Last Stage

Consequences and Unexpected Results



Soon, the last day of their promotions arrived. They were sad, but they were kind of glad too. They really needed some rest after the month of promoting, but they also didn’t want to leave the B2UTies. For their final stage, they had a special performance lined up for the fans. They had won the Triple Crown for two of the music programmes and they wanted to thank their fans and show their appreciation. They were going to sing ‘You’ and ‘Fiction’.

Dong Woon was in a good mood that day. They had won Triple Crowns, meaning they get to have some time off like the company had promised, along with the special stage they will be performing later. He liked the song ‘You’, and he can’t wait to let the fans see them perform it live. The only thing spoiling his otherwise wonderful day was, again, the headache. He was just so sick and tired. Sick of the headaches, and tired of having to deal with them. The ice pack had only worked for a few days, and soon enough, the headaches were constant again.

He still had his cheerful mood though. The headaches only come when he got tired or when he was stressed, so he thinks that when they have their time off, the headaches would finally have time to go away. He was very happy with the notion. No more headaches! Yay!


Doo Jun walked past, and saw Dong Woon’s happy smile. The maknae was in his own world, but his smile was still something the leader treasured. He hadn’t seen much of that smile off stage these past weeks. Dong Woon was always bright and happy on stage, but once off stage, he became quiet and withdrawn. He wasn’t like that at all before, only these past weeks. Only after… Only after I had to take my anger out on him when I got drunk. Doo Jun felt the crush of guilt. He had managed not to think much about his actions of that day, with all the promoting and busy schedules, but now it all came back to him. Doo Jun felt helpless, he didn’t know what was wrong with the maknae because recently he also doesn’t say much about himself nowadays. He can’t help with something he doesn’t know. The members were looking at Doo Jun, who was looking at Dong Woon in return. Doo Jun finally snapped out of his thoughts and turned around, and froze when he saw the other four members looking at him weirdly.


‘Aish, jincha… What are you guys doing? We need to prepare for the stage now, hurry hurry.’ Doo Jun bustled around, trying to hide his flaming face. He left the room in a hurry, trying to pretend that nothing happened and he had not been caught staring at the maknae for who knows how long. The other members chuckled knowingly at Doo Jun’s harried departure, which finally got the maknae’s attention.


‘Is it time for the stage?’ Dong Woon asked the four hyungs who were still looking at him.

‘Huh? Oh nope. We just came in to pass you some food manager hyung bought for us. Here.’ Hyun Seung extended the packet of kimbap towards him.

‘Ah, no thanks hyung. I’m not hungry. You guys eat it.’

‘But you didn’t eat your breakfast and lunch too! You need to eat something, Dong Woonie.’ Ki Kwang protested. Dong Woon was shocked. He didn’t think anyone would notice he threw his lunch away just now. His appetite hasn’t improved since that day he’d been caught throwing up. He forces himself to at least eat some breakfast, but normally that would be his only meal of the day. He tried to hide his lack of appetite from the members, but they sometimes catch him missing meals like Ki Kwang did just now.


‘Guys! We’re up next. Hurry up and get ready!’ Doo Jun rushed back into the dressing room and shooed them out.

Saved. Hehe. Dong Woon smiled in relief, glad he escaped. He was bringing up the rear, when he suddenly stumbled, losing his balance and almost falling flat on his face. He had a bout of dizziness suddenly, and his vision out a bit. He caught himself with his hands, and tried to stand up. He was dusting off himself when Doo Jun turned back and looked at him.

‘I fell, nothing’s wrong.’ Dong Woon said before Doo Jun can voice his questions.

‘Be more careful next time, kay?’ Doo Jun simply said.

‘Ne, hyung.’ They then walked to the backstage, where the rest of them had already gotten their mikes and where making last minute adjustments.

‘Show time.’ Doo Jun said when they finally heard their name being announced. They did a group cheer, and jogged onto the stage.

There were high chairs for them to sit in when they performed ‘You’, and when the screams of the fans died down, Dong Woon began.


‘I’m gonna make you love me

neol saranghandago’


The fans became wild again, and the members couldn’t stop their grins. They beamed at their adoring audience and gave the last stage everything they’ve got. They ended their performance with ‘Fiction’. They thanked the fans for their support and for their Triple Crown win. They did a lot of fan service, and got very hyper. Sadly, their time on stage had ended, and they left the fans. Dong Woon could barely stand upright. He was still hyper, but the jumping around on stage had caused one big mother of a headache, and it was growing by the second. He stumbled into the dressing room and collapsed on the floor. The other hyungs were still outside, being congratulated by others. He dragged himself to the bathroom and locked the door. He lied there, waiting for the pain to subside, sweat and tears dripping from his face. His headaches had never been this bad before, it was like a vise had his head in its grip, and is constantly tightening. If the previous headaches were bad, this is twice as painful as the worst he had experienced. He gasped, trying to take deep breathes, but all he can manage are shallow pants. He knew he needed to pull himself together, and not his hyungs see him in this state. He tasted something metallic and salty. He wiped at his mouth, and there was blood staining his palms. He tilted his head up towards the mirror, groaning at the fresh wave of pain. He saw blood slowly trickling from his nose, and realised he had another nosebleed. He didn’t think the nosebleeds and the headaches were connected, but now he thinks they are probably related. He had no choice now. He really needed the painkillers immediately. He opened the bathroom door and stumbled to the table, where his phone, wallet and bag are. He heard some commotion from outside.


Oh no, they’re back!


[a/n: heya! :D lol im listening to 'You' when i did a final edit of this chappie! hehehehe! :D enjoy and comment!]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)