Mode Of Action?

Consequences and Unexpected Results





‘Come on, Doo. We saw how you and Dong Woonie are like these days. We wanna know why.’ Yo Seob gently asked the leader.

‘I don’t even know myself.’ Doo Jun sounded so tired, so sad, they just wanted to hug him.

‘Hyung, I think I know why, or I can make a little guess. Hyung, tell us truthfully. You like Dong Woon right?’ Ki Kwang went straight to the point.


Doo Jun’s head shot up and he stared at Ki Kwang with shock.


‘And don’t bother denying. I can see how you look at him. It’s nothing wrong hyung. We won’t judge you just because you like another guy. You will still be our hyung, and we will support you no matter what. But what we don’t understand is, since you like him, why don’t you confess to him? I know you’ve liked him for a long while now, yet you never breathed a word to anybody.’ Ki Kwang looked at Doo Jun, waiting for the leader’s reply.


‘Wha-? How? I-?’ Doo Jun stuttered. How the heck did they know about him and his feelings for Dong Woon?!


‘Doo Junnie, don’t worry. We’re not mad or anything. We really meant what we said. We just want you and the maknae to be back to what you were before this. It’s hurting us all as well seeing you and him so distant from each other, especially when you and him were so close.’ Yo Seob continued.

'I… I really don’t know. I don’t know what happened that made us like that.’ Doo Jun murmured.

Jun Hyung heaved a sigh, and sat down beside Doo Jun. ‘Have you said anything or done anything that might have made him angry at you?’ Jun Hyung asked.

‘No. I haven’t done anything.’ Doo Jun whispered. But maybe I should’ve though.

‘Or anything that you should have that you didn’t?’ Hyun Seung pointed out.

He felt the punch into the heart when Hyun Seung spoke those words he dreaded. He knew, he knew, that he should’ve said something. But he just…


‘Hyung, I know you love Dong Woon. There’s no denying. And I, for a fact, knows that he loves you back. Now wait, let me finish. I know he loves you, because he never looks at me the same way he looks at you. He never touches me the way he touches you. He never had that twinkle in his eyes when he was with me that he has when he was with you. I know he loves you, because he didn’t have the heart to love me the way he did you, because he has you in his heart.’ Doo Jun simply stared at Ki Kwang, not knowing what to say, disbelief shining through his eyes.

‘You and Dong Woon?’ Doo Jun managed to choke out.

‘Yes. I confessed to him when we were at the vacation at the beach. He never did reject me, but he didn’t exactly return my feelings either. I know he only loves me as a brother, which was why I gave him up. Because I know he is truly happy with you and you are the one who makes him really happy.’


‘How can I be sure that he loves you back? Easy. The way he looks at you is enough for us to see that.’

‘I- I don’t know what to say. I-’

‘Hyung. You love him right?’ Yo Seob asked pointedly.

‘I- Yes.’ Doo Jun finally admitted.

‘And we know Woonie loves you too. So…’

‘So what?’

‘So… confess to him!’ Yo Seob looked at him as if he was a pabo.

‘How can I?’

‘Why not? I mean, you love him, he loves you. That’s it. Now what’s so complicated about it?’

‘Because I don’t wanna hurt him! I’ve hurt him enough! Don’t you think I should be staying away from him? I shouldn’t even be let near him, much more confess!’ Doo Jun yelled, raking his hands through his still wet hair from his shower.

‘Now that’s just bull. You are just afraid, you coward.’ Jun Hyung’s words stabbed him in the heart. Those words struck home.

‘Yes I am a coward! So what?!’ Doo Jun whirled and glared at Jun Hyung.

‘Have you ever considered how we might feel, looking at the both of you behaving like strangers? What happened to the six of us who was so tight, that nothing could separate us? What happened to the promise of us all being together, without lies, hate or distrust? What happened to the beautiful relationship of the maknae and the leader? You’re not the only one hurt by this, you know! It hurts us just as bad seeing the two of you like that.’ Jun Hyung yelled, barely holding in the urge to knock some sense into the leader, Hyun Seung laying a calming hand on his shoulders.

‘I- I’m sorry. I know I’ve failed you.’ Deflated, Doo Jun turned away from them, trying to keep in his tears.

‘Doo, I know you are scared. It’s alright to be scared. But think about it, if you never tell him, how is he going to know that you have feelings for him? Feelings that he reciprocates? Don’t you think he might just be waiting for you to tell him, to confess?’ Jun Hyung continued, calmer now.

‘But what if he doesn’t? What if it ruins our relationship?’

‘It can’t get any worse than this right?’



Doo Jun knew what the others said was right, but did he have the courage to stand up and confess? Could he continue to stand by the side and watch his and Dong Woon’s relationship sour beyond repair? Both thoughts made his stomach clench, made his heart beat faster with panic.

Soon, the sound of running water shut off as Dong Woon finally ended his shower. Hyun Seung turned towards the bathroom and back around again.

‘Hyung, we really don’t want to give you any pressure, but if this drags on any longer, we might have to do something about it. You know this have to be resolved, right?’ Hyun Seung gave the leader a sympathetic look.

‘Yeah, I know. I’ll… I’ll try.’ Doo Jun knew he needed to do something. He just hoped whatever he did wouldn’t destroy whatever he has with Dong Woon forever.


Dong Woon came out of the shower, and went over to where the others were sitting watching the television.

‘Night, hyungs. Imma go to bed now. I’ll go to the studio earlier tomorrow so you guys go without me, kays?’


It’s been a while since the maknae had woken up earlier than the rest of them, and they knew he was going for extra practices again. They just looked on worriedly as the maknae walked back to his room, hoping he wouldn’t overtax himself again.



[a/n: jajang! here it is! i know it prolly ... T.T im sleepy.. hope you guys had an enjoyable christmas! kekeke comments please? :D]


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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)