
Consequences and Unexpected Results

[a/n: hi! im back. sorry if u guys waited long! hehe im very tired now, but i will post this chappie! :D enjoy and comment okay?! ^ ^]


[a/a/n:  the details may not be correct. Just bear with my version okay?]


Over the next week, Dong Woon slowly recovered, achieving his peak condition like before his incident. The president had stated that their comeback would be five days from now, now being the day when they released their teaser of their Music Video. They will release the full MV in two days, and they were anxious to get back on stage. They were going to the hair salon today, and they will spend the whole day getting their comeback hair ready. They had decided on the few hairstyles the stylist chose and picked the one they favoured the most. They liked the hairstyles and can’t wait when the stylists finally finish their hair.


Dong Woon had not used the contents of the bottle yet, and was hoping he didn’t ever have to touch the pills. The hyungs didn’t suspect anything, even though the headaches often strike when they were in the midst of practice, he managed to hide the pain. He had resigned himself to suffering these headaches. He thought it was the side effects of his concussion, and didn’t bother much about it. He didn’t want anything to jeopardize their comeback. He was excited. Their new song was promising, and he felt that it could do well on the music charts. The song was called ‘Fiction’, and it was a dark and sad song, powerful even though the beat is not very fast paced. They had participated in the writing of the song, they got to change some of their lyrics if they thought it would work, and the rap was composed by Jun Hyung entirely. Dong Woon had a few high notes he had to hold, and he was practicing, getting his vocal chords to strengthen even more to ensure he wouldn’t make a mistake during their live performances. They had now cut down on the hours of dance practice to three to four hours a day, so they won’t overtax themselves before the comeback even began. After they got their hair done, which took most of the day, they went for a light dinner before their practice. They had some vocal tutoring and they would go through their routine a few times before heading home. Dong Woon was in top form, even though he was tired. They all were, but they promised to make the comeback an awesome one for their fans, and they put in all their efforts into getting ready to show their fans the improvements they made.


The day before their comeback


One more day! The members were hyped! The response for their music video was good. Better than they expected. It had hit a million in just two days! They were very grateful and they expressed their thanks for their fans through Twitter, and other SNS websites. They were too hyper to sleep early and it was already midnight. It was officially the day they make their comeback for ‘Fiction’! However, leader Doo Jun shooed them all to their beds by 1 a.m. because they had to get ready to leave by 7 in the morning to do their hair and their makeup and go for rehearsals. They then had to go for a pre-performance interview. They were happy to be finally back in the limelight again, and when they saw the huge gathering of their fans in the audiences, they identified the B2UTies by the multitude of colourful and flashing placards, they were touched once again. It never ceases to amaze them that they had gotten such amazing fans loving them. Every time they see the B2UTies, they thanked their lucky stars. Dong Woon was glad he didn’t cause much delay. The comeback was only delayed for a week, and that gave the other members extra time for preparation. Their manager came and told them that the interview was starting soon, and after the interview they will hold their comeback stage. The members can’t wait! They headed for the interview with a light heart.


‘SO BEAST! ANNYEONGHASAEYO, BEAST IPNIDA!’ the members announced themselves to the crowd. Doo Jun took over the introduction of their new song, and the interview went on smoothly. The other members also contributed to answering the interviewer’s questions. They explained the concept of their new song, but declined showing any hint of their performance, despite the interviewer’s coaxing.

‘We want to show you a satisfying stage later, so we will not spoil the fun now.’ Ki Kwang gave a cheeky grin to the camera.


