Skinny Baby

Consequences and Unexpected Results




They found the other four and by the time they joined them, the younger ones were playing in the surfs and Doo Jun was sitting in the sand and enjoying the sun. He looked up when the shadows of the two fell on him and he removed his shades, squinting up at them.


‘You’re not playing?’ Hyun Seung asked him.

‘Nah. Later. Imma take a nap here where it’s comfortable.’ Doo Jun shooked his head and put on his shades, reclining back onto the sand with his hands covering his eyes. Jun Hyung grinned at Hyun Seung and motioned. Hyun Seung waved to get the other three’s attention and they surrounded the leader quietly. Since the leader had his intuition honed a little in the time with them, he sensed something and opened his eyes.


‘Yah, yah, YAH! No! Not again!’ he knew what the others were planning, and he didn’t like it one bit.


His struggles were futile. His limbs were seized and he was carried over to where the waves are. They swung him back and forth to get their momentum and released him together on the count of three. Who knew the leader could make such a big splash? They enjoyed their work for a moment, but scattered when the leader surfaced, sputtering.


‘YAH! I’LL GET YOU ALL FOR THIS!’ Doo Jun yelled. Slicking back his wet hair, he scanned for his first target. He spotted Yo Seob, who was the closest. His main target was Jun Hyung but he guessed he would get ALL of them, one by one. Kekeke, let the games begin!


Yo Seob was facing away from him, slowly walking away. This is gonna be easy, Doo Jun thought. He casually got closer to the unsuspecting Yo Seob, sprinting the last bit and tackling him to the ground. Yo Seob gave a surprised squawk before the leader tickled him to death.


When Doo Jun was satisfied, he got up and scanned for his next victim. He helped the main vocalist up and they plotted to bring down Jun Hyung next. They spotted Jun Hyung hiding behind some rocks near the end of the beach and they decided to trap him between them two. But Jun Hyung, who was keeping a lookout, spotted them together so he ran before they even got close to him. Leader and main vocal gave chase, but they got distracted by Dong Woon. The maknae was buying some drinks at a convenience store and was paying for his purchases when the two hunters spotted him. They waited till he came out of the store before ambushing him. Dong Woon was enjoying his drink when suddenly he was flanked by two persons. He turned and was greeted by the smirking face of Doo Jun. He gave a sigh, and surrendered over his soda to Doo Jun without complain. Yo Seob raided his newly purchased supplies and helped himself to some coke. Dong Woon unwrapped a lollipop and popped it into his mouth, offering another to the other two. Both declined. The maknae was recruited to their hunting team just like that.


They sent Dong Woon in the direction of where they last saw Jun Hyung with him holding his bag of goodies. Jun Hyung, who was taking refuge among some bushes, peeked out when he heard someone approaching. He saw that it was Dong Woon and he got a bag with him. He looked closer and saw it had coke. He didn’t see anyone else so he thought Dong Woon was alone, and he went up to him. Dong Woon saw the rapper approaching him and he slowed down. When the rapper was in front of him, he simply said, ‘Sorry, Junnie hyung.’

Jun Hyung looked confused for a moment but he got pounced on before he even knew what was happening.  They had gone around him and approached him from the back while Dong Woon distracted the rapper. Doo Jun was on top of him and the others just piled on top of Doo Jun. A newly created dog pile is now found on the beach. When Doo Jun finally had enough, he made the others get off him.


‘Yah, off. Let this old man here stand up.’ Doo Jun’s voice was a little muffled since he was near the bottom, and the others scrambled to get down.

‘Yah! Who’s still on me?! I said off me!’ Doo Jun tried to turn around and grab the person but said person leaped off and ran away, leaving Doo Jun with a face full of sand since the person kicked the sand up into his face.


‘Dammit! YAH, SON DONG WOON! YOU WANNA DIE? GET BACK HERE!’ Doo Jun yelled to the still running maknae, wiping his face with his hands, and succeeded in getting more of the gritty sand onto his face. He gave up and gave chase to the slowing maknae, who had thought the danger was over. Dong Woon’s back was to the quickly approaching leader and he bent over, getting his breath back.


Doo Jun sneaked up on the maknae and grabbed from behind. He lifted the maknae off the ground and held him there, with Dong Woon shrieking all the while. Doo Jun loosened his hold and the both of them fell to the ground, laughing and shoving sand into each other’s face. Some got into the leader’s mouth and Dong Woon escaped while the leader was sputtering and spitting out the sand. Doo Jun let the maknae run. His mood had just made a downturn. He was worried. He had felt how thin Dong Woon was. He lifted Dong Woon up with more ease than before, and Doo Jun could feel the maknae’s ribs sticking out more than usual. He knew the maknae lost weight during the period before the coma, but he didn’t expect it to be that big of a loss! Doo Jun estimated Dong Woon had probably lost more than ten pounds! Knowing this threw Doo Jun back to worrying about the maknae again. He had managed to not worry for a little while, when things begin to go back to normal but this had made him remember that Dong Woon had just been discharged from the hospital just days ago.


‘Hey, watcha thinking  about? Why aren’t you chasing Dong Woon?’ Jun Hyung fell into step beside the brooding leader.

‘Have you realised that Woonie lost a bit of weight?’ Doo Jun asked the rapper.

‘Of course. But it was to be expected.’ Jun Hyung frowned a little, wondering why the leader was thinking about this now.

‘I know. But I didn’t realise he lost that much weight.’ Doo Jun sounded really concerned.

That much weight? How do you know how much he lost? He told you?’ Jun Hyung frowned.

‘Just now I lifted his with more ease than before. And I could feel his ribs sticking out more than usual…’

‘Come on, stop worrying. If he sees you worrying he will worry and fret as well. You know that. Right now we need to get him to finish recuperating and get back to full strength. We should go back and get the kids to rest. You heard what Woonie said, don’t baby him too much. He will be uncomfortable.’ Jun Hyung was the voice of reason this time, which was why Doo Jun would consult him whenever he was worried. He knew the rapper would provide him with another point of view.

‘I know. You’re right. I’ll try. Let’s go.’ Doo Jun patted Jun Hyung’s shoulder and jogged towards where the other four were playing with the surfs. Jun Hyung ran to catch up and he kicked water over all of them, and ran back towards the main building, the others hot on his heels.


[a/n: hey guys! how do u guys like this this chappie? feelings are gonna come into play in a few chappies, hehe im excited. are you? hahaha lolx >< comment please! and wow its almost 1000 views. O.O hehe THANK YOU very much! :D silent readers and commenters, im glad you read this fic. please continue to support it, yeah? <3] 

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)