
Consequences and Unexpected Results



‘Dong Woon-ah, wake up. Time for dinner.’ Ki Kwang tried to coax the sleeping Dong Woon to wake up.

‘I don’t wanna,’ Dong Woon tried to bury his face in his pillow.

‘Really? So that means I can eat all your food?’ Ki Kwang knew Dong Woon will definitely wake up if his food was threatened.

‘Meanie!’ Dong Woon gave his cute hyung a glare. The said hyung just chuckled.

‘Come on, I’ll help you up.’

‘Who said I needed help?’ Dong Woon stuck out his tongue at Ki Kwang.

‘Come on, hurry! Or the food will be eaten by the monster hyungs if we don’t get there on time.’ Ki Kwang urged.

Ki Kwang supported the maknae when his legs almost buckled when he stood up.

‘Sorry, hyung.’ Dong Woon looked ashamed.

‘For what?’ Ki Kwang looked at his maknae.

‘Um, nothing. Let’s just go.’ Dong Woon looked away.


They slowly made their way to the living room. Before he even saw the others he yelled, ‘Don’t touch my food!’ Everyone looked at him for a while then chuckled.

Jun Hyung came to Dong Woon’s unsupported side and took Dong Woon from Ki Kwang.

‘Hi maknae.’ Jun Hyung gave one of his rare full smiles.

‘Hi hyung. When did you guys come back? I was waiting for you then I guess I must have fell asleep.’ Dong Woon looked at the rapper.

If the rapper saw something in Dong Woon’s eyes, he never mentioned anything.

‘We came back to find the dorm tidier than how we left it and we thought someone came in here without our knowing. Then we found you in your room and we let you sleep while we prepare dinner.’ Jun Hyung explained.

‘Oh.’ he didn’t say anything more because a streak of pain just shot through his head and he groaned.

‘Sorry, maknae.’ Jun Hyung caught the groan and thought the cause of it was because he had touched the maknae’s many bruises.

‘I’m fine.’ Dong Woon was just glad they didn’t realise it wasn’t only the bruises that were causing him pain.

They finally arrived at the dining table, and Dong Woon said, ‘Sorry I didn’t help out.’

‘For what? We didn’t wake you because we wanted you to rest, maknae. Don’t worry about it.’ Hyun Seung gave a smile.

‘Thanks hyungs.’ Dong Woon smiled at all of his hyungs.

‘Come on, eat first. We’ll talk later.’ Doo Jun said.

‘Jal meokesseubnida!’ everyone chorused before digging into their dinner. The dorm was once again filled with the sound of all the members eating and their squabbles.


‘Wow, we did good today didn’t we?’ Doo Jun said.

‘Yeah! We totally did! But I’m too full…’ Ki Kwang said.

‘Yah! Then how are you going to practice later?! It’s in one hour!’ Hyun Seung nagged.

‘I know, I know. Sorry.’

‘There is practice later?’ Dong Woon looked at the members presently lounging around the living room.

‘Er, yeah. It starts at 8.’ Ki Kwang told him, not looking him in the eyes.

‘Oh. Who is gonna do the dishes?’ Dong Woon suddenly asked.

Several groans came from the prone forms of the rest of the members. Dong Woon sighed.

‘Then I guess it’s me then.’ Dong Woon grabbed the sofa he was lying against for support when a hand grabbed his wrist.

‘You, sit down. The rest of you, get up from your butts and start clearing up. We’ll leave after we finish the dishes.’ Doo Jun ordered, in his leader voice.

‘I’ll help out t-‘

‘No. you will sit here and wait for us to finish clearing up. Do not move.’ Doo Jun gave the maknae his gimlet stare.

‘But what if I need the toilet?’ the maknae whined.

‘Then get one of us to help you.’ The leader wasn’t budging an inch.

‘I can walk myself, Doo.’

‘Just humour me, please? Let me make it up to you, since I… I’m-’ Doo Jun hung his head, not able to look into the maknae’s eyes.

‘Huh? For what? You didn’t do anything, Doo Junnie.’ Dong Woon is confused. He realised the rest of the members were now watching them.


‘Er, hyung, what did he mean?’ Dong Woon looked to Hyun Seung.

‘It’s up for him to tell you, or you will know when you remember what happened.’ Hyun Seung looked a little angry.

‘Sorry Seungie hyung.’ Dong Woon apologized.

‘For what?’ Now Hyun Seung just looked confused. Sometimes they just can’t follow the maknae’s thoughts.

‘You’re angry.’ Dong Woon didn’t meet Hyun Seung’s eyes.

‘Aish, you pabo Woon. I’m not angry at you. Really. Don’t worry about it okay?’ he smiled at Dong Woon but it did not reach his eyes.

Doo Jun didn’t say anything throughout. He knew Hyun Seung was still angry at him, but he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t dare to tell the maknae that he was the one who caused his injuries, even though he knew he should. He was afraid of the condemnation he would see in the maknae’s eyes that was directed at him. He knew he was selfish, but he didn’t want that to ever happen. Instead, he ducked his head and went to the kitchen to do the dishes, leaving Dong Woon alone and confused in the living room.


During the washing up, they asked Dong Woon why he was home so early.

‘Oh, the doctor had me go through another round of testing and he said since there is nothing wrong, I can come home. He also said that being home might help me get back my memories. And I wanted to scare you when I came home but then you were all at practice so I…’ Dong Woon continued, oblivious to the dark face of Hyun Seung, and the apprehension on the rest of the members’ faces when he mentioned his memories. Doo Jun’s face was so pale, it looked like all the blood had left his face. Uneasy tension filled the room. Dong Woon caught it, and stopped.

‘What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?’ he looked around, worriedly.

‘No, it’s nothing. I’ll go take my things.’ Hyun Seung stood up and left for his room. The rest of the members finished quickly and went back to their respective rooms, once again leaving Dong Woon alone and bewildered.

What is wrong with the hyungs? It’s been like this since dinner. And why does Doo Junnie’s face look so pale? Is he sick? And why is Hyun Seungie angry? Argh! I need somebody to tell me what is going on! Dong Woon fumed to himself.


Soon, they were all ready to go. Hyun Seung went to help Dong Woon up from the floor, knowing full well that there will be no arguments from the other members. They knew the maknae will be going to practice with them, even though he will only be looking at them, because Dong Woon will never miss practice if he could help it. Once dong Woon was on his feet, they left the dorm.




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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as main..it so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)