Soon, the interview was over, and the members had a short break before their turn on stage. They were on the backstage, waiting for the current song to be over. They were next, and all the members were itching to get on the stage and show what they’ve got. Dong Woon hanged around near the back, he had a slight throbbing in his head that was getting worse. He knew the stress would cause a headache eventually, but he had hoped that it would be after the performance. He had no choice now. He had not touched the bottle of pills as of yet, but in order to give their fans a flawless stage, he finally decided to use the pills. The current song still had two more minutes to go, so he ran to the bathroom at the corner of the backstage. He had opened the bottle to remove two pills that he carried around in a small ziplock carrier, but he had not eaten them yet. He took one pill out, and swallowed it hurriedly, taking a swig from a random bottle of mineral water left on a table. It only took a minute for him to be gone and back at the stage’s aisle. The other members noticed his leaving but didn’t say anything when he came back. The pill was fast acting, so it wasn’t long before Dong Woon felt the throbbing in his head lessened. They did a greeting before their stage started, and the fans greeted them loudly. They were all grinning from ear to ear, glad to see their fans’ support. By the time they got into formation on the stage, the headache had passed, and all Dong Woon call feel is a slight numbness. He breathed a sigh of relief, causing Doo Jun, who was the nearest to him, glance at the maknae from the corner of his eyes. When the music started, the fans started screaming in earnest, and they chanted the members name along with the music.


‘Ajik nan neol itji mothago
 Modeun geol da mitji mothago
 Ireohke neol bonaeji mothago oneuldo’

Doo Jun sang the opening lines for their new song, and the screams went wild. They all kept a straight face during the dance even though they wanted to smile for their fans, but the song was solemn, and they wanted to express the song perfectly, so they controlled their facial expression. Once the song ends though, they gave huge grins to their fans and gathered near the front for a bow.

‘SO BEAST! ANNYEONGHASAEYO BEAST IPNIDA! Please continue to support us and Fiction! B2uty jjang!’ all of them waved to the fans, before proceeding to the backstage, while the fans continued the loud screaming.


‘Wow! Awesome stage!’ Yo Seob commented, once they reached the backstage. They now had to wait for a few more song performances before they will announce the winners. They knew the chances of them winning on their comeback stage were slim, but they couldn’t help hoping they would get first. They were antsy and kept pacing around, with the occasional distraction coming from other artistes who came to their room to congratulate them on coming back. Dong Woon was the only one calm enough to sit in his chair and wait. He was tired, and feeling a little drowsy from the side effects of the pills, and he nearly dozed off, when they finally asked all the performers to get on the stage while they announce the winners. They lined up and they announced the finalists. BEAST were surprised as they were announced as the finalists along with other artistes. They hadn’t expected much and were pleasantly surprised.


‘And now, let’s announce the winner of today’s show! Let’s take a look at the votes!’ the MC directed their attention to the screen that will show the number of votes the finalists received and who will be crowned the winner.

‘And there we have it! The total votes are out! And for today’s show, the winner is… Super Junior! Congratulations!’ the MC awarded the trophy to leader Lee Teuk, and congratulated the boys again. The BEAST members were disappointed initially, but the members recovered quickly, and they congratulated the SuJu sunbaenims enthusiastically. The winners’ music started playing and the encore stage began. Even though they didn’t win, they had enjoyed the stage immensely and they felt hopeful for the next stage.


They couldn’t stay for long though, they had another interview and had to rush off to their next destination. They got into the company van and sped off.


[a/a/a/n: looked at the poll and was rly surprised. i always thought kiwoon has more shippers than doowoon, not that that had affected me, but yeah.. hehe im kinda leaning towards doowoon in this story too, though i can never decide in real life which two do i ship more... kekekekeke]

[a/a/a/a/n: T.T hope beauties hold up during this period of time  and pls do not join in any fanwars... its pointless.]

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Honestly this is my first beast fic that have dongwoon as so hard to find him as main..and this fic is too beautiful and well written... I love everything about this fic
Chinakiakat #2
Chapter 55: This has left me fuzzy warm happy - I love it!
Chinakiakat #3
Chapter 46: I really love this story and am so glad I stumbled upon it last night, even if it has meant that I didn't sleep last night lol
Thank you :D
Chapter 55: *clapclap* brilliant ending authornim!!!!!! flustered woon is just too adorbs
Chapter 55: It was sooo good! I loved the ending. Haha especially where DooJun got whipped for five minutes! It was awesome =)
MsLonlified #6
Chapter 55: the ending is awesome <3 thank you for the awesome story author-nim! ^__^
Zayneer #7
Chapter 55: Thanks eonnie for the great story!! :):) *big hugs*
Chapter 55: awwww I almost cried >3<
this was wonderful!!
and a good choice how to end it! x33
unfortunatly it's over now >.<
but thank you very much for this story!!:)