
Consequences and Unexpected Results

[a/n: pardon the title. kekekeke XP] 



The bed dipped and a warm hand rested on his, trying to draw him away from his cocoon. He resisted.

‘Come on, Woon. You can’t hide here forever. You have to face us all sometime in the future so might as well come out now.’ Jun Hyung spoke to the person under his blanket.


‘He wants to speak to you.’



‘Seung wants to see if you’re ok.’



‘Come on, Woon, we’re worried.’



‘Son Dong Woon if you don’t get your out right this instant I will call Jin Taek hyung.’ That finally elicited a response. He only smiled in return to the dirty look aimed his way.



He stepped out into the living room behind Jun Hyung. Hyun Seung approached him, eyes looking into his, searching. He took hold of Dong Woon’s hand.

‘Sorry, Woon, I-’

‘It’s ok, hyung. Thank you.’

Hyun Seung let go after giving a final squeeze, leaving Dong Woon and the leader alone in the living room.


‘Woon I-’ Doo Jun slowly approached the other man standing stiffly in front of him. He choked, trying to meet the other’s eyes.


‘I have no excuses. I know I don’t. You didn’t deserve what I did. Neither did the rest. God, I didn’t even consider how it would be for you to witness me when I was-’ Doo Jun raked his hands through his hair. He turned away, but spun back almost immediately. Dong Woon resolutely averted his eyes.


‘Woon, I’m really so sorry. I really didn’t consider- I should have but- I was just too out of it. I know that doesn’t exempt me from blame but-’ Doo Jun’s words were rolling off his tongue in his haste to make things right. His words fought over themselves to be said, and he faltered.


The silence stretched, Dong Woon still not saying anything.


‘Dong Woon, please can you look at me?’ no response. Doo Jun sighed. That man could be stubborn as hell when he wanted to be.


‘Dong Woon, I know I haven’t said this before, but I… I love you.’ he said in a rush. ‘I know it killed you to think I didn’t have any feelings for you and I have no other excuses except I was a coward. I didn’t dare to say anything, even after I knew you had the same feelings for me too. I was afraid I would destroy our friendship before that-’ Doo Jun faltered, ‘that incident happened, and after, I didn’t want to hurt you anymore so I stayed away. I was afraid I would be the cause of your pain again I just couldn’t-’ he took a deep breath. ‘It killed me that I was the one who caused your pain. I hit you, Woon! I raised my hand to you! I couldn’t forgive myself, I still can’t. I don’t deserve your love. How could you even forgive me for what I did?! I hit you and almost-’

‘SHUT THE UP!’ Doo Jun was stunned into silence. Never had the maknae done this in the years he knew him.


‘Are you done yet?’ Dong Woon glared. Doo Jun could only nod. He was convinced Dong Woon would walk away as soon as he did, but Dong Woon’s face came closer.

I will be the one deciding who I forgive. I will be the one deciding if I should stay away. You do not have the right. I don’t care what you thought. If you really did care about me then you would have stayed beside me, not run away and wallow in your own self-pity. You wouldn’t have left me and got drunk. You wouldn’t want to escape me and ran out to drink, choosing to forget. If you don’t care about me, then at least spare a thought for the others. They worry about you as well! How could you fail them? You think you drinking only affect yourself? No ing way. It is as hard for them to see you deteriorating! Did you even think about what you were doing?!’ Dong Woon’s fist clenched at his sides.


‘I’m so sorry, Woon. I know I’ve ed up big time. I don’t expect you guys to forgive me. I can’t forgive myself either-’


‘Get over yourself already! When are you ever gonna stop doing that? Not forgiving yourself? What do you have to forgive? I already forgave you so why the heck did you have still have to brood over that matter?! I was the one you beat up so shouldn’t I be the one deciding that? Do I really matter so little to you? I nearly begged you to forgive yourself and yet you do not heed my wishes at all. Even the rest of the guys forgave you. What more do you want? For the whole world to lie at your knees before you gave up blaming yourself? Yeah, we all know you ed up. Now get over it!’ Dong Woon marched past Doo Jun, determined to end the conversation but Doo Jun’s arms s around his body, hugging him from the back.


‘I’m sorry. You guys mean the world to me. I know I shouldn’t have let that matter control me, but whenever I think of you in the hospital room in a coma I just can’t let it go. It shook me up a lot, Woon. I thought I was going to lose you. I thought I would never see that beautiful smile of yours again. And the way you forgave me so soon really crushed me. Why didn’t you yell at me, hit me, curse me, whatever! Just be angry at me! I beat you up, Woon! how can you-’


‘This is the last time I’m going to say this. Get. Over. It! Don’t you think it’s getting tiring? Don’t you find it a waste of time? I knew blaming you wasn’t going to help! It wasn’t totally your fault anyway, so just let it go!’ Dong Woon was stiff in Doo Jun’s embrace.


‘I don’t deserve you.’

‘No you don’t! Now let go!’

‘Never again.’ Doo Jun tightened his hold, crushing the younger man to him. Dong Woon fought the hold but Doo Jun held him tight until he began to soften, suddenly slumping in the leader’s arms.


‘I love you. I should’ve told you. There really is no excuse. Please, just let me prove it to you?’ Doo Jun rested his head on the younger man’s shoulders.

‘I-’ Dong Woon didn’t knew what to do. He had wished for this day for so long, he didn’t know what to do when it finally came. He was still angry, his pulse thrumming through his veins, but he couldn’t stand against Doo Jun’s pleading.

‘Please, Woon. Let me make it up to you and the others.’

‘I hate you.’ Dong Woon said that without strength though. Doo Jun knew he won. It would be tough, but he was sure he could finally make it up to Dong Woon.

‘I love you too. I really can’t say it enough but I’m really really-’

‘Shove it.’ Came the bad tempered reply.

Doo Jun chuckled. They stayed that way, Doo Jun clinging onto Dong Woon from the back, Dong Woon trying not breakdown into a gooey mess.



‘Yah! Enough with the frigging PDA! Can we go for practice already? We’re like, more than an hour late already!’ Yo Seob came through the slightly opened door of JunSeung’s room where they waited for the storm to blow through. Dong Woon immediately pulled away. The youngest ran back to his room, and the door slammed. Doo Jun gave Yo Seob a dirty look, but Ki Kwang cut in.



‘Hyung, his anger might’ve lessened, but ours aren’t. We trusted you to resolve the matter yet this happened.’


‘I know. I’m really really sorry. I know just saying it doesn’t mean anything but I hope you guys will give me a chance. This won’t happen ever again I swear.’ Now with Dong Woon appeased, he needed his brothers to forgive him. He knew the toughest would be Hyun Seung, but he was convinced no matter how long it took, the man would ultimately forgive him. 





[a/n: hey guys! looks like i misjudged how many more chappies left.. kekeke two more chappies, and they're prolly gonna go up together... kekeke wait for it. it'll be very soon. :D meanwhile, comments? and sorry bout the title... XP] 

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)