
Consequences and Unexpected Results




They were huffing and puffing by the time they reached the dorm, Dong Woon gave the leader a whack on the arm before blowing past the panting leader and the other gaping four on the couch into his and Doo Jun’s room. A couple of bangs later, he blew past them again, and headed into the bathroom.



‘What did you guys do in the park? How come he was running? Don’t tell me you guys ran from the park back.’

‘We did. I proposed to him in the park, he accepted. I kissed him, then he chased me all the way back here. Dang, it was half a kilometer!’ Doo Jun replied in between the deep breathes.

‘YOU DID WHAT?!’ Jun Hyung roared.

‘What? You mean the run? Yeah we really did run from the park-’

‘Not that!’

‘Huh? Oh, you mean the kiss?’


‘Hey, I’m entitled now, alright!’

‘No, you’re not!’ Dong Woon yelled back from the shower. Jun Hyung gave Doo Jun a smug look.

‘Yah! I’m your boyfriend! Of course I am entitled to your kisses!’ Doo Jun yelled, ignoring the snickers from the other four.

‘Who said you were my boyfriend? I didn’t say anything!’

‘You said yes!’ Doo Jun replied smugly.

‘Aish! SHUT UP!’ Doo Jun grinned. ‘There, you see?’

‘All I saw was two grown men doing cheesy stuff.’

‘Hyung! I didn’t! It was all him!’ Dong Woon’s indignant reply was heard clearly by all.

‘Yah! Watch it, maknae!’


‘Yoon Doo Jun you had better not hurt him again.’ Hyun Seung quietly stated.

‘I promised him that, and I promise all of you too. If I ever do hurt him again, you are welcome to kick my .’ Doo Jun replied solemnly.

‘Be sure we will.’


Dong Woon came out of the shower, wet head and all. Doo Jun took a look and immediately turned his eyes away.

‘Night hyungs!’ Dong Woon once again blew past them all just like that.

‘Hey! Wait! I wanna shower too!’ Doo Jun followed him into the bedroom.

‘What has that gonna do with me?!’ Dong Woon didn’t even bother to look at Doo Jun as he marched into their room.


‘Is Woon gonna be like that from now on?’ Yo Seob spoke up.

‘Nah. He’ll be back to normal by tomorrow. He’s just a little embarrassed, that’s all.’ Jun Hyung casually replied.

‘Aww! Seeing the leader like that was really funny! Guess who’ll be the man in that relationship?’ Yo Seob continued.

‘AISH! Why do you even want to know?!’


‘Of course it’ll be me!’ Doo Jun stated when he came out on the way to the bathroom. Apparently he heard Yo Seob.

‘Yoon Doo Jun!’ Dong Woon’s quiet growl came out of their room.

‘Okay, maybe not all the time.’ Doo Jun slipped into the bathroom quietly, the other four laughing at his whipped .


‘Woonie?’ Hyun Seung entered the room, the other three close behind.

‘Hmm?’ Dong Woon was sitting on the bed, twisting his ring on his finger, examining it.

‘Did he give you that?’ Ki Kwang asked.

‘Yeah. He said it was a promise to me.’

‘How do you feel about this?’ Yo Seob asked, concern evident in his voice.

‘I think… It feels nice. It hasn’t sunk in yet, but I think when it does, I’ll feel very very happy. But I’m a little hesitant too. What if we were wrong?’

‘If you love him, then it will never be wrong.’ Hyun Seung told him, knowing the youngest’s fears.

Dong Woon smiled at them. ‘Thank you, hyungs.’

‘Ehhh…’ Ki Kwang waved it off.



‘Woon?’ Doo Jun whispered over from the other bed.

‘Hmm?’ came the soft reply.

‘Thank you.’


‘Hyung?’ it was a soft whisper.

‘Can I go over…?’

‘Sure. I was afraid you would never ask.’ Doo Jun scooted and made space, raising the blanket and holding it up for Dong Woon to slide under.

Dong Woon snuggled close to Doo Jun, relaxing against his side.

‘Thank you hyung.’

‘No, thank you for letting me have a chance with you.’

Dong Woon kept quiet, giving himself up to the quiet serenity in his heart. Doo Jun laid his head on Dong Woon’s shoulder, his hands on the younger man’s sides, gently the both of them to sleep. 


‘Hyung?’ a sleepy voice whispered.

‘Yes, Woonie?’

‘You’ll really keep your promise right?’

‘Of course.’

‘Good. G’night, hyung.’ Dong Woon burrowed closer, his head on the chest of the older man, the strong heart beats lulling him into sleep. Doo Jun looked down at the long lashes of the younger, contented to stay there and observe the way the other slept. Soon enough, the peace in his heart and the even breathing drew him into sleep as well.








{a/n: hope you guys were satisfied with the ending.. im not sure i am, but i didnt want to drag any longer.. if i ever thought of a better one, i might be editing it again, but for now... this is it! :D] 

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)