kekeke :D i really hope more people can comment on the story and give me feedback.. i dunno what u silent readers are thinking.. TT.TT but still, thanks for reading this and please support it kays?! ^ ^]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as main..it so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)