
Consequences and Unexpected Results

[a/n: hi again! anyone interested in this story? :D keke i sure hope you all do! :D comment and suscribe if u want. thank you silent readers! :D]


Hyun Seung knocked on the slightly opened door. ‘Woonie?’

Dong Woon stirred when he heard Hyun Seung’s voice calling.

‘Woonie? You alright in there?’ Hyun Seung got a little worried when Dong Woon the normally light sleeper didn’t answer.

Dong Woon finally opened his eyes.

‘I’m fine. Ahh-‘ Dong Woon tried to muffle his cry of pain when he shifted but Hyun Seung heard it and came barging into the room.

‘My God! What happened to you?’ Hyun Seung was horrified by what he saw.

‘N-nothing. I fell, that’s all.’ Dong Woon was trying to hide his body.

‘Liar! Look at all those bruises! Who caused this?!’ Hyun Seung was so angry at the mistreatment of the maknae.

‘No one. I fell, really.’

Doo Jun stirred, and Hyun Seung eyes narrowed. He stalked to the sleeping leader and slapped him on the face. The leader remained out cold. ‘Yah! Yoon Doo Jun! Wake up now!’

‘Seungie hyung, he didn’t do anything-‘

‘Don’t protect him!’ Hyun Seung was furious. ‘Tell me truthfully. Was Doo Jun the one who hit you?’

Dong Woon didn’t answer, but looked down at the floor. Hyun Seung sighed. Then he realised something.

‘Woon? Why are you ? Did-did Doo Jun attack you that way?’ Hyun Seung was holding his breathe, praying that that was not the case.

‘N-n-no!’ Dong Woon stuttered. Hyun Seung looked at him suspiciously.

‘Dammit! What was he thinking?! Oh wait, he’s too drunk to do any thinking!’ Hyun Seung wanted to drag Doo Jun up by his collar and demand an explanation for his unforgivable behaviour but he had to take care of Dong Woon’s cuts and bruises first.

‘Can you walk? Come on, I’ll help you to the bathroom to wash up.’ Hyun Seung braced Dong Woon and slowly lifted the injured maknae up. The maknae tried to stifle a pained groan but Hyun Seung caught it anyway. ‘I’m really gonna kill that sorry excuse of a man.’ He hissed.

‘Hyung, don’t. It’s not his-‘

‘Dammit Woonie! IT IS HIS FAULT AND YOU WILL NOT THINK OTHERWISE! He hurt you, yet you still... Aish, come on, just a little more.’ Hyun Seung the eomma is scary, Dong Woon thought.


They finally reached the bathroom. Hyun Seung wanted to help the maknae to finish washing up when he saw Dong Woon’s pained movements but Dong Woon insisted that he was fine and Hyun Seung had no choice but to leave the maknae to finish washing up himself. Hyun Seung was pacing outside at the living room when he heard someone walk out from one of the members’ room. Turning around, he saw that it was Jun Hyung. He gave the bleary eyed Jun Hyung a hug, leaving Jun Hyung confused with his random behaviour but he was too hung-over to think much so he went to the kitchen to get some coke. Hyun Seung went back to the youngest’s room to get some clothes for Dong Woon when Doo Jun slowly sat up and looked around the room with a confused expression. He opened his mouth to say something when Jun Hyung yelled.

‘Yah-ahh Seung! Come quick! Dong Woon’s on the floor of the living room!’ Doo Jun watched Hyun Seung’s face turn pale and he got up to follow Hyun Seung who rushed out of the room.

‘Dong Woon-ah, why didn’t you wait for me? Dong Woon? Get up.’ When Dong Woon didn’t stir Hyun Seung became frantic. Doo Jun and Jun Hyung just looked at him trying to rouse Dong Woon until Jun Hyung finally decided that he really should call for the doctor. Hyun Seung forgot about his anger towards Doo Jun in that moment and the both of them carried the unconscious maknae to his room and lowered him onto the bed gently. Dong Woon did not even make a sound, which is what got Hyun Seung so worried.

‘The doctor will be coming very soon, and he says try not to move him excessively in case he had suffered from concussion or any broken bones.’ The breathed a small sigh when they know that help is on the way.


Shortly after, the doctor arrived and examined Dong Woon. Afterwards he came out and said that Dong Woon is probably suffering from concussion and shock.

‘His body temperature is dropping very quickly and we need to get him to a hospital as soon as possible. There is some head injury and I will need to do a brain scan to determine the magnitude of his concussion so that we can be prepared for his treatment. I have called for an ambulance, which will arrive shortly. I will meet it downstairs. Please dress him as warm as possible and bring him down quickly.’ The doctor left and the three members went to do as the doctor instructed.


They carefully bundled Dong Woon into a thick shirt and a jacket. Jun Hyung piggy backed the maknae down the building and the EMTs from the ambulance took Dong Woon from him and laid him on the stretcher. The doctor told the three of them to meet him at the hospital and sped off in the ambulance. The three of them took the car and followed the ambulance to the hospital. Jun Hyung was driving and Hyun Seung was in the passenger seat. Doo Jun is in the back seat, still looking bewildered. There was a tense silence during the drive and Doo Jun felt that he was missing something but he just can’t think properly when his head is hurting from the hangover. Hyun Seung fumed silently in the car. He knew that asking Doo Jun about the incident is going to be futile. The leader only occasionally remembers what he did during his episodes.


Hyun Seung rushed out of the car before Jun Hyung even parked. Doo Jun followed close behind. Doo Jun has always cared a little bit more for the maknae even though he doesn’t know the reason, and it hurts him to see the maknae’s condition. He still felt like he’s missing something but he gave up on trying to figure it out because of his headache.


They were sitting outside the waiting room when Yo Seob called Jun Hyung.

‘Yah hyung! Where the heck are all of you? I wake up and only Ki Kwang is in the dorm with me and he hasn’t even woke up yet!’ Yo Seob whined.

‘Come to the hospital quickly. Dong Woon has been admitted and we are waiting for test results.’


‘Don’t ask. You’ll know later. Get Ki Kwang to come also. Bye.’ Jun Hyung cut the call when he saw the doctor walk towards them holding on to Dong Woon’s test results.

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)