You Mean, He Did It?!

Consequences and Unexpected Results



In Doo Jun’s room


Doo Jun woke up a little before Jun Hyung received the call. During the few short hours he slept, he dreamt. He dreamt about him beating someone, but he can’t see the face of the person. He racked his brains for a while, trying to remember his dream, when he brushed his knuckles against his chin. He look at his hand in shock. They had felt bruised. He looked at them with wide eyes, then confusion, and finally horror.


‘Could it be? No! I didn’t! Did I? ! My God, Yoon Doo Jun! You deserve to die! Woonie… So sorry…’ Doo Jun started sobbing. This explains the weird dream, and why his knuckles hurt. He can’t believe he was actually the one who has hurt Woonie so badly. The images of him punching someone in the dream, Woonie, kept playing in his head.

Jun Hyung walked into the room and saw the normally stoic leader crying. He was really shocked. It didn’t occur to him that their tough leader would cry. He was a little angry with the leader since he found out that Doo Jun was the one who had injured the maknae. The leader that always acted strong. But now looking at the sobbing man in front of him…

‘Doo? Doo Junnie?’ Jun Hyung tried to approach the sobbing Doo Jun.


‘I’m sorry. So sorry. I didn’t mean to! Sorry…’ Doo Jun was sobbing incoherently. Jun Hyung wasn’t even sure the leader heard him or not but he sat down beside the leader anyway, and placed a comforting hand on Doo Jun’s shoulder.

‘Doo, we got to get ready to leave now. Dong Woon he-’

‘What?! Dong Woon what? Had something happened to him?’ Doo Jun turned around and grabbed his hands. He looked so panicked Jun Hyung was surprised he hadn’t hyperventilated yet.

‘He’s fine, Doo. He’s ok. He just woke up, so we need to go to the hospital to see him.’

‘Oh, thank goodness. I will never forgive myself if, if he-’ Doo Jun broke down again.

‘Doo Jun-ah, it’s ok. I’m sure Dong Woon knows you weren’t thinking straight when it happened. We know you didn’t mean to, but it did happen so just stop thinking about it alright? All we can do now is to help Woonie get better soon, ok?’ Jun Hyung, as direct as ever, tried to comfort the leader, albeit a little awkwardly. Why am I doing this kind of things today? He thought, a little amused with the role reversal, but still trying his best. It was so weird seeing the leader cry.


Hyun Seung chose that moment to enter the room. He was shocked at the scene in front of him. He never would’ve imagined the grumpy Jun Hyung comforting the tough leader, but he was also comforted by the rapper earlier. It was just a little bit funny. He figured that Doo Jun finally remembered what he did, which is a surprise since he rarely do remember what he did.

‘Doo Jun. Stop it. What’s done is done now. We can’t change the past, but we can do better in the future. So stop the pity party now and get ready to leave. We’re going to the hospital.’


Jun Hyung looked shock at the decidedly ungentle way Hyun Seung talked to the leader. He expected him to comfort the leader, but he realised that this is the only way Doo Jun can understand right now. Doo Jun finally nodded and stood up and walked to the bathroom to wash up.


‘That was clever, Seungie.’ Jun Hyung commented.

‘Hmm? Let’s go wait for him outside. Oh, we should pack some clothes for Dong Woon since he’s staying at the hospital. I’ll pack, you go wait for Doo Jun.’

‘Alright.’ Jun Hyung said and left Hyun Seung digging for clothes to bring to the hospital.

Doo Jun walked out of the bathroom the same time Jun Hyung walked out so they waited in the living room. Hyun Seung came out with a bag of Dong Woon’s clothes, and walked to the front door. The other two men followed him silently.


On the way to the hospital, Jun Hyung was silently thinking about Hyun Seung, who was driving this time. He had rarely seen Hyun Seung angry, and he only gets riled when the members get hurt. The last time he remembered the 4D prince Jang this angry was the year before. Jun Hyung had hurt his back during practice and was having a hard time. But Yo Seob had forgotten about his back and had jumped onto him for a piggy back ride. His back didn’t worsen, thank goodness, but Hyun Seung had been so angry at Yo Seob’s carelessness. Yo Seob was ashamed and upset even before the chewing out he got from Hyun Seung. Luckily, the maknae had intervened before things get seriously bad, so they were alright after a few days. Come to think of it, even though the maknae is the youngest, he always stepped in whenever there were fights among the members. That didn’t exactly happen often, but sometimes one thing leads to another. The maknae was very brave, he didn’t even hesitate to come between Doo Jun and himself when he himself got punched in the face during one of Doo Jun’s drunken episodes and Jun Hyung retaliated, causing a full blown fight. Thankfully the maknae and the other members restraining the both of them didn’t get hit.


‘Jun? Junnie-ah?’

‘Yeah,’ Jun Hyung snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at an amused Hyun Seung. Even Doo Jun looked like he wanted to smile. ! What is happening to him?! Why is he acting more and more like Hyun Seung? I’m not getting soft, am I? Jun hyung thought.

This time Hyun Seung can’t contain his laughter. ‘You look so horrified! There’s nothing wrong in being in your own world sometimes. Looks like you’re getting soft!’ Hyun Seung can’t resist teasing Jun Hyung and was giggling like a schoolgirl.

‘Yah! I’m not! I’m just tired!’ Jun Hyung face got a little red.

‘Whatever you say, Junnie.’ Hyun Seung tried to placate him.

‘I’m not getting soft! Really!’ Jun Hyung was indignant at the thought!

‘If you say so. Come on, we had better go in before the two pabos die of curiosity.’ Everyone sobered a little at that and got out of the car.



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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)