In The Midnight, Midnight, Midnight

Consequences and Unexpected Results




‘Doo?’ the maknae spoke first, whispering.

‘Yea?’ Doo Jun whispered back.

‘Are you angry?’

Doo Jun didn’t pretend he didn’t know what the youngest was talking about.

‘I dunno. I’m confused.’ About my feelings for you.


‘I dunno if I should be glad for you, sad that you lost so much weight, or be guilty I let you lose so much weight.’ And why do I have such inappropriate feelings for you that you will never reciprocate.

Dong Woon sighed.

‘Hyung, you know this worrying isn’t gonna help right? And you know I will regain them quickly.’

‘Yeah.’ If only I can gain your love as quickly as well… Doo Jun sighed.

‘Go to sleep, hyung. Stop worrying. You’re making me worry about you instead.’

Doo Jun felt his heart jump when Dong Woon said he would worry about him too. He knew it was probably just the maknae being his sweet self, but it doesn’t stop his heart from beating a little faster. Aish, you stupid thing. There’s nothing to be happy about, just like there will never be anything between me and the man beside me except from brotherhood.


The leader to his back, leaving Dong Woon to his own thoughts. I shouldn’t have said that. Will he know of my feelings for him? . What if he guessed and he freaked out? Damn. Pabo pabo pabo! Dong Woon mentally berated himself.



On the other side of the maknae, Ki Kwang quietly listened to the hushed conversation the leader and the maknae had. He was almost falling asleep until he heard Dong Woon’s beautiful voice. He had been riveted by the silken tone of the maknae since the very first time he met him when they were still trainees. That low, rich timbre that always stays in Ki Kwang’s mind, long after the man himself is gone. He knew he had feelings for the other man. He knew it from the start, back then when they met in JYPE. Even when he debuted as AJ, even though he had Yo Seob, Doo Jun and Jun Hyung, his thoughts still strayed back to Dong Woon. Now, they were members in the same group for a couple of years, and they were all very close. But, Ki Kwang’s feelings had not changed. He was so happy when they told him Dong Woon was going to join the in BEAST.


He knows everyone else, including Dong Woon, thinks that Ki Kwang was closer to Dong Woon because they had known each other the longest. But it was not totally the case. He had been, let’s face it, infatuated with the maknae since the very first time they met. His warm hazel eyes, his sweet smile, and his caring nature captured Ki Kwang immediately. He yearned for Dong Woon to bestow him with that special smile every time they were together. That smile that causes Dong Woon’s eyes to crinkle and form the most beautiful eyesmile. The smile that causes Ki Kwang’s heart to beat a little faster. That smile that showed the genuine love and happiness the maknae had when the six of them were all together.


It was a good thing that everyone thinks that it’s just all brotherly affection but sometimes he just wanna shout out to the whole world that he have feelings for Dong Woon that he shouldn’t be having. Sometimes he just feels so lonely, even with Dong Woon by his side. Because of his busy schedules, he was often away from the group. This means lesser time for him to be with Dong Woon. And the fact that he and Dong Woon weren’t sharing the same room also made it harder for them to hang out.


He knew that the leader also has feelings for Dong Woon. At first, he too thought that it was just the leader being more caring towards the maknae, but after a while, it became obvious to Ki Kwang because both he and the leader were going through the same thing. He didn’t really mind the fact that Doo Jun had feelings for Dong Woon. He had them as well. He didn’t object or feel jealous when the two were together alone. Partly because Dong Woon doesn’t seem to have any of these feelings for either of them. He knew the leader would protect the maknae no matter what and he knew the previous incident had killed Doo Jun inside. He saw the pain of hiding all the words and emotions in Doo Jun’s eyes. He can relate to the leader. But he knew, if he wants to win Dong Woon over, he will have to step up his game. No more brotherly affection only. He will now pursue Dong Woon, even though he have no idea if Dong Woon will or will not reject him. As for Doo Jun… he also hoped that the leader would reveal his feelings for the maknae too. He didn’t feel threatened by Doo Jun. in fact, he thinks because they had to deal with their feelings for years, they can relate to each other better. Even if Dong Woon chose Doo Jun over himself, he knew he wouldn’t be down for long, because he knows the leader would be good for Dong Woon. But regardless, Ki Kwang vowed to tell Dong Woon of his feelings, rejection or not. He just couldn’t pretend he don’t feel anything for that man anymore. It was unhealthy keeping it all inside of him. I just hope he doesn’t reject me straight out, or worse, starts hating me for being biual. Ki Kwang wasn’t fully homoual, he liked both guys and girls, but for now, Dong Woon was the one currently holding his heart.


Soon, silence and peace descended onto the BEAST members, and thoughts were no more.



[a/n: hi guys! how do you like this chappie? share with me okie? hehehehe. oh yeah, i have a poll for you guys to do. hehehe i cant make up my mind again, so pls help me out kays! comment too, yeah? :D] 



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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